
  • 网络alliances;Business Alliance
  1. 私人浪漫的事务或者商业联盟现在可以成为公众:关注安静的评论和社会。

    Private romantic affairs or business alliances may now become public : pay close attention to quiet comments and social innuendo .

  2. 作为副总裁,吉斯基负责公司战略、新业务开发、采购和供应链、产品规划、安吉星(OnStar)和商业联盟。

    As vice chairman , Girsky oversees corporate strategy , new business development , purchasing and supply chain , product planning , OnStar , and business alliances .

  3. 就连东京证交所(tokyostockexchange)也在讨论与纽约证交所结成商业联盟。

    Even the Tokyo Stock Exchange is holding talks on a business alliance with the NYSE .

  4. 根据英国非营利性组织“全球城市商业联盟”(GlobalCitiesBusinessAlliance)对全球15个城市的调查,北京房租负担排名全球首位,其平均房租是平均工资的1.2倍以上。

    Beijing has the world 's least affordable rental housing , according to a survey of 15 global cities , with average prices more than 1.2 times average salaries .

  5. 日本最大汽车制造商丰田表示,将探索与规模较小的竞争对手铃木(Suzuki)结成商业联盟,共同开发下一代技术。

    Toyota , Japan 's biggest carmaker , said it will explore a business tie-up with smaller rival Suzuki to develop next-generation technologies .

  6. 而这个包装盒,就站在这场儿童与青年事务部部长JamesReilly博士同烟草及周边行业广大商业联盟之间战争的中心点。

    It 's that packaging which is the centre of a battle between the country 's minister for Children and Youth Affairs , Dr James Reilly and a wide business alliance rallying around the tobacco industry .

  7. 您现在是否已经有商业联盟项目?

    Do you currently run an affiliate program ?

  8. 根据全球城市商业联盟最近的调查报告显示:北京房租负担(房租占工资比重)排名全球首位。

    Beijing is the least affordable place to rent in the world , according to a new report from the Global Cities Business Alliance .

  9. 竞争战略上选择战略联盟,与商业联盟,形成以商养宅,以宅养商的战略格局。

    Competitive strategy choices strategic alliance , and business alliance , the formation of a business , raise business to house home of strategic pattern .

  10. 任何组织都会碰到某些类型的集成问题;或许是因为一次公司的合并、一个新的商业联盟或者仅仅是需要互连现有的系统。

    All organizations face integration problems of some sort ; perhaps because of a corporate merger , a new business alliance , or just the need to interconnect existing systems .

  11. 形成了新的篇章您的生活中可用于新的商业联盟,如果是的话,这个人将非常有助于你在未来。

    The new chapter forming in your life may be used for a new business alliance , and if so , this person will be quite helpful to you in the future .

  12. 全球城市商业联盟是伦敦的一个非营利组织,通过观察2015年平均每月房租花费和居民平均工资,该联盟比较了全球主要商业城市的住房危机程度。

    The London-based not-for-profit organisation compared major business cities around the world to assess the scale of the housing crisis in each , looking at the average monthly rental cost and the average annual share of net earnings from 2015 .

  13. 安东尼是球队中薪水最高的球员,他拥有独一无二的特权,但是在这个商业联盟中,他也只不过是机器中的一个闪闪发光、高速旋转齿轮罢了。

    Anthony is the highest paid player on the team and the guy how gets to call his own number whenever he wants , but in the grand scheme he is still just a high-usage , high-scoring cog in the machine .

  14. 根据报告显示,房租最低的是墨西哥,为268英镑。其次是巴西圣保罗,平均月租金为335英镑。但是,全球城市商业联盟报告还发现,即便最便宜的城市,租金仍在快速上涨。

    The least expensive monthly average rent can be found in Mexico City , with an average monthly rent of 268 pounds , followed by Sao Paulo , where rent costs 335 pounds . However , the GCBA 's report found that even in the cheapest cities , rent is increasing rapidly .

  15. 她是公共和商业服务联盟的退休成员,在气候团结组织的支持下,她成立了1100个行动小组中的一个小组,它是一个针对工会成员的为期两年的环境保护运动。

    A retired member of the Public and Commercial Services Union , she is setting up one of 1 100 action groups with the support of Climate Solidarity , a two-year environmental campaign aimed at trade unionists .

  16. 据商业软件联盟(BusinessSoftwareAlliance)称,按价格估算,2011年有77%的软件遭到盗版,而据估计,非法软件市场的市值高达90亿美元。

    According to the business software alliance , 77 % of software by value was pirated in 2011 , based on an estimated illegal software market worth $ 9 billion .

  17. 微软引用了一份商业软件联盟(BusinessSoftwareAlliance)的研究称,如果在四年时间里将盗版现象减少10%,将产生近380亿美元的经济产值,并创造25000个科技行业的新增工作岗位。

    It points to a study by the business software alliance showing that reducing piracy by 10 % over four years would generate nearly $ 38 billion in new economic activity and create 25,000 new tech-industry jobs .

  18. 经济学人智库(economistintelligenceunit)为商业软件联盟(businesssoftwarealliance)编制的全球“it竞争力指数”,可以针对这些关键领域给各个国家打分,从而帮助企业决定项目或部门的选址。

    A global " it competitiveness index " compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit for the business software alliance could help businesses decide where to locate projects or departments by scoring countries on these key areas .

  19. 这是中国第一宗规模成功打击网络软件盗版行为的刑事案件,总部设在华盛顿的商业软件联盟(BusinessSoftwareAlliance)表示。BSA是业内主要的国际游说集团。

    This is the first successful criminal case to crack down , on such a large scale , on online software piracy in China , said the Washington-based Business Software Alliance , the industry 's main global lobbying group .

  20. 地方商业银行联盟内相互信任的风险研究

    Study on the Risk of Mutual Trust within Local Commercial Bank Alliance

  21. 美国食品与商业工人联盟的代表表示该事件涉及几百名员工的福利。

    A group backed by the United Food and Commercial Workers Union says several hundred people are involved .

  22. 根据商业软件联盟的数据,2008年,软件制造商因盗版问题在中国遭受了66.7亿美元损失。

    According to the business software alliance , software makers incurred $ 6.67bn in losses caused by piracy in China in 2008 .

  23. 特别感谢商业软件联盟和优质品牌保护委员会,他们的帮助让今年的计划成为现实。

    But special thanks goes out to the Business Software Alliance and the Quality Brands Protection Committee , for their help in making this years program a reality .

  24. 根据商业软件联盟最近发布的一份研究报告显示,全球范围内未授权软件的商业总价值去年已经达到514亿美元。

    According to the Medill-Northwestern University website , the BSA just released a study indicating that the worldwide commercial value of unlicensed software reached $ 51.4 billion last year .

  25. 津巴布韦商业烟农联盟主席威尔逊·尼亚邦达先生说,用100%的硬通货给烟农支付烟草报酬的做法激励了许多烟农,也使他们能够几乎没什么争议就为下一个种植季开展准备工作。

    ZCFU president , Mr Wilson Nyabonda said the introduction of the100 percent hard currency payment had motivated many farmers as well enabling them to prepare for the next season with few hassles .

  26. 但中国的巨大规模意味着,该国市场的盗版行为使软件公司蒙受比别的市场大得多的损失。商业软件联盟的数据表明,去年一年,所有软件公司在中国共损失67亿美元。

    But the country 's sheer size means piracy generates vastly bigger losses there – $ 6.7bn for all software companies last year – than in any other market , according to the industry group .

  27. 论文通过声誉模型在信任风险控制中的应用推导,试图通过该理论说明对地方商业银行联盟内部合作方是否值得信任的判别,以及通过某一量化的参数来确定某一合作方的诚信问题。

    By reputation model in game theory , this article tries to analyze the risk of mutual trust within local commercial bank strategic alliance , and sets up a criteria to determine a partner 's trustworthiness .

  28. 地方中小商业银行战略联盟的研究

    Study of the Strategic Alliance on the Local Small-Medium Commercial Bank

  29. 第三部分为我国中小商业银行战略联盟的概述。

    Part Three is for the account of the strategic alliance of the small & middle commercial banks .

  30. 第二,构建商业银行战略联盟稳定性的三阶段分析框架,提出提高商业银行战略联盟稳定性的三种机制。

    He second , put forward three kinds of mechanisms of the strategic alliance stability of the exaltation commercial bank .