
kē dá gōng sī
  • Eastman Kodak Company
柯达公司[kē dá gōng sī]
  1. 比如,我们曾在伊士曼柯达公司(EastmanKodakCompany)亲眼见到它的存在。

    For example we witnessed it first-hand at Eastman Kodak company .

  2. 柯达公司是世界著名的影像产品制造商。

    Eastman Kodak Company is a world-renowned imaging product manufacturer .

  3. 20世纪70年代,急于分一杯羹的柯达公司推出了自己的拍立得相机。

    In the 1970s Kodak , anxious to get in on the act , launched its own instant camera .

  4. 此外,柯达公司还推出了几种特殊结构的彩色相纸。

    Several color papers of special structures were published by Eastman kodak .

  5. 柯达公司在过去几十年间的衰落是极具戏剧性的。

    Kodak 's downfall over the last several decades was dramatic .

  6. 柯达公司决定不寻求成为1984年洛杉矾奥运会的官方胶片赞助商是一个重大的决策失误。

    Kodak 's decision not to pursue the role of official film for the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics was a major miscalculation .

  7. 尽管许多人把柯达公司的衰落归因于它的“自满”,但这一解释掩盖了柯达公司为了改造自己而做出的长期努力。

    Although many attribute Kodak 's downfall to " complacency " that explanation doesn 't acknowledge the lengths to which the company went to reinvent itself .

  8. 然而,20世纪80年代,柯达公司遇到了一个新的竞争对手——日本的富士胶片公司。富士公司通过压低胶片和照片的价格来打压柯达公司。

    But the 1980s brought new competition from Japanese film company Fuji Photo , which undermined Kodak by offering lower prices for film and photo supplies .

  9. 柯达公司是这样一个例子:它非常清楚地意识到必须适应未来,而且花了大量的金钱这样做,但最终还是以失败告终。

    Kodak is an example of a firm that was very much aware that they had to adapt , and spent a lot of money trying to do so , but ultimately failed .

  10. 尽管柯达公司预料到数码摄影终将崛起,但它的企业文化过度沉溺于过去的辉煌,以至于它无法塑底脱离过去,也就无法全力迎接未来。

    Although Kodak anticipated the inevitable rise of digital photography , its corporateculture was too rooted in the successes of the past for it to make the clean break necessary to fully embrace the future .

  11. 哈佛商学院的教授丽贝卡·亨德森说,柯达公司并非无视未来,而是它没有实施策略来应对未来。

    It wasn 't that Kodak was blind to the future , said Rebecca Henderson , a professor at Harvard Business School , but rather that it failed to execute on a strategy to confront it .

  12. 几十年前,柯达公司就已经预见到数码摄影将会赶超胶片。事实上,柯达公司在1975就发明了第一台数码照相机。然而,在这一决定命运的抉择中,柯达公司选择了搁置新发明而把注意力继续集主查传统堂片业务上。

    Decades ago , Kodak anticipated that digital photography would overtake film — and in fact , Kodak invented the first digital camera in 1975 — but in a fateful decision , the company chose to shelf its new discovery to focus on its traditional film business .

  13. 柯达公司的一位相关负责人艾琳-黑泽克介绍说,人体暴露在X光线下无疑是不利于身体健康的,但是这种不好的影响究竟是什么和它对人体的危害程度都是存在争议的。

    " There are certainly health risks with exposure to radiation ," she said .

  14. 但再细想,我就想到了柯达公司(Kodak)。

    But then on further reflection , I thought of Kodak .

  15. 伊士曼柯达公司近日表示,该公司将与区块链开发商WENNDigital合作推出一款名叫柯达币的加密货币和一种图像授权工具。两家公司声称,上述产品将有助于摄影师和代理机构管理图像版权。

    Eastman Kodak said it will team with blockchain developer WENN Digital , to launch a cryptocurrency called KodakCoin and image licensing tool that the companies say will help photographers and agencies manage image rights .

  16. 本文是一篇关于柯达公司医疗系统在中国市场推出最新的数码产品CR、DR,进行分销渠道策划的案例。

    It is a case about Kodak health imaging department how to make the channel-design decisions for the new digital product-CR / DR in China .

  17. 由专利看柯达公司热交联CTP版的发明及改进过程

    Investigation on the Invention and Improvement of Kodak Thermal Plate Based on Polymer Crosslinking Technology

  18. 1967年,伊士曼柯达公司(EastmanKodak)出现在第9位。

    In 1967 , Eastman Kodak appears at number 9 .

  19. 罗杰斯乐于谈起他在选股时犯的错误,其中包括在柯达公司(EastmanKodak)身上犯的错。

    Mr Rogers happily discusses his stock-picking mistakes , which include Eastman Kodak .

  20. 今年1月,伊斯曼柯达公司(EastmanKodak)申请破产时,没人感到意外。

    When Eastman Kodak filed for bankruptcy in January , no one was surprised .

  21. 相比之下,柯达公司(Kodak)于2012年申请破产,它在最高峰时曾拥有14.5万名员工。

    By contrast , Kodak filed for bankruptcy in 2012 and employed 145,000 people during its peak .

  22. 通信保障中心与美国发达的工业界广泛合作,他们在柯达公司、国家收银机器公司,还有IBM公司的协助下,设计和制造各种机器。

    The CSAW was already closely connected with the most advanced sections of American industry , using Eastman Kodak , National Cash Register , and IBM to plan and build its machinery .

  23. 柯达公司(Kodak)起诉苹果公司(Apple)和宏达电公司(HTC),称这两家公司侵犯了与数码照片有关的专利技术,包括照片分享和图像预览功能。

    Kodak is suing apple ( AAPL ) and HTC , claiming the companies infringed upon digital photo-related technologies , including photo sharing and image previews .

  24. 最近几天,处于死亡边缘的柯达公司(Kodak)让我产生了上面这样的想法。

    This came to mind over the last few days in the midst of the Kodak ( EK ) death vigil .

  25. 本文概述了柯达公司1988年提出的定时超DIR成色剂的结构及作用机理,并例举了制备及应用实例。

    The structure and mechanism of the Kodak timing super DIR coupler are summarized . Moreover , its preparation and application are illustrated .

  26. 通过柯达公司(Kodak)的案例分析,剖析了成长过程中的策略行为,并提出了政府对主导企业的行为应采取的措施。

    By case study of Kodak , we analyze how Kodak uses these strategies to gain and hold his dominance . We also present the reasonable government policy to the behavior of the dominant firms .

  27. 柯达公司(Kodak)正设法到2013年摆脱破产保护的阴影,为此它将继续减轻负担,希望就此削减成本,只保留最具盈利能力的资产。

    As Kodak ( ekdkq , Fortune 500 ) sets course to emerge from bankruptcy protection in 2013 , it will continue to lighten its load , hoping to cut costs and whittle itself down to its most profitable assets .

  28. 讲到公司倒闭,我们都熟悉柯达公司的失败

    Speaking of company failures : we 're all familiar with the failure of Kodak ,

  29. 除了拥有强大的技术力量作保证以外,艾柯达公司还拥有一套完善的管理模式。

    In addition to guaranteed excellent technical resources , AICTA also has a perfected management system .

  30. 图片被送到了柯达公司,他们证实了这张照片是真实的,并没被修改过。

    The image was sent to Kodak , who confirmed the photograph was genuine and untouched .