
  1. 委托代理制度将给企业营运带来一定的风险。

    That system will bring some risk to business operation .

  2. 转委托代理制度中的两个问题

    Two Problems in The System of Rights-Transference of Entrusted Deputing

  3. 现代企业的公司制度实质上就是委托代理制度。

    The corporate system of modern enterprise is in fact the principal-agent system .

  4. 论国有资产委托代理制度

    State - run Assets Systems of Agency by Agreement

  5. 委托代理制度下的最优控制关系

    Optimum Control Relations of the Entrustment - agent System

  6. 从法学角度看,商业代理制是一种委托代理制度。

    But form the science of law , the merchant agent is a commission system .

  7. 完善农村村级会计委托代理制度

    The Accounting Principal-agent System in Rural Areas

  8. 现代企业的公司制度是以所有权和经营权相分离为基础的委托代理制度。

    The corporation system of modern enterprise is the agency-principal system based on the separation between ownership and managing right .

  9. 通过分析作为一种国有产权委托代理制度形式的承包经营责任制存在的机制缺陷,阐明实行规范的国有产权委托代理制度所需要的外部条件。

    It elaborates the external conditions of running of agency of agreement of state property-rights by analysis in mechanism with defects of contracting system .

  10. 比较研究认为,我国保险公司治理的出路是股权重构,完善委托代理制度,并推进公司上市。

    Comparison research believes , to our state-own insurance corporation , that the stock should be rebuilt , agent institution be perfected and the corporation be listed .

  11. 第一章,主要从委托代理制度入手分析公司治理结构的起源及理论基础,并介绍公司治理结构的主要理论派别。

    The first chapter is about the analysis of the origin and theoretic basis of corporate governance through principal and agent system , and the introduction of corporate governance theories .

  12. 首先,公司组织中存在亚里士多德所称的分配的正义与矫正的正义之间的张力,公司在实现所有权社会化的同时也带来了所有权与经营权之间的对抗,公司委托代理制度中存在着信息不对称。

    First , there is the tension of Aristotelian " distribution justice " and " corrective justice " in the organization of company ; the socialization of ownership brings up the conflicts between ownership and managerial authority ;

  13. 认为委托代理制度下所派生的利益不一致是虚假会计信息产生的经济诱因,信息不对称是虚假会计信息产生的客观环境,而会计信息监管中存在的诸多误区是虚假会计信息得以存在的现实基础。

    It holds that the differentiation caused by the ownership and management right is the economic cause ; the differentiation of the accounting information is the objective environment and the misunderstanding about the accounting information supervision is the realistic base .

  14. 在现行委托代理制度下,保险代理人是一般的民事代理人,不是保险公司职工,不具有劳动者法律地位,但保险公司对代理人普遍实行员工式管理。

    Under the current principal-agent system , the insurance agents are general civil agents . They are not insurance company employees and they do not have the legal status of workers . But the insurance companies implement employee-style management to them .

  15. 内部控制;经济学;委托代理;制度变迁;

    Internal control Economics Entrusted agency Institutional change ;

  16. 国有企业改革的关键是完善契约,其核心是建立和完善企业的委托&代理制度。

    The key of reformation of state-owned enterprises should be the perfection of contract whose core is the setting and perfection of principal-agent system in firms .

  17. 提出了首先应纠正对风险投资范式认识的错误,然后改革现有创业投资主体组织制度、产权制度、委托&代理制度及创业投资配套环境制度。

    First , our government must correct the wrong acquaintance of venture capital , then , innovating the system of organization , property right , consignment-agency and supports .

  18. 第三部分,结合现代企业理论,对有限合伙制天然适应风险资本市场信息高度不对称条件下,特殊委托代理关系制度安排的必然性进行了剖析;

    Thirdly , with the Modern Theory of Management , the paper proposes that based on highly asymmetric information in the VC market , the LP naturally suits special arrangement of the principal and agency relationship .

  19. 我国部门预算委托代理问题的制度分析

    System Analysis of Trust and Agency Problems in China Departmental Budget

  20. 从委托代理看新制度经济学理论的应用

    How the New Institutional Economics to Be Applied in Principal-Agency Business

  21. 其理论基础笔者认为主要是委托代理理论、制度创新理论和社会福利学说。

    The writer thinks the principal-agent theory and the innovation in system theory and the social welfare theory are its main theoretical foundation .

  22. 在详细论述中,本文依次运用了新制度经济学的制度供求理论、产权理论和委托代理理论、制度变迁理论等。

    In the detailed statement , theories on institution demand and supply , property right and principal-agent theory and the institutional change theory in the new institutional economics are adopted in turn .

  23. 对于企业热衷于多元化的现象,本文从多元化动机入手,主要以委托代理理论和制度学派论进行理论探讨。

    Given that the corporations are interested in the diversification , this paper obtains from the diversification motive , the main principal-agent theory and the institutional school theory will be carried on the theory discussion .

  24. 产权制度通过界定企业的所有权结构、委托代理链、制度环境背景以及组织内从事经济活动的人的利益所在等,直接影响着企业的各项活动。

    By define the enterprise structure of ownership , principal-agent chain , background and the interest to the people who conduct the economic activities in the organizations , property right institution influence the business activities directly .

  25. 第二部分着重从理论上分析了投资基金制度中的委托&代理关系对制度效率的影响。

    Chapter Two analyses the effect of agency problem in investment fund .

  26. 无偿服务非营利组织中的委托-代理关系保释制度与取保候审之比较研究

    Principal-Agent Relation in the Organization for Gratuitous Services The Comparison between Bailment and Bailing Await Trial

  27. 激励性规制理论是委托-代理理论、制度设计理论、信息经济学与规制理论研究相结合的成果。

    The theory of incentive regulation is the outcome of the incorporation of the principal-agent theory and mechanism design theory and information economics into regulatory economics .

  28. 本文拟从公共选择理论、委托-代理理论、制度创新理论等几个方面对建立我国现代国库管理制度进行一些粗浅的研究。

    In the paper , I has been engaging on the research on establishing of treasury management system of china , such aspects as public choice theory , thrust-agency theory , institutional evolution theory and so on .

  29. 本文分析了风险投资基金规避委托代理风险的一些制度安排:分权、采用分阶段投资策略、加强对企业的控制和监管、构造有效的激励机制、完善基金市场和经理市场。

    This article analyzed several system arrangements for venture capital to avoid agency risk : decentralizing , adopting the investment strategy stage by stage , strengthening the control and monitor of enterprises , establishing effective incentive mechanism , improving fund market and manager market .

  30. 新制度经济学的联合大企业理论、交易成本理论、委托&代理理论、制度变迁理论等对金融控股集团存在的必要性、必然性及集团内部关系等都有着较为系统的阐释。

    Systematic explanation and statement of the necessity , inevitability of the finance holding group and its internal relationship have been made in such new institutional economics theories as combined big enterprise theory , dealing cost theory , consign-agent theory , system variance theory , etc.