
wěi tuō dài lǐ
  • Entrusted agent;deputation;agency by entrustment;authorized procuration;agency by mandate
  1. 本文第一部分围绕合同关系中委托代理权这一核心问题,分析了代理权存在的根据和形式。

    The first part of the thesis analyzes the ground and the chief forms of authorized procuration surrounding the central issue about authorized competency .

  2. 委托代理:改革中国农村信用社组织结构的新视角

    Deputation : the New Viewpoint on Organizational Structure of Rural Credit Cooperatives in China

  3. 开发委托代理(ProxyAgent)来解决非SNMP设备的标准化管理,是目前普遍采用的手段。

    Presently proxy agent is widely used in implementing the normative management for non - snmp equipments .

  4. 基于Douglas函数的委托代理及激励机制模型研究

    Study on Principal-agent Model and Incentive Mechanism based on Douglas Production Function

  5. 其显著优点是集中采用一个委托代理实现管理者与整个子网或多个网络设备间的CMIP与SNMP的协议转换,它比在每个被管网络设备内嵌入CMIP代理经济、方便和有效。

    The primary characteristic is only using one Proxy to implement the protocol conversion between CMIP and SNMP in sub - network and more network equipments , it is more economically conveniently and effectively than inserting one CMIP agent in one managed network equipment .

  6. 委托代理:经营者行为、会计信息鉴证和投资者

    Entrusted Agency : Manager Behavior , Accounting Information Assurance and Investors

  7. 电信产业价值链上的委托代理关系分析

    Analyse of Commision-Agent relation on the value chain of Telecom Industry

  8. 委托代理风险的多维标度与防范对策研究&来自复杂系统和博弈论的启示

    Research on the multi-dimensions analysis & solution strategy of principal-agency risk

  9. 委托代理框架下实物期权最优投资策略研究

    Research on optimal investment tactics of real option under trust-agent conditions

  10. 供应链伙伴间的委托代理关系及其激励模型

    Supply Chain Colleague 's Principal-Agent Relation and Its Incentive Model

  11. 双重委托代理理论:上市公司治理的另一种分析框架&兼论进一步完善中国上市公司治理的新思路

    Double Principal-agent Theory : Another Analysis Framework of Listed Companies ' Governance

  12. 军队武器采购委托代理关系中的激励与约束机制

    Incentive and restraining mechanism for the Principal-agent of the military weapon procuring

  13. 我国国有股份制企业的委托代理关系分析

    Analysis of the Principal-agent Relationship of the State-owned Stock Enterprises

  14. 现代企业中委托代理关系存在的问题及对策

    Trust the Existing Problem and Countermeasure of Agent Relation in Modern Enterprises

  15. 一种委托代理模型的计算机仿真与分析

    A computer simulation and analysis to the principal agent model

  16. 论证券市场化解委托代理风险的作用机制

    Mechanism of Securities Market Solving the Agency RiskIn Company Limited By Shares

  17. 双重委托代理下的股利政策研究

    Study on Dividend Policy under Double Principal - agent Theory

  18. 国有资产使用效率问题的分析与对策研究&基于委托代理理论的分析

    The Analysis on the Efficiency of State-owned Assets Based on the Principal-agency Theory

  19. 公立高校的委托代理链

    Chain of Agency by Agreement in Public Higher School

  20. 以委托代理理论分析农民培训制度

    On Analyzing Farmers-training Systems by the Principal Agent Theory

  21. 论信息经济学中的委托代理问题

    On the Problem of Principal-Agent in The Information Economics

  22. 家族制企业中委托代理关系研究

    An Analysis on the Principal-agent Relationship in Family Firms

  23. 第五章,农村存款型金融中介产权制度与委托代理关系。

    Chapter Three is rural deposit financial intermediaries institution .

  24. 信息不对称引起委托代理问题。

    The principal-agent problem is caused by information asymmetry .

  25. 伴随着现代企业组织形式的出现而产生的两权分离,导致了企业内部委托代理关系的产生。

    With the appearance of modern enterprise , there exists the relation of entrustment-deputizing .

  26. 公共养老基金的委托代理问题

    Principal - agency problems in public pension funds

  27. 公立高校与政府、个人委托代理关系及其问题分析

    On Principal-Agent relationship and problem among public higher education institution , government and individual

  28. 网络管理委托代理模型及实现

    Network Management Proxy Agent Model and Its Realization

  29. 其次,运用委托代理理论从产权代理关系、上下级代理关系、银企代理关系三个层面对国有商业银行风险成因进行了深入分析。

    Then follows the factor analysis from three levels based on entrusted agency theory .

  30. 委托代理理论方法在产品定价中的应用

    Application of Principal-Agent Theory for Product Price Determination