
  • 网络US law;American Law;Law of the United States;US Legal
  1. 美国法律则介乎这两种体系之间。

    American law has taken an intermediate position .

  2. AGOA是首次于2000年签署的一份美国法律。

    AGOA is an American law first signed in two thousand .

  3. “美国法律与正义中心”(AmericanCenterforLawandJustice)和它的肯尼亚合作机构反对法律草案中的一项条款,他们称,该条款可能按照要求实施堕胎。

    The American Center for Law and Justice and its partner association in Kenya opposed an article in the draft document which they say would allow abortion on demand .

  4. 美国法律还规定,购买上市公司5%以上股份的战略投资者,必须向美国证交会(SEC)提交13D文件。

    US law also requires a strategic investor who buys more than 5 per cent of a listed company to file a 13D form with the Securities and Exchange Commission .

  5. MichaelDorf:“集体诉讼是美国法律规定的一种程序上的策略,可以允许许多人将自己的诉求作为一个整体来处理。”

    MICHAEL DORF : " A class action is a device under US law that allows a large group of people to bring their individual claims together as a group . "

  6. 美国法律诊所教育对我们的启示

    The Enlightenment of the Law Instruction in the American Legal Clinics

  7. 美国法律援助制度简介

    Brief Introduction to the Legal Aid System of the United States

  8. 根据美国法律,它们的出路是自己成长为巨头。

    The solution in US law is to grow into giants themselves .

  9. 浅析美国法律教育中的案例教学法

    An Analysis of the Case Method of American Legal Education

  10. 美国法律使联邦通讯委员会有权控制与广播电台所有权相关的某些方面。

    U.S.law authorizes FCC control over some aspects of broadcast station ownership .

  11. 美国法律现实主义视野下的法学教育

    On Legal Education in the View of American Legal Realism

  12. 2000年,美国法律体系按照10分制的得分为9.23分。

    In 2000 U.S. law scored 9.23 out of 10 .

  13. 根据美国法律,超额收入将用于购买特别国债。

    By law , the excess revenue is invested in special treasury securities .

  14. 在此事中,阿里巴巴同意尊重美国法律。

    In this case , Alibaba is agreeing to respect United States laws .

  15. 本章首先论述美国法律对待非婚同居关系的传统态度。

    Traditional legal attitude towards nonmarital cohabitation is firstly discussed in this chapter .

  16. 还有一个可能,就是修订美国法律。

    Another possibility would be to amend US law .

  17. 另一方面美国法律又制约着垄断,通过法律又在肢解着垄断。

    But the American law constraints and disintegrates monopoly , on the other hand .

  18. 美国法律的演进及现状

    The Evolution and Status Quo of American Law

  19. 目前的美国法律忽略了根本的一点。

    Current US law misses a fundamental point .

  20. 在他的畅销书里,他大量地引用了人们无法弄懂的美国法律。

    In his best-selling books , he cited myriad American laws that defy comprehension .

  21. 这种未将客户资金和自有资金分开的做法,违反了美国法律的规定。

    Failure to separate customer and house funds is a violation under US law .

  22. 司法判决作为法律的一部分是美国法律的一个独特之处。

    Judicial decisions as part of law is a unique characteristic of American law .

  23. 但隐蔽行动的许多内容是公然违反国际法和美国法律的,也是违反美国人所信奉的信仰与道德的。

    But lots of its contents flagrantly violate the beliefs and morals Americans believe in .

  24. 美国法律史研究中有关私人产权的几个问题

    Private Property Rights in American Legal History

  25. 借鉴美国法律文化,可以从美国法律电影开始。

    The research on the American legal culture can begin with the American jurisprudential movie .

  26. 在美国法律下,产程中引起婴儿畸形可以控告医生玩忽职守。

    Under American law , a child born deformed can sue the doctor for negligence .

  27. 法院在处理具体案件时的采用是美国法律的基础。

    The basis of United States law is the use of specific cases in court .

  28. 美国法律体系存在可怕的问题,它们滋生了扭曲的动机。

    There are terrible problems with this US system and they have created twisted incentives .

  29. 美国法律要求所有被捕捉上岸的鲨鱼都要有完整的鱼鳍。

    U.S. law requires all sharks that are brought on shore to have their fins attached .

  30. 根据美国法律,若起诉海外犯罪,犯罪内容和美国必需有关。

    To do so , the law requires some link between the crime and the United States .