
  • 网络us navy;USN;Carrier Air Wing;Navy;United States Navy
  1. 他应征参加了美国海军。

    He was enlisted into the US Navy .

  2. IBM公司根据他的成果制造了实际的机器,并于1944年交付给美国海军,用于机密工作。

    The resulting machine was built by IBM and turned over to the US Navy for secret work in 1944 .

  3. 美国海军舰队参加了入侵行动。

    An armada of U.S. Navy ships participated in the invasion .

  4. 美国海军力量的彻底转变始于1940年。

    The transformation of American sea power began in 1940 .

  5. 美国海军作战部长希望能为女兵提供机会。

    The chief of naval operations wants to open opportunities for women in the Navy

  6. 波度尔斯基加入美国海军当上了飞行员,不仅改了国籍还换了行当。

    Podulski had joined the U.S. Navy as an aviator , adopting a new country and a new profession .

  7. 加拿大人寻求加入美国海军陆战队,因为他们认为在加拿大军队里机会没那么多。

    Canadians seek enlistment in the US Marines because they don 't see as much opportunity in the Canadian armed forces .

  8. 美国海军飞行员迈克尔·斯科特·斯派克(MichaelScottSpeicher)在战争的第一个夜晚被击中。

    Captain Michael Scott Speicher was on the first night of the war .

  9. 作者多次重申到,美国海军陆战队(MarineCorps)从不事先制定详细计划。

    America 's Marine Corps , the authors repeat ( several times ), never makes detailed plans in advance .

  10. 每个月的CD-ROM包含了美国海军现行的所有测试规程。

    Each month 's CD-ROM contains all in-service Navy test procedures .

  11. 美国海军在中国领海附近一般都是执行“日常工作惯例”而不在进入B级战备。

    China 's territorial waters in the vicinity of the United States Navy are generally implementation of the " day-to-day working practices ," rather than into the B-grade combat readiness .

  12. 只要有可能,美国海军工程师就会使用现成的商用(COTS)设备。

    Navy engineers will use commercial off-the-shelf ( COTS ) equipment wherever possible .

  13. 多诺万曾在美国海军学院(USNavalAcademy)执教。若是在这个学校的工程学测验时作弊,或许就会意味着一旦战舰上发生问题,你将猝不及防。

    Ms Donovan used to teach at the US Naval Academy , where cheating on an engineering test might mean being unprepared when a problem arose on a battle ship .

  14. 美国海军战争学院(usnavalwarcollege)的安德鲁埃里克森(andrewerickson)表示:“水下是少有的几个可以免受中国导弹打击的区域之一。”

    As Andrew Erickson , of the US Naval War College , notes : " underwater is one of the few areas that is safe from Chinese missiles . "

  15. 美国海军UUV的任务与能力需求

    Requirements for Task and Capability of the US Navy Unmanned Underwater Vehicles

  16. 与此相应的还有美国海军上将丹尼斯•布莱尔(AdmiralDennisBlair)上周公布的美国情报界年度威胁评估。

    Also relevant here is the annual threat assessment of the US intelligence community unveiled last week by Admiral Dennis Blair .

  17. 美国海军针对上述情况研究了协同作战能力(CEC),并将其推广应用于各种指挥系统。

    Aiming at this situation , American navy researched cooperative engagement capability and applied it to all kinds of command system .

  18. 美国海军驻太平洋的一名司令官ThomasJones,收到一个消息,该消息使他相信美国在与墨西哥作战。

    The commander of a United States navy force in the Pacific , Thomas Jones , received news that led him to believe the United States was at war with Mexico .

  19. 基于美国海军的空间分辨率为0.5°×0.5°月平均的GDEM三维温盐资料,采用P矢量方法,计算了南沙南部海域的三维环流结构。

    In this paper , US Navy GDEM hydrographic data and P-Vector method are used to compute the 3-D circulation structure in the southern South China Sea .

  20. 协同作战能力(CEC)系统与传感器和武器系统组成了美国海军最早使用的网络中心战系统。

    The earliest network centric warfare system used by American navy composed of cooperative engagement capability ( CEC ) systems , sensors and weapon systems .

  21. 目前甚至有迹象表明,越南方面愿意考虑让美国海军使用他们在战争年代用过的金兰湾(CamRanhBay)基地。

    There are even indications that the Vietnamese are willing to consider the use by the US navy of their former wartime base at Cam Ranh Bay .

  22. 新技术包括将美国海军JSF办公室提出的预兆-安全管理(PHM)理念应用于DC/DC变换器以及抗辐照的加固技术。

    The novel technique contains utilizing the PHM concept proposed by JSF Office of U.S. navy and radiation-hardened technology to the DC / DC converter .

  23. 它们也经受了现代军队的暴行,美国海军陆战队所面临的一些最血腥的城市战斗,就在1968年的春节攻势期间发生在皇城。斯坦利·库布里克(StanleyKubrick)在《全金属外壳》(FullMetalJacket)中呈现了这场战斗。

    Some of the bloodiest urban combat the United States Marines have ever faced took place in the Citadel during the 1968 Tet offensive , a battle depicted in Stanley Kubrick 's " Full Metal Jacket . "

  24. 这位前北约(NATO)最高指挥官和美国海军陆战队司令尚未决定是否接受任命,但据接近他的人士透露,他有可能接受。

    The former North Atlantic Treaty Organization supreme commander and Marine Corps commandant hasn 't decided whether to take the job , but people close to him said the general appears likely to accept .

  25. 美国海军的最新侦察机正在高调执行其首次任务――搜寻马来西亚航空(MalaysiaAirlines)370航班,但这款飞机缺少可以协助搜寻失踪客机的一个关键功能。

    The U.S.Navy 's newest aircraft is on its first high-profile mission , searching for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 , but the aircraft lacks a key feature that could aid the search for the missing jetliner .

  26. 介绍了近几十年来美国海军舰船电磁兼容性(EMC)设计技术的发展历程。

    This paper presents phylogeny of the USA navy EMC design technology in the several ten years , and concretely discusses the ship electromagnetic engineering simulation ( SEES ) which is used in navy ships .

  27. 而MQ4CTriton则是美国海军在捉襟见肘的财政条件下主动开发一个项目,旨在四年之内就能够初步投入部署。

    Triton , on the other hand , is an active navy development program navigating a tough fiscal environment toward initial operating capacity in as few as four years .

  28. 大力水手俱乐部(PopeyeClub,得名的原因是由于许多会员来自美国海军)的会员将日美军事联盟视为华盛顿亚洲政策的基石。

    Members of the Popeye Club , so called because many of them hail from the US navy , view the military alliance with Japan as the cornerstone of Washington 's Asia policy .

  29. MANTA是美国海军水下战中心正在研发的一种最富有想像力的自主式水下航行体。

    The most imaginative autonomous Unmanned Undersea Vehicles known as MANTA are developed by the Naval Undersea Warfare Center ( NUWC ) .

  30. 美国海军一直保持这个秘密项目至90年代,在今年春季CNN才成为少数几个有机会一睹该项目运作方式的媒体。

    The U.S. Navy kept its Marine Mammal Program a secret until the 1990s , and this spring CNN became one of only a handful of media outlets to see firsthand how the program works .