
  • 网络PDVSA;Petroleos de Venezuela
  1. 查韦斯一月份命令委内瑞拉石油公司增加对他不入账的国家发展基金(Fonden)的贿金,以支持他的“革命”,此举导致公司财力愈加枯竭。

    In January , Chavez ordered PDVSA to increase its payments to his off-the-books slush fund , fonden , which is used to support the " revolution , " further draining its resources .

  2. 委内瑞拉石油公司称,到2015年对奥里诺科河的投资将达到约1400亿美元。

    PDVSA says it will be investing some $ 140 billion in the Orinoco by 2015 .

  3. 沙特阿拉伯石油公司、俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司、伊朗国家石油公司和委内瑞拉石油公司等,都拥有庞大的油气资源。

    Saudi Aramco , Gazprom , of Russia , Venezuela 's PDVSA and Iran 's Nioc all own vast riches of gas and oil .

  4. 20世纪90年代委内瑞拉石油公司着手实施一项规划来使其日产量达到650万桶。

    In the 1990s the Venezuelan oil company embarked on a scheme to raise output to 6.5m barrels per day ( b / d ) .

  5. 2011年,委内瑞拉石油公司被压榨到只剩110亿美元,即总收入的9%,用于投入将来的运营。

    In 2011 , PDVSA was left with just $ 11 billion , or 9 % , of its total income , to fund future operations .

  6. 之后,查韦斯将委内瑞拉石油公司当成自己的提款机,拒绝提供公司扩大奥里诺科河勘探规模的必要投资资本。

    Chavez then used PDVSA as his own personal ATM , starving the company of the necessary investment capital needed to expand its operations in the Orinoco .

  7. 第三,这些债务原本要由委内瑞拉国家石油公司(PDVSA)用石油偿还。

    Third , PDVSA the national oil company was supposed to pay back the debt with oil .

  8. 当年晚些时候,反对派发起了一场运动,原本想令国有的石油垄断企业委内瑞拉国家石油公司(PDVSA)陷入瘫痪,但是最终还是失败了。

    An opposition strike later that year paralysed PDVSA , the state oil monopoly , but it failed .

  9. 国有的委内瑞拉国家石油公司(Pdvsa)被誉为该国经济的引擎。为了给社会项目提供资金,该公司受到了层层盘剥,而这些钱本可以用在急需的投资方面。

    PDVSA , the state-owned oil company that is the dynamo of the economy , has been leached to fund social projects with cash that otherwise would have been used for much-needed investment .

  10. 但是,当委内瑞拉国家石油公司(PDVSA)无法履行其债务换石油还款计划时,它被迫从央行借钱,从而加剧了硬通货短缺,助长通胀,妨碍食品进口。

    However , when PDVSA , the national oil company , was unable to meet its debt-for-oil repayment schedules , it was forced to borrow from the central bank , contributing to the hard currency shortage that is fuelling inflation and curtailing imports of food .

  11. 委内瑞拉国家石油公司发展计划评析

    A Review of the PDVSA 's development Plan