
  • 网络Chesapeake Energy;CHK;Chesapeake Energy Corp
  1. 近年来中海油与切萨皮克能源公司(ChesapeakeEnergy)的一系列交易就是一个很好的例子。

    CNOOC 's deals with Chesapeake Energy in recent years are an example .

  2. 中海油还在美国完成了一系列收购,包括与切萨皮克能源公司(ChesapeakeEnergy)签署的两笔开采页岩气的重大交易,这些交易没有遭遇监管或政治上的阻力。

    Cnooc has also completed a number of US acquisitions , including two large shale deals with Chesapeake Energy , without regulatory or political resistance .

  3. 埃克森美孚和切萨皮克能源公司(ChesapeakeEnergy)等天然气供应商当然会因为更多的天然气需求而获益,但随着供应量的增加,利润率可能会有所下降。

    Natural gas producers like Exxon and Chesapeake Energy will of course benefit from higher demand for the fuel , but profits might be held down with increased supply .

  4. 中国油气集团中石化(sinopec)正考虑投标竞购美国天然气生产商切萨皮克能源公司(chesapeakeenergy)所拥有的巨额资产。

    Sinopec , the Chinese oil and gas group , is considering bidding for billions of dollars worth of assets owned by Chesapeake energy , the US gas producer .

  5. 甚至连被视为最脆弱的生产商之一、负债累累的切萨皮克能源公司(ChesapeakeEnergy)本周也争取到按重新谈判的条件维持40亿美元的银行信贷额度,从而确保自己能够存活得更久一点。

    Even heavily indebted Chesapeake Energy , seen as one of the most vulnerable , this week managed to secure its future for a while longer with a renegotiated $ 4bn bank lending facility .

  6. (切萨皮克能源公司的发言人拒绝对本文发表评论。)

    ( Through a spokesman , Chesapeake declined to comment for this story . )

  7. 三天后,切萨皮克能源公司透露,由于页岩气供大于求,最新一季度利润大幅下跌。

    Three days later Chesapeake Energy revealed a slump in quarterly profits because of the glut .

  8. 今年,切萨皮克能源公司的员工打算在这个季初播种,而且他们已经种了洋葱、豌豆和土豆。

    This year , at Chesapeake energy , staffers will begin to plant earlier in the season , and they have already planted onions , peas and potatoes .

  9. 切萨皮克能源公司受到美国天然气价格低迷的沉重打击,目前正推进一项资产出售计划,以帮助削减公司债务。

    Chesapeake energy has been hit hard by low natural gas prices in the US and is in the midst of an asset disposal programme to help reduce its debt .

  10. 今年,在切萨皮克能源公司,上百名员工志愿参与新员工菜园的开垦,他们足够照料2英亩员工菜园里的65个花圃。

    At Chesapeake energy , hundreds of employees signed up to volunteer in the new employee gardens this year , enough to tend 65 raised garden beds spread over two acres .

  11. 中国国有石油公司的购买力以及他们对页岩资源开发技术的渴望使得他们成为多种资产的重要潜在买家,就像切萨皮克能源公司出售的那些资产。

    The buying power of Chinese NOCs and their desire to learn about shale resource development makes them important potential buyers for assets , such as those Chesapeake has for sale .

  12. 4月下旬,切萨皮克能源公司在宾州的一个天然气井外溢,致使有毒的液体流入附近小河,该公司的破裂法采气被叫停。

    In late April a big company , Chesapeake Energy , suspended its fracking in Pennsylvania after one of its natural-gas wells blew out and spilled toxic drilling fluid into a nearby creek .

  13. 切萨皮克能源公司是美国第二大天然气生产商,它寻求出售密西西比灰岩部分资产至少已有1年时间,目的是偿付债务,抵御美国天然气价格过低带来的冲击。

    Chesapeake , the second largest natural gas producer in the US , has been looking to sell part of its Mississippi Lime property for at least a year as it seeks to pay down debt and counter the effect of low US natural gas prices .