
  • 网络CEPSA;Repsol;Repsol YPF SA
  1. 中国石油天然气集团正在谈判向西班牙石油公司雷普索尔(Repsol)购买其阿根廷部门YPF75%股份。

    CNPC is in talks to buy a 75 per cent stake in YPF , the Argentine unit of Spanish oil group Repsol .

  2. 来自巴西国家石油公司的消息,推高了英国天然气集团(BG)和西班牙石油公司Repsol的股价。这两家公司均是开发Guara油田的合作伙伴。

    The news from Petrobras pushed up the share prices of BG and Repsol , the UK and Spanish oil companies that are partners in developing Guar .