
tè xǔ jīnɡ yínɡ quán
  • concession;franchising right
  1. 本文的主要内容如下:一、特许经营与特许经营权。

    The main contents are as follows : First , franchising and franchising right .

  2. 主要阐明特许经营的含义,法律特征以及特许经营权的性质。

    Mainly clarifies the meaning and characteristic of franchising and the nature of franchising right .

  3. 在改组过程中南方电视公司失去了特许经营权。

    In the reorganization , Southern Television lost their franchise .

  4. 餐饮特许经营权已授予一家私人公司。

    Catering has been franchised to a private company .

  5. 要想得到比萨店的特许经营权,需要支付一大笔钱。

    It takes hundreds of thousands of dollars to get into the franchised pizza business .

  6. 她最近向其他公司出售了公司业务的特许经营权。

    She has recently franchised her business

  7. 申请比萨饼店的品牌特许经营权的最低启动资金估计为25万到31.5万美元。

    The minimum start-up capital for a Pizza franchise is estimated at $ 250,000 to $ 315,000 .

  8. 尽管只有在加利福尼亚才有这项服务,其创立者迈克尔·凯恩表示计划在其他州出售特许经营权。

    Though the service is available only in California , its founder Michael Cane says he plans to franchise it in other states

  9. 本月早些时候,VirginTrains失去了英国CrossCountry铁路特许经营权。

    Virgin Trains lost its Cross Country UK rail franchise earlier this month .

  10. 交通BOT项目特许经营权竞标机制设计

    The Mechanism Design for Franchise Bidding in Traffic BOT Project

  11. 就民营企业投资环保排水项目BOT建设模式中存在的投资风险进行了分析,并对相关风险着重在《BOT项目特许经营权合同》中提出防避措施。

    Analyzed investment risk of environmental protection project in BOT mode . Some countermeasures of avoiding investment risk are also put forward .

  12. 美国媒体与科技集团康卡斯特(Comcast)旗下的环球影业(UniversalStudios)拥有《速度与激情》(FastandFurious)等特许经营权。

    Universal Studios , which is owned by Comcast , the US media and technology group , has franchises such as Fast and Furious .

  13. 至于在crosscountry特许经营权方面的挫折,李察爵士表示,维珍出局是因为该公司“选择不过高报价”,符合其不过分扩张集团下属公司的哲学。

    As for the setback with the cross country franchise , Sir Richard says virgin lost out because it " chose not to overbid " , and stuck to its philosophy not to overstretch companies in the group .

  14. PPP项目的特许经营权价值以及风险的合理分配是关系项目成败的至关重要的两个因素。

    The franchising value of PPP project and rational distribution of risk are two essential factors concerning the project success or failure .

  15. 篮球的一些小收益,包括最有名气的NBA巨星们为其保证票房,提高收视率,更改特许经营权,并获得非凡的财富和声誉。

    Basketball 's small collection of most celebrated deities sell tickets , boost ratings , alter franchises and are rewarded with extraordinary wealth and fame .

  16. 据知情人士表示,所有大型电影制片厂也表达了对该特许经营权的兴趣,索尼影视(sonypictures)是领先竞争者。

    All the big film studios have also registered interest in the rights , with Sony Pictures a leading contender , according to a person familiar with the situation .

  17. BOT作为一种特许经营权方式,将民间资本引入公用事业的建设、经营,能提高效率、缓解政府融资压力。

    BOT , as a kind of franchise , introduces folk capital into the construction and management of public service , and it can increase efficiency and relieve government 's financial pressure .

  18. 此项消息公布前一天,野村证券击败了包括巴克莱(Barclays)等其它银行,最终以2.25亿美元获得雷曼在全亚洲的特许经营权,包括日本和澳大利亚。

    The news comes just one day after Nomura paid $ 225m to clinch Lehman 's entire Asian franchise , including Japan and Australia , beating interest from other parties including Barclays .

  19. 政府将特许经营权授予私营机构为投资BOT项目而专设的项目公司,项目公司得到特许经营权的同时亦得到政府的承诺与保护。

    Government awards the concession right of BOT project to the project company which is founded by the private corporation for its invest activity . Project company gets the right , promise and protection from the government .

  20. 迄今为止中国在希腊最出名的投资,是中远集团(Cosco)在东南欧最大港口比雷埃夫斯港两个码头的特许经营权,时限为35年。

    To date , China 's highest profile Greek investment has been Cosco 's 35-year concession to run two terminals at Piraeus , southeast Europe 's largest port .

  21. 《007:大破幽灵危机》是索尼与米高梅(Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer)和永世制片公司(EonProductions)之间协议发行的最后一部电影。米高梅和永世制片控制着《007》系列的特许经营权。

    Spectre is the last film in a deal between Sony and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Eon Productions , the companies that control the rights to the Bond franchise .

  22. 罗杰斯表示,公司正在推进自己的计划:它已向马里兰州公共服务委员会(MarylandPublicServiceCommission)递交了申请,请求将现已停止服务的华盛顿至巴尔的摩再到安纳波利斯铁路的特许经营权转让给东北磁悬浮公司。这是启动项目的第一步。

    Mr. Rogers said the company was moving ahead with its plans : It has filed an application with the Maryland Public Service Commission to transfer the franchise rights of the defunct Washington Baltimore & Annapolis railroad to Northeast Maglev , the first step in getting the project off the ground .

  23. 印尼三林家族(Salim)控制着从汽车销售到当地肯德基(KFC)特许经营权的相当大一部分经济。该家族在苏哈托(Suharto)独裁时期取得垄断的磨面许可,由此打造起印多福公司。

    Indonesia 's Salim family , which built Indofood after obtaining a monopoly licence to mill flour under the Suharto dictatorship , controls large parts of the economy from car distribution to the local KFC franchise .

  24. 矿业权是一种具特许经营权的无形资产,其评估价值是矿业权交易的基础。

    The mineral titles are intangible assets with franchise business right .

  25. 潜水学校获得潜水用水肺的特许经营权。

    The diving school has acquired a franchise for scuba equipment .

  26. 特许经营权拍卖中双重/第二货源理论研究的进展

    The Development of the Dual / Second Sourcing Theory in Franchise

  27. 特许经营权资产价值的形成及评估方法探讨

    The Value Composition of Business Concession Assets and Valuation Approaches

  28. 次高标拍卖:解决特许经营权拍卖过程中过度竞争问题的最优机制

    The Destructive Competition Behavior in Franchise Bidding in Public Utilities

  29. 区域配电服务特许经营权竞标机制设计

    Mechanism Design for Franchise Bidding in Regional District Distribution Service

  30. 试述特许经营权的会计处理如何确定公司会计报表的真实性?

    How to tell the truthfulness of the accounting statements ?