
  1. 基于DEA的大型煤炭企业经营效率评价与分析

    Operating efficiency of Chinese large coal enterprises based on DEA

  2. 基于DEA模型的国内上市纺织企业经营效率研究

    Research of operating efficiency of domestic listed textile enterprises on DEA mode

  3. 充分合理利用经济法律资源,提高企业经营效率

    Making Full Rational Use of the Resources of Economy Law Efficiency of to Raise Enterprise-Management

  4. 多角度讨论了企业经营效率内涵,进而探讨了企业经营效率的来源及其关系。

    The article discusses the meaning , origins and relationship of managerial efficiency of the firm .

  5. 企业经营效率低下,业务发展缺乏源动力。

    The business efficiency of the enterprise is low , business development lacks the source motive force .

  6. 这与中国钢铁产业集中度低和钢铁企业经营效率不高有很大关系。

    This are because low concentration of Chinese iron and steel industry and efficiency of Chinese steel business .

  7. 传统的配送中心仓库管理,劳动效率低下,人力资源严重浪费,随着货物数量以及出入库频率的剧增,这种模式严重影响了企业经营效率和成本。

    The conventional warehouse management have been problems like low efficiency , waste of human resources and so on .

  8. 同时充分运用预算管理实现提高企业经营效率的内部控制目标。

    In addition , we should perfect the relevant standard system and use the budget management to realize management efficiency .

  9. 并且,国有企业经营效率低下的问题并没有从根本上得到解决,公司治理结构也没有发挥应有的作用。

    Moreover , the problem of inefficiency of SOEs has not been solved and corporate governance structure does not work out .

  10. 导致我国企业经营效率低、经济效益差的主要思想观念,不是计划经济思想,而是小生产观念。

    The main ideological sense which leads to low efficiency and poor economic profit is the small-scale production sense not the planned economy ideology .

  11. 首先,笔者分别从经济学角度、管理学角度对企业经营效率的相关理论进行了梳理。

    First of all , the writer provides an overview of the relevant theory about the business efficiency from an economic and management point of view .

  12. 市场可能把污染程度高看成是企业经营效率低的表现,可能会对其财务负债和处罚表示关注。

    Markets may view high pollution levels as evidence that a firm 's operations are inefficient , and may raise concerns about financial liabilities and penalties .

  13. 怎样从公司治理视角设计出一个相对合理的内部控制体系以提高企业经营效率和管理水平?

    How to design a sound internal control system based on the corporate governance perspec ‐ tive with the aim of improving business efficiency and management level ?

  14. 从市场资源配置和提高企业经营效率的角度看,政府应减少制度通道上对国有产权企业的政策流量。

    From views of market recourses allocation and improving business efficiencies of the enterprises , the government should reduce policy flux in the channel of government to state owned enterprises .

  15. 健全有效的内部控制可以合理保证企业经营效率与效果、财务报表的可靠性以及对相关法律法规的遵循。

    Sound and effective internal controls can reasonably assure the efficiency and performance of corporation operation , the reliability of financial statements and the compliance with relevant laws and regulations .

  16. 这方面的差距事实上正是影响我国企业经营效率和稳定发展能力,以及国际竞争力的主要根源之一。

    The distance in this aspect is one of the main factors which actually impair operational efficiency , ability of stable development and international competition of the enterprises in our country .

  17. 在资源整合的过程中,速度和质量是企业经营效率的来源,也是保障系统资源整合有效性的关键。

    In the process of resources integrating , speed and quality are the sources of operation efficiency of the organization as well as the key factors that affects the validity of resources integrating .

  18. 然而,国企改革并未触摸到自己的天花板,企业经营效率低下和国有资产流失两大痼疾依然存在,以企业经理人为首的经营者们对此负有不可推卸的法律责任。

    However , this reform has not touch its ceiling , lower efficiency and loss of state assets still exist , and enterprises managers have to take much direct responsibility for those problems .

  19. 但产业内贸易对于我国制造业以及其他产业的技术水平提高、产业结构升级换代、资源配置效率和企业经营效率提高等有着至关重要的影响,因此有很大的研究价值。

    However , it is important for improving the technology , updating the structure of production , raising the efficiency of business operation in manufacturing industry and other industries . So it is valuable to research intra-industry trade .

  20. 近年来,随着资本结构理论的发展,越来越多学者倡导债务融资能够有效地强化硬预算约束,优化资本结构,促使企业经营效率的提高。

    Recently years , with the development of capital structure theory , more and more scholars advocate the standpoint that Debt financing can raise the hard budget constraint effectively and optimize capital structure and promote the rise of management efficiency .

  21. 兼顾成本、收益两方面因素,寻求经济合理等方面提出了降低国际工程承包风险,提高企业经营效率的风险应对措施。

    In the risk reply , give attention to two aspects of cost and return , look after the economic and logical risk reply measure , in order to make the project risk least , the operating of companies most efficiently and the return highest .

  22. 对银行人力资本价值及其对企业经营效率影响的测度,有助于分析我国银行物质资本和人力资本在经济绩效贡献中的关系,为调整银行投资方向,改善经营管理提供理论指导。

    In the bank , precise measure of the value of human capital can assist the bank to recognize the production relations between physical capital and human capital , in addition , it can provide guidance to readjust the investment direction and improve operation management of the bank .

  23. 首先,客户是银行的重要资产,做好客户管理工作决定着商业银行的命运和前途,还能提高企业经营效率,并能创造出更多的利润,最终能在激烈的市场竞争中取得优势。

    Firstly , as the customer is an important asset for the bank , the management of customer decide the fate and future of commercial Banks , that also improve the efficiency of enterprise operation , create more profits , and eventually get advantage in the fierce market competition .

  24. 长期以来,政府垄断的经营管理体制严重制约了城市基础设施产业的健康发展:设施总量严重不足、企业经营效率低下,多数设施因投资和维护不足长期处于低效、不安全运营状态。

    In the long time , the traditional system , of which the government monopolized , has failed to improve the development of urban infrastructure industry : causing the severe shortage , low running efficiency of corporations , insecurity and low efficiency of major facilities for insufficient investment and maintenance .

  25. 而企业的经营效率是直接衡量企业发展的重要因素。

    And the operation efficiency is a main factor which can measure an enterprise directly .

  26. 因此,评估企业的经营效率成为了重要和广泛的课题。

    Therefore , the assessment of operational efficiency of enterprises was an important and wide range of topics .

  27. 应完善国企经营者激励机制以缓解国企中的代理问题进而提高企业的经营效率。

    The executive incentive mechanism should be improved to alleviate the agency problems and increase the operating efficiency in the state-owned enterprises .

  28. 资产重组作为企业提高经营效率和综合竞争力的一种重要方式,近年来一直是专家学者的研究热点之一。

    As an important way to improve operational efficiency and comprehensive competitiveness of enterprise , asset restructuring is always the focus of researchers .

  29. 如何规范公司的治理结构、提高企业的经营效率、最有效地激励和使用人才,将是未来企业生存和发展的关键。

    The key to the solution is how to standardize operation , enhance efficiency , motivate and make full use of the talent .

  30. 这证实了关联方交易的确能通过换入优质资产和优化资源配置来提高企业的经营效率和管理效率。

    This confirms that companies can get high-quality assets and optimize resources allocation to increase operating efficiency and management efficiency through related transaction .