
  1. 资源型企业生态责任的利益相关者协同作用分析

    On the Cooperative Function of Stakeholders in Resource-based Enterprises ' Ecological Responsibility

  2. 最后,论述人性限度内的企业生态责任。

    Finally , expounds enterprise 's ecological responsibility within the limits of human nature .

  3. 当然,企业生态责任并没有消解企业经济责任和社会责任。

    Certainly , ecological responsibility of enterprises has not cleared up economic and social responsibility of enterprises .

  4. 再次,从人性异化的角度分析企业生态责任缺失的根源;

    Third , analyzes the origin that enterprise 's ecological responsibility really loses from the disassimilation angle of human nature ;

  5. 我们应该通过强化企业生态责任,构建企业生态伦理,实现企业管理生态化来培育企业生态文化。

    We should cultivate the enterprise ecological culture by strengthening the ecological duty of the enterprise , by establishing the ecological ethics of the enterprise , by realizing the ecology of the management of the enterprise .

  6. 同时,运用企业生态责任战略地图模板,分析指出企业承担生态责任从长期看能够增加企业价值,并探讨了应如何增强企业的生态责任意识。

    Then , making use of the strategy maps template , we analyses that enterprises assume zoology responsibility can enhance their value from long term views . In the last part , we discuss how to improve enterprises zoology responsibility consciousness .

  7. 第二部分从企业生态责任概念的提出和形成,到通过多维理论对企业生态责任的解读,进一步用环境伦理学的理论对企业生态责任的内涵加以分析。

    The second part of the concept of ecological responsibility from the business proposal and the formation of the multi-dimensional theory through the interpretation of ecological responsibility of enterprises to further the theory of environmental ethics with ecological responsibility for enterprises to analyze the content .

  8. 本文分析了资源型企业生态责任的相关理论和影响其实现的相关因素,构建了政府强化其生态责任的具体措施,从而使政府的职能、企业的发展同生态文明的内涵一致起来。

    This paper analyzes the resource-based enterprise liability theory and ecological impact of its implementation of the relevant factors , the government constructed the way to enhance its ecological responsibility , so that as the Government , business development ideas and content into line with ecological civilization .

  9. 企业承担生态责任:构建和谐社会的第一步

    Enterprises ' Zoology Responsibility : the First Step of Constructing Harmonious Society

  10. 论企业生态伦理责任

    Enterprises ' Ethical Responsibilities for the Environment

  11. 新形势下对企业生态道德责任的挑战及对策研究

    Challenge to the Ecological Moral Obligation of the Enterprise under the New Situation and Its Countermeasures

  12. 企业为何履行生态责任的道德合理性一直未能得到充分论证。

    Corporation why to abide by the corporate ecological responsibility has not been fully proved through the ethics .

  13. 在实际生活中,企业承担生态伦理责任这一具有现实意义的道德思考可能遇到诸如投入与利润、成本差异与公平竞争、环境问题责任主体的确认等各种问题,相应解决办法也有所不同。

    Moral considerations of the responsibilities may in practice encounter issues of the investment and profit , different cost and equal competition , and the subject of the responsibilities .

  14. 从企业、政府、消费者等不同的行为主体出发,着重探讨了企业生态责任实践过程中不同行为主体应遵循的道德规范。

    From the perspectives of behavioral body by the government , corporation and consumer , this part mainly discussing the different behavioral body should be follow the ecological moral codes .