
  • 网络Enterprise Value;eva;company value;enterprisevalue
  1. EVA促进企业价值创造

    Use EVA to improve the creation of enterprise value

  2. 企业价值评估的新方法&经济附加值(EVA)

    A New Method to Assess Enterprise Value & Economic Value Added ( EVA )

  3. 上市公司企业价值评估的DCF模型研究

    The Researches of Listed Companies Valuation on DCF Model

  4. 运用EVA提升企业价值的基本方式应以投资资本回报率及增长率而定。

    The basic measures to increase enterprises ' value through using EVA should be defined by the return ratio of the investment .

  5. 之后,本文又统计整理了上市公司的财务数据,通过实证分析论证了EVA的确与企业价值更具有相关性,EVA较传统财务指标更能解释企业的价值增值与否。

    Then , we counted and reorganized the accountant numbers of listed enterprises , and proved that EVA has more value relevance compared with traditional accountant index by empirical analysis .

  6. 因此,建立企业价值评估标准,完善企业价值评估机制,科学地进行股价的核定是MBO急需解决的突出问题。

    Thus building standards of business valuation , improving the business valuation mechanism and pricing shares objectively would be the problems that need to be solved in the first place .

  7. 笔者认为:以EVA作为评价指标,企业价值最大化目标将会被更多的企业应用于财务管理实践。

    The author of this paper reckons that if EVA is employed as the assessment index , the target of the maximization of enterprise value will be put into financial management practices by more and more enterprises .

  8. 这就是,基于企业价值链和价值分析法的企业产品价值管理,基于顾客价值链的顾客价值管理,以及基于SA8000标准的企业社会价值管理。

    In summary , it ′ s the management of enterprise product value based on enterprise value chain and value analysis , the management of customer value based on customer value chain , and the management of enterprise society value based on SA8000 .

  9. 企业价值观管理:必要性、社会价值及其策略研究

    Enterprise Values Management : Necessity , Social Value and Strategy Research

  10. 火力发电企业价值链分析与成本控制

    Value Chain Analysis and Cost Control of Coal Fired Power Companies

  11. 波特的企业价值链-电子商务下的企业价值链-虚拟价值链,即企业价值链线索;

    Porter 's enterprise value chain-value chain in e-business-virtual value chain ;

  12. 拓展外部价值链系统,提升企业价值

    To Expand the External Value Chain System and Promote Enterprise 's Value

  13. 企业价值二元化背景下的企业目标

    On Firm Objective in the Context of Firm Value Duality

  14. 基于经济利润模型的企业价值评估

    Assessment of Enterprise 's Value Based on Economic Profit Method

  15. 科技企业价值管理与财务杠杆

    Management of S & T corporate value and financing leverage

  16. 风险企业价值评价的实物期权方法

    Application of real options theory to venture enterprise value evaluation

  17. 负债融资、公司治理与企业价值最大化

    Debtor Financing , Corporate Governance and Business Value Maximization

  18. 企业价值观:诚信为本,合作共赢!

    Corporate values : honesty , cooperation and win-win !

  19. 顾客价值、企业价值与产品价值管理

    Customer value , enterprise value & products value management

  20. 风险管理影响企业价值的内在机理

    Risk Management Affects the Internal Mechanism of Firm Value

  21. 管理变革与企业价值观创新

    Administrative Reformation vs. the Creation of Enterprises ' Values

  22. 许多研究认为多元化并购后企业价值要弱于采取非多元化并购后的企业价值。

    Many studies suggest that diversification is weaker than the non-diversified corporate value .

  23. 投资者保护、公司治理与企业价值

    Investor Protection , Corporate Governance and Enterprise Value

  24. 企业价值评估的盈利资本化模型

    Capitalization Model of Profit for Enterprise Worth Assessment

  25. 适时推出企业价值报告是信息化的需求。

    To bring forth the report of enterprises value is the requirement of informationize .

  26. 层次分析法在企业价值评估中的运用之探讨

    Layer Analysis Its Application in Corporation Value Evaluation

  27. 上市公司盈余管理动机和企业价值的探索

    The Study on Motivations of Listed Company 's Earnings Management and Corporate Market Value

  28. 股权结构、行业竞争性与企业价值

    Ownership Structure , Industrial Competitiveness and Corporate Value

  29. 而投资者保护又是源起于代理问题,通过公司治理最终又会反映企业价值。

    It is based on the agency problem and finally affects the corporate value .

  30. 现金流量管理与企业价值创造

    Cash Flow Management and Enterprise Value Creating