
  1. 规制企业破产逃债行为,保护债权人公平受偿权是破产法亟需解决的基本问题。

    Controlling the action of some enterprises ' avoiding the debt and protecting the creditor 's interest of gaining fair payment is the basic problem needing to solve by the law of bankruptcy .

  2. 资本市场不发达,法律制度不健全,信用和市场秩序混乱,企业恶意逃债接连发生,地方保护现象比较普遍,由此进一步加大了不良资产重组的难度。

    The capital market is undeveloped , legislation system is imperfect , credit and market are disorder , enterprise avoid debt maliciously one by one , and it is phenomenon relatively general for local government to protect its own profit . All these strengthen the difficulty to rearrange non-performing assets .

  3. 企业利用破产逃债的法律规制

    Legal Control of Enterprise 's Avoiding the Debt by Means of Bankruptcy

  4. 建立新的破产法时,确定申请破产的标准,防止企业借破产逃债;

    New bankruptcy law must define the standard of claim of bankruptcy and prevent firms to escape from debt ;

  5. 大量企业通过恶意逃债废债、使银行债权悬空以及借助企业改制逃避银行债务等手段使得银行债权无从实现。

    Substantial businesses evade bank debts through wasting debts maliciously , leaving bank debt vacantly and restructuring enterprises so that banks can not achieve claims .

  6. 作者还进一步分析了其相关的两个问题:债务重组与企业改制有机结合,防止企业利用改制逃债、赖债问题;

    The author also analyzes the other two relating issues , such as debts realignment should combine with reforming firms mechanisms and prevent firms evade debts or deny debts ;

  7. 现代企业有限责任制度的缺陷及弥补对策&当前企业破产逃债现象的制度分析

    The Defects of Modern Limited-liability System and the Countermeasures