
  1. 本文对风险企业、风险基金中的智力资本与风险资本的利润分配和它们的贡献关系进行了分析。

    This paper analyzes the distribution of profits between venture capital and intellectual capital in the venture capital funds and firms .

  2. 在风险投资领域,这种剩余控制权的分配和转移成为了风险资本家、风险企业与风险基金投资人利益驱动所在。

    In the venture investment field , the distribution and transfer of residual control rights are the benefit drive power of venture capitalist , venture enterprise and venture fund .

  3. 国家于1999年设立了主要是面向科技型中小企业的风险投资创新基金。

    The innovation funds faced small and medium-sized enterprise of science and technology was set up in1999 , and its controlled capital was limited .

  4. 本文主要创新点:一是基于烟台市市属企业改革实际情况,提出利用改制企业风险基金,妥善解决改制企业职工身份转换的改革思路;

    The main innovative points of this article : I. On the basis of the actuality of Yantai municipal enterprise reformation , expounding the reforming thought of utilizing the risk fund of the reformed enterprises to properly solve the status change of the staff and workers in the reformed enterprises .

  5. 完善小企业信贷考核体系。鼓励建立小企业贷款风险补偿基金。

    We will improve the credit assessment system for small enterprises , and encourage the establishment of a loan risk compensation fund for them .