
  1. 民用建筑工程投资估算速编初探

    On Rapid Calculation of Investment Appraisal of Civil Architectural Project

  2. 模糊方法在建筑工程投资估算和工程质量评价中的应用研究

    Application Research on Investment Estimation and Quality Assessment of Architecture Engineering Implemented by Fuzzy Method

  3. 建筑工程投资决策模型研究

    Investment decision model of building project

  4. 该模型科学、简单而又实用,可用于建筑工程投资方案的选择。

    It is scientific , simple and practical , and can be used in the choice of investment scheme of the building project .

  5. 建筑工程投资控制是项目管理的重要内容之一,投资控制的好坏直接影响到项目的投资效益,影响到项目建设投资的总目标。

    Control of the constructional engineering investment is one of the important elements of the project management . Control of investment impact on project investment benefit directly and even impact on general objective for the project construction investment .

  6. 浅谈部分建筑安装工程投资估算的编制方法

    The Estimating Method of Investment Estimate of Construction and Installation Work

  7. 然后,论文分析了建筑工程安全投资的来源。

    In addition , the sources of safety investments in construction projects are analyzed .

  8. 齐律师业务专长:房地产、建筑工程、投资、经济及刑事案件。

    Lawyer qi 's prime businesses include real estate , construction engineering , investment , economic cases and criminal crime .

  9. 在对哈尔滨市部分建设项目的安全投资状况进行问卷调查后,进行了定量分析,得出建筑工程安全投资大都不足的结论;

    According to the results of the questionnaire about the safety investment in construction projects in Harbin , the paper makes a quantitative analysis .

  10. 业主作为建筑工程的投资主体,是连接各参与方的纽带,在工程建设中处于核心地位。

    As the subject of construction investment , the owner is the connecting link of the participants . The owner is the core in construction .

  11. 深入地分析了建筑工程与投资控制之间的关系,并提出有关建筑工程投资控制的若干措施。

    The thesis analyzes the relationship between construction engineering and investment control , and brings forward several methods to control the investment of construction engineering project .

  12. 在工程建设项目投资管理中,工程投资预测是项目的决策依据和工程造价的控制依据,工程造价预测的准确度直接关系到建筑工程的投资额度和实施进度。

    The forecasting of construction cost is the basis of the decision-making and construction cost control for construction projects , its accuracy often erects the most influences on the investment amounts and progress of construction projects .

  13. 在建筑工程安全投资研究部分,论文分别定义了建筑工程安全投资与安全成本的概念,分别研究建筑安全投资与建筑安全成本的分类组成,比较了建筑工程安全投资与安全成本的区别与联系。

    In the part of safety investment in construction projects , both of the definitions of safety investment and safety cost are defined , and all kinds of composing parts in construction projects of them are given . Then the differences and relations of them are compared .

  14. 试论建筑设计对工程投资效益的影响

    Discussing the Direct Influence of Schemes on the Profit of Project Investment

  15. 房屋建筑工程项目具有投资大、周期长的特点,这将大大增加项目各环节的控制难度。

    Housing construction projects with large investment , long cycle characteristics , which will greatly increase project control of all aspects of the difficulty .

  16. 一个建筑工程项目在投资开发、设计、施工、竣工运行的每个阶段都离不开正确有效的决策活动。

    A construction project in any stage of the run from the investment , design , construction to completion is inseparable from correct and effective decision-making .

  17. 六安市建筑工程项目众多、投资巨大。

    Luan many construction projects , huge investment .

  18. 基于建筑工程设计阶段的投资控制与管理措施分析探讨

    Analysis and Discussion on Investment Control and Management Measures Based on Design Phase of Construction

  19. 传统的人工造价管理模式已经不能适应国际化发展道路的需要,而且在对建筑工程及其建设项目的投资经营管理过程中,做好建筑工程项目投资预测是管理项目的根本依据。

    The traditional manual cost management model has been unable to meet the needs of international development , and construction projects and construction projects of the investment management process , building the project investment forecast is the fundamental basis of the management project .

  20. 结合地铁车站建筑设计的经验及认识,分析地铁车站建筑设计对工程投资的影响,同时探讨了建筑设计中降低地铁造价的途径。

    Combining the experience of architectural design of metro station , the author analyses the influence factors of metro investment and discuss the ways of reducing the construction cost in metro designing .

  21. 选择建筑业从业人员数量、机械年末总功率、全社会建筑安装工程固定资产投资作为投入指标;选择建筑业的利润总额作为产出指标。

    Select the construction industry employee , the total amount of power , the social construction projects of investment input indicators . Choose the total profits of construction enterprises as the output indicators .

  22. 如此同时,项目造价预算是整个建筑工程造价预算的基本控制根据,而且建筑工程造价预算的准精确度将直接影响到建筑工程项目的投资经费以及项目实施进度安排。

    So , the project cost budget is the basic control of the entire construction project cost budget , and the prospective accuracy of the construction project cost budget will directly affect the construction projects of investment funding and project implementation schedule .