
  • 网络Bim;Building information modeling;Building Information Model;Building information modelling;BIM Building Information Modeling
  1. 简单地说,建筑信息模型就是数字化的虚拟建筑,可以用来展示整个建筑生命周期,包括兴建过程及营运过程,而且可方便提取建筑内的各种信息。

    Simply speaking , BIM is the digital virtual building , and can be used in showing overall building lifecycle , including the processes of construction and operation , and can draw all sorts of information in building expediently .

  2. 建筑信息模型带来的设计思维和方法的转型

    Transformation of Design Thinking and Method Caused by Building Information Modeling

  3. BIM(建筑信息模型)技术,是信息技术应用于建筑业的必然产物。多年来国际学术界一直在对计算机辅助建筑设计中的信息建模进行积极的探索并获得了共识。

    Several years the international academic community has been on the computer-aided design of the building information modeling to actively explore and obtains a consensus .

  4. 建筑信息模型(BIM)是计算机辅助建筑设计领域的新技术,它不仅包含几何数据,还包含建筑生命周期中的大量工程数据。

    BIM is a new technology in the field of computer aided architectural design , which contains not only geometric data but also the great amount of engineering data throughout the lifecycle of a building .

  5. 基于建筑信息模型的轻钢厂房结构软件

    Structural software of light steel mill building based on building information modeling

  6. 基于参数化智能技术的建筑信息模型

    BIM Based on Intelligent Parametric Modeling Technology

  7. 基于三维建筑信息模型施工工程的系统管理实践

    The Practice of System Management based on 3D Construction Information Model in Construction of Projects

  8. 基于网络的建筑信息模型的软件设计思想,对暖通、结构、给排水等建筑设计软件开发有一定的参考价值。

    Building information model based software design , has some reference value to HVAC , structure , drainage and other architectural design software development .

  9. 并重点探讨了引入建筑信息模型后对建筑设计各过程产生的变革,对建筑设计过程性工作和智能性工作的影响以及新的工作方式。

    And focuses on the change in architectural design process result from introducing building information model , and the effection on the process of architectural design work and intelligent work , as well as new methods of working .

  10. 根据建筑信息模型的特点,文章提出了在建筑设计阶段建立信息模型是利用信息模型实现全寿命周期管理的前提和基础。

    In this paper , according to the characteristics of building information model , it was proposed that it is the the prerequisite and foundation of implementing information life-cycle management that establishment of an information model in the stage of architectural design .

  11. 软件编程的前期设计中,综合考虑了三维参数化建模技术、建筑信息模型技术和网络技术。

    The early stage of the software programming design considering the three-dimensional parametric modeling , building information modeling technology and network technology . ( 2 ) Implemented parameters input and equipment selection functions in a network environment , by application the concept of the building information model .

  12. 建筑业信息模型及信息不对称分析

    Study on information model of construction industry and asymmetric information

  13. 智能建筑信息系统的分层模型

    Layering Model of Information System in Intelligent Buildings

  14. 本文首先分析了产品生命周期管理的集成内涵,并在此基础上提出构建建筑生命周期管理的基本方法,包括建筑信息模型、组织集成方法和过程集成方法等;

    Firstly , the connotation of BLM is analyzed , and then , the methods to build BLM are put forward , including BIM models , organizational integration method and process integration methods ;

  15. 为了推进建筑业信息化进程和可持续发展的建筑设计,以提高中国建筑业竞争力,对基于参数化智能模型技术的建筑信息模型(BIM)进行了研究。

    In order to push the informationization process of the building industry , promote sustainable architectural design and enhance the competitiveness of China 's building industry , the authors study BIM ( Building Information Modeling ) based on intelligent parametric modeling technology .