
  • 网络financial market regulation;financial markets administration
  1. 去年,法国证券监管机构金融市场管理局(AMF)对LVMH处以罚款,原因是未能恰当披露收购爱马仕股份的情况。

    Last year , the French stock market regulator , Autorit é des march é s financiers , fined LVMH for failing to properly disclose it was buying a stake in Herm è s.

  2. 他说,政府将继续执行加强金融市场管理并增强投资者信心。

    He said his administration will continue to act to strengthen financial markets and improve investor confidence .

  3. VaR模型在我国金融市场风险管理中的可行性研究

    Feasibility Research of VaR in China 's Money Market Risk Management

  4. 该章首先阐明了本文的目的,指出VaR在金融市场风险管理中的重大理论和现实意义。

    First of all , VaR is designed primarily as a device to report financial market risks .

  5. 在对VaR模型系统阐述的基础上,本文着重于VaR风险测量模型在我国证券市场中的实证分析,并论述了VaR风险测量模型在我国金融市场风险管理的具体应用。

    Based on the VaR Model system , this article focus on the positive analysis of VaR on our stock market as well as effects of VaR in the risk management in finance market .

  6. 我国金融市场风险管理的理论及应用

    The Theory and Application in the Risk Management of Financial Market in China

  7. 风险度量是金融市场风险管理的基础和核心。

    Risk measurement is the foundation and hardcore of financial market risk management .

  8. 离岸金融市场风险管理研究

    The Risk Management of Offshore Financial Market

  9. 因此,在厚尾分布条件下金融市场风险管理将更加重要。

    As a result , on condition of heavy-tailed distributions , it is more important to manage financial market risk .

  10. 第一章&金融市场风险管理介绍金融风险、金融风险管理和金融市场风险管理的基本概念和基本理论。

    Chapter 1 introduces the basic definitions and theories of financial risk , financial risk management and financial market risk management .

  11. 引言部分简要介绍了本文的选题背景意义,及我国金融市场风险管理的分析;

    In the preface , the background , the significance of research , the analysis of domestic finance risk management are introduced briefly .

  12. 然而不可否认,信用衍生品仍然是金融市场中管理和控制信用风险必不可少的工具。

    On the other hand , credit derivatives are still the essential tool to manage and control the credit risk in the financial market .

  13. 在此基础上,借鉴金融市场风险管理理论的研究进展,对发电商面临的市场变化带来的风险进行量化描述。

    On this basis , draw on the theory of financial market risk management , the paper quantitatively describes the risks in the electricity market .

  14. 因此,研究厚尾分布条件下的金融市场风险管理模型不仅具有很高的理论价值,而且具有很强的实用价值,是目前金融理论研究的热点问题。

    Consequently , studying financial market risk management models on condition of heavy-tailed distributions has not only theoretic value but also practical value , and is the hotspot in researches of financial theory .

  15. 所以金融市场风险管理的研究不仅具有现实意义,更具有指导意义实,这也是论文的出发点所在。

    Therefore , the research of financial market risk management signifies a lot not only in a realistic sense , also in a guideline sense . This is just where this paper aims .

  16. 1993到2001年间担任美国证券交易委员会主席的莱维特坚决支持民主党关于在国会明年复会以后讨论金融市场和管理条例改革的计划。

    Arthur Leavitt , who headed the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission from 1993 to 2001 , strongly endorsed Democrat 's plans to address financial market and regulatory reforms when a new Congress convenes next year .

  17. 本文对于VaR在我国金融机构市场风险管理中的应用,特别注重VaR与整个市场风险管理体系的相互适应性。

    This paper especially pay attention to the adaptability of VaR and the whole market risk management system about the application to VaR in the risk management of market of financial institution of our country .

  18. 金融产品市场风险管理技术的变迁

    Evolvement of Management Technique of Financial Commodities ' Market Risk

  19. 市场竞争战略的总体思路就是要转变个人金融业务市场经营管理模式。

    The main idea of the market competition strategy is to change the individual business management model .

  20. 随即在正确识别的基础上详细论述了金融期货市场风险管理的具体方法和措施;

    Based on accurate risk reorganization , this thesis makes further detailed arguments over the concrete approach and methods of risk management of financial futures market .

  21. 量化宽松货币政策实施四年来,在稳定金融市场秩序、管理通货膨胀预期、恢复金融机构信贷渠道等方面确实取得了一定的成效。

    For four years , the quantitative easing monetary policy could work in stabilizing the financial order 、 managing inflation expectation and restoring loaning of financial institution .

  22. 通过上述系统的设计,可解决证券公司对金融市场风险量化管理问题,使管理者能够清楚认识到投资组合风险暴露,针对性的对投资组合头寸开展风险管理工作。

    The design of the system can resolve the financial market risk quantitative management problem of domestic securities firm , and the senior manager can clearly realize the risk exposure of portfolio so that they can pertinently handle with risk management of portfolio .

  23. 经济,商务,贸易,金融,市场营销,管理,媒体娱乐,科学。

    Economics , Business , Trade , Finance , Marketing , Management , Media , Science .

  24. 更重要的是,利用这些场外金融衍生品市场满足风险管理需求的空间非常广阔。

    More importantly , the space are very wide when use these OTC derivatives market to meet risk management demands .

  25. 在金融市场上以资金管理而非包销为目标的一方。

    The part of the financial markets that purchase and sell securities for money management purposes , rather than for underwriting purposes .

  26. 股指期货是金融市场上的风险管理工具,但同时由于保证金交易的杠杆效应,本身又引入了很大的风险。

    Stock index futures is a risk management tools , and because of the leverage of margin trading , the risk is magnified .

  27. 第一年的必修课讲授核心商业课程,比如,金融、市场、综合管理、运营管理和会计。

    In the first year compulsory classes taught core business disciplines such as finance , marketing , general management , operations management and accountancy .

  28. 商业银行金融市场部、投资管理部、理财中心、产品研发部、资金托管部相关负责人;

    Professionals managers from the Departments of Financial Market , Investment Management and Money Management as well as R D and Capital Custody of the Commercial Banks .

  29. 季节效应是指与季节相联系的股票市场非正常收益,由于它在很大程度上破坏了市场有效性的假说,因此对季节效应的研究一直备受国内外金融市场的投资者和管理者的关注。

    The return seasonal effect means the abnormal return related with season in the stock market . As it acts against the efficient market hypothesis , the investors and managers in financial markets have paid attention to the return seasonal effect .

  30. 衍生金融工具市场作为金融市场的风险管理机制,对维护金融稳定、促进经济繁荣发挥着无可替代的积极作用,它已成为一个完整、健康的现代金融体系不可缺少的重要组成部分。

    Derivatives market , as the measure to manage financial risk , functioning as a efficient means to keep financial system in sound steadiness and promote the development of the financial system , has been a indispensable part of a complete and well-developed modern financial system .