
  • 网络Financial Regulatory System
  1. 金融监管体系:国际的变革与我国的调整

    Financial Regulatory System : International Reform and China 's Adjustment

  2. 美国金融监管体系改革的启示与借鉴

    The Implication of American Financial Regulatory System Reform

  3. 加入WTO与中国金融监管体系的完善

    Entry into WTO and Improvement of Chinese Financial Supervision System

  4. 我国虽然制定了《人民银行法》等法律及一些相关的法规,但有些已经不能适应我国加入WTO及市场经济发展的需要,也不足以构成建立现代金融监管体系的法制基础。

    Although the laws were constituted , such as and some related regulations , yet cannot conform to the WTO rules and the market economy development and be not enough to structure the legal institution base of the modern financial supervision in China .

  5. 金融监管体系演进与发展趋势问题研究&基于金融危机视角

    The research about financial crisis and emphases changing of finance supervision

  6. 次贷危机冲击下的美国金融监管体系变革

    American Finance Supervision System 's Transformation under the Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis

  7. 当代西方国家金融监管体系的演变趋势

    Changes and Trends of Financial Supervision System in Developed Countries

  8. 完善我国金融监管体系的研究

    A Study on Improving the Financial Supervision System of China

  9. 我国金融监管体系的发展趋势和改革取向

    The Trends of Developing Reforming China 's Financial Supervision System

  10. 运用信用评级手段完善金融监管体系

    Improving Financial Regulation System by Introducing of Credit Rating

  11. 中德金融监管体系比较

    Comparison of Chinese and German Financial Supervision System

  12. 由此而形成的金融监管体系有分业监管、部分统一监管和统一监管三种模式。

    Thus , financial supervision is classified as Specialized-supervision , partial-unified supervision and unified supervision .

  13. 北岩银行的破产暴露了英国金融监管体系的缺陷。

    The collapse of Northern Rock revealed flaws in the UK system of financial regulation .

  14. 论我国的金融监管体系

    On the Financial Supervision System of China

  15. 但是金融监管体系的完善还需要做很多的工作。

    However , there would be a lot of efforts to improve the financial control system .

  16. 建立我国的现代金融监管体系应该完善我国的金融监管法制。

    Establishing the modern financial supervision of China should consummate the financial supervision legal institutions in China .

  17. 金融监管体系的调整往往具有危机指向的历史特征。

    The adjustment of the financial regulatory system often point to the historical characteristics of a crisis .

  18. 加快信用建设,规范金融监管体系,完善市场化的金融体系。

    Speed up the credit , standardize the financial regulatory system , improve the market-oriented financial system .

  19. 健全的金融监管体系是市场准入监管、业务运营监管、市场退出监管的有机综合。

    Right finance supervision system is composed of market admittance supervision , operation supervision and market withdrawal supervision .

  20. 完善我国金融监管体系刍议&兼谈国际金融监管发展的趋势

    Discussion on Improving Chinese Financial Supervision System & as well as the trend of international financial supervision development

  21. 欧洲领导人曾说,他们将利用此次会议推广全球金融监管体系。

    European leaders have said they will use the meeting to promote a global system of financial regulation .

  22. 于是,在危机爆发后,各国纷纷开始对金融监管体系进行改革。

    After the crisis , each country has been taking step to carry out the financial regulation reform .

  23. 面对这种形势,我国金融监管体系应重视金融分业经营和监管;

    Being faced with such situation we should pay a great attention to separation of financial operation and supervision .

  24. 各国纷纷以此为鉴,改革本国的金融监管体系,以期更好地防范和化解危机。

    As a result , many countries began to reform their financial regulatory systems to better prevent and resolve crises .

  25. 如何在更广阔的宏观视角下建立金融监管体系已经成为当前学术界、经济金融界共同关注的焦点。

    How to construct the financial regulatory system in a broader macroeconomic perspective has become the spotlight of academia and economy and financial sector .

  26. 当前加强系统监管,应从以下几个方面着手:完善金融监管体系、健全金融监管操作系统、建立科学的金融风险预警系统、培育有效金融监管的条件等。

    So the current steps are to found and perfect regulatory system , operational system , risk-calculated system and create the efficient regulation conditions , etc.

  27. 此外,他承诺建立一套更为保守、更重视保护消费者的金融监管体系。

    In addition , he promised to build a system of financial regulation that would be more conservative and give higher priority to protecting consumers .

  28. 要不断完善金融监管体系与法律体系以及金融机构的内部控制体系;

    Therefore , great efforts shall be made to first constantly improve financial supervision system , legal system , and internal control system in financial institutions ;

  29. 但是要改革现有的国际金融监管体系,在全球范围内建立统一的国际多边治理机制面临着许多理论和现实的困难。

    But to reform the existing international financial regulatory system and set up unified international multilateral governance mechanism is faced with many theoretical and practical difficulties .

  30. 根据成本效益原则构建适合小额贷款公司的风险监管制度是完善我国金融监管体系的必要选择。

    According to the principle of cost-effectiveness , it 's necessary to construct the risk-focused supervisory regime which fits the micro-loan companies to perfect our financial regulatory system .