
  1. 最后对金融危机管理的程序和策略做了分析。

    At last I analyzed the procedures and strategies for the management of financial crisis .

  2. 金融危机管理中的货币政策操作&美联储的若干工具创新及货币政策的国际协调

    The Monetary Policy Operation to Response to the Financial Crisis : Some innovated Instruments by Fed and International Monetary Policy Cooperation

  3. 金融危机管理的普遍经验是,越拖着不去解决危机,最终付出的代价就越大。

    The universal experience of financial crisis management is that the longer one waits to resolve it , the more expensive the ultimate bill will be .

  4. 此前欧盟(EU)在上周四采取措施,解决公司最高管理层薪资问题,自金融危机以来,管理层薪资成为引起全球公众愤怒的众矢之的。

    The move comes on the heels of European-wide steps last Thursday to address top management pay , which has been a lightning rod for public anger across the world since the financial crisis .

  5. 论煤炭地质单位在金融危机中企业管理战略的制定

    Coal Geological Exploration Unit Business Management Strategy Drafting under the Financial Crisis

  6. 金融危机对治安管理工作的挑战及应对

    Challenge and Countermeasures for Security Administration in Finance Crisis

  7. 第一章金融危机与危机管理理论。

    Section one is the introduction of the financial crisis and the theory of crisis management .

  8. 而且,很明显地,对各种各样没有做好他们工作而导致了这场(金融)危机的管理机构(实行)更加严格的整理和合并。

    And , obviously , stricter interpretation and consolidation of the various regulatory agencies that weren 't doing their job , that has brought on this crisis .

  9. 中国内部审计协会与德勤会计师事务所联合发布的《2009年内部审计热点问题调查报告》显示,金融危机促使企业管理者进一步提高对内部审计的重视程度,现代企业越来越关注企业风险。

    The Investigation Report about Internal Auditing Hot Issues of 2009 issued by China Institute of Internal Audit and Deloitte & Touche LLP accounting firms together tells that financial crisis urge enterprise managers to further enhance attention to internal auditing and modern enter-prises are concerned about enterprises risk increasingly .

  10. 从金融危机谈军队资金管理

    On funds management in the forces from the financial crisis

  11. 索罗斯在2007年正值金融危机的初期回到管理层。

    Mr Soros returned to active management in2007 , during the early stages of the financial crisis .

  12. 金融危机对住房公积金管理的影响及对策

    On the Influence of the Financial Turmoil on the Management of the Housing Accumulation Fund and some Countermeasures

  13. 自本次金融危机以来,资产管理公司一直对银行持有的美国公司债存量下滑感到担忧。

    Asset managers have fretted since the financial crisis about a drop in US corporate bond inventories held by banks .

  14. 去年9月,我在我的一篇专栏中指出,金融危机已使得企业管理层胡扯言论的销量创下新低;商界人士似乎已放弃胡言乱语,变得更为清醒与明智。

    Last September , I wrote a column pointing out that the crash had made the bottom fall out of market in management bullshit ; business people seemed to have renounced waffle and were being rather sober and sensible .

  15. 他正确地认识到,问题的根源在于亚洲金融危机。多年来,随着基金管理公司努力缩减开支,亚洲金融危机剥夺了基金管理业的新鲜人才。

    He correctly identified the genesis of the problem being the Asian financial crisis that had deprived the industry of fresh talent over multiple years as fund management companies tried to reduce spending .

  16. 第四章是国外保险(金融)集团的发展及国外金融危机下的风险管理与监管改革。

    The fourth chapter is foreign insurance ( financial ) Group development and foreign financial crisis risk management and regulatory reform .

  17. 试想,如果投资者自己不关注,不采取行动,出现公司治理不善的局面又何足为奇?即便导致金融危机也在意料之中,因为金融危机就是众多公司管理者管理不善的产物。

    But If investors do not pay attention or take action , who can be surprised at poor governance & or financial crises which are the product of governance issues at multiple companies ?

  18. 史无前例的金融危机严重冲击了世界各主要经济体,金融危机下的企业管理成为现实而严峻的课题。

    Financial crisis unprecedented in history attack major economic body of the world , and the corporate management in financial crisis became a flinty issue .