
  1. 首先将对金融产业集聚理论以及CBD内容进行相关综述。

    First of all , introducing some theory and related concept of financial industry gathering and CBD content .

  2. 结果显示,金融产业集聚在10%的显著性水平下存在着空间滞后关系,空间滞后模型(SLM)的设定是恰当的,拟合结果优于OLS估计。

    The result show that there is an obviously spatial-lag concentration of financial industry at the confidence level 10 % , and Spatial lag model ( SLM ) setting is appropriate and fitting results superior to OLS estimates .

  3. 金融产业集聚的微观动因及实证研究

    Research on Micro-factor of Finance Industry Cluster and Empirical Evaluation

  4. 北京金融产业集聚的模式选择及效应研究

    The Study on Forming Mode and Effect of Beijing Financial Industrial Agglomeration

  5. 主要是对金融产业集聚的效应分析,研究的内容是金融产业集聚在金融产业成长中的作用。

    It mainly analyze the effect of financial industry agglomeration .

  6. 金融产业集聚的形成模式研究:全球视角与中国的选择

    Study of Financial Agglomeration Forming Mode : Global Views & Local Choice

  7. 中国省域金融产业集聚影响因素的空间计量分析

    Influencing Factors of China 's Provincial Financial Industry Clusters with Spatial Econometric Analysis

  8. 其次,建立了金融产业集聚的微观评价体系。

    Secondly , we set up a microscopic evaluation system of finance industry cluster .

  9. 本文以金融产业集聚的相关理论为基础,对广西金融产业集聚进行实证分析。

    This paper analyzes the financial industry cluster in Guangxi , based on the financial industry cluster theory .

  10. 金融产业集聚的形成,本质上来源于经济的发展和演化并具有自组织变迁的规律。

    Financial agglomeration essentially comes from the development and evolution of economy , what its disciplinarian of self evolution .

  11. 此外,还分析了金融产业集聚对于金融产业成长的效应。这一部分包括四章。

    We also analyze the effect of financial industry agglomeration on financial industry development . This section include four chapters .

  12. 其次是研究综述,梳理了关于产业集聚及金融产业集聚的主要研究。

    In the section of Literature overview , we pack up the theory and research of industry agglomeration and financial industry agglomeration .

  13. 最后对我国十二个省市金融产业集聚的现状进行了实证检验。

    Finally , the study performs an empirical test on the status of the finance industry clustering in 12 provinces and cities .

  14. 当前我国的金融产业集聚已经初步显现,但集聚程度还不高。

    Now the financial industry agglomeration in our country has developed for a certain period , but the degree of agglomeration is low .

  15. 因此,研究金融产业集聚问题无论是从学术价值,还是从实践需求,都具有十分重要的积极意义。

    Therefore , there is great positive significance in the study of financial agglomeration either from the academic value , or from the practical needs .

  16. 同时当前对产业集聚的研究主要是在制造业领域,对金融产业集聚的研究还比较欠缺。

    Moreover , the current research on industry cluster is mainly concentrated on the area of manufacturing industry , but not the finance industry cluster .

  17. 第四部分结合甘肃省实际,提出提高金融产业集聚程度,促进经济增长的对策建议。

    The fourth part proposes the countermeasures to improve the level of finance industry cluster and promote economic growth combining the actual situation of Gansu Province .

  18. 运用面板数据模型,对中国城市金融产业集聚与城市经济增长的关系进行了实证分析。

    Then the relationship between the financial industry agglomeration of Chinese cities and urban economic growth is discovered through the empirical analysis using panel data model .

  19. 金融产业集聚是促进金融产业发展,提升金融产业竞争力的有效途径。

    The finance industry cluster is an effective way to promote the development of the finance industry and to enhance the competitiveness of the finance industry .

  20. 在全球化和信息化的背景下,金融产业集聚成为政府官员和学者关注的焦点。

    In the background of globalization and informationization , the agglomeration of the financial industry has become the focus of attention for the government officials and the scholars .

  21. 第三章阐述了金融产业集聚形成的原因、金融产业集聚与产业结构优化的相关理论以及两者互为因果的内在机理,同时提出了本文的假设。

    The third chapter sets out the related theories of the financial Industry gathering and optimizing Industrial structure , and the internal mechanism of reciprocal causation of both .

  22. 首先,构建了金融产业集聚动因理论分析框架,分析了金融产业集聚的原因。

    First , the study builds a theoretical analysis framework of the motive factor of finance industry cluster , and analyses the causes of the finance industry clustering .

  23. 任何一个国家要增强自身的竞争力都必须高度重视金融产业集聚,以及金融中心的建设。

    Every country , which wants to strengthen its own competitiveness , have to attach great importance to the financial industry agglomeration and the construction of the financial center .

  24. 本文最后在分析呼和浩特市发展金融产业集聚所面临的困难的基础上,提出了相应的对策。

    Finally , on the basis of analyzing the difficulties , which Hohhot is facing to , when Hohhot develop the financial industry agglomeration and proposes the corresponding countermeasures .

  25. 在此背景下,对甘肃省金融产业集聚状况进行分析,并探讨其对区域经济增长促进效应具有现实意义。

    On this background , there is practical significance to analysis the situation of finance industry cluster in Gansu Province , and investigate the promoting effect to regional economy .

  26. 国内外学者以产业集聚理论为基础,从不同角度对金融产业集聚进行了探索。

    From the existing research results we can see that , based on the industrial cluster theory , domestic and foreign scholars explored financial industry agglomeration from different angles .

  27. 金融产业集聚的层次还较低,表现在金融中心城市的对金融机构、金融业务、金融产品等金融资源的聚合能力还不够强。

    And the layer of agglomeration is low , which represent in that the financial centre city has not enough power to attract the financial institutions , financial business and financial products .

  28. 包括信息技术发展对金融产业集聚程度、集聚模式、集聚运作形式的影响;(5)对金融产业集聚的空间布局进行了初步的研究。

    Fourthly , we carefully study the impact of information technology on financial industry agglomeration , including the impact on financial industry agglomeration degree , agglomeration shape , and agglomeration functional style .

  29. 其次,由于经济发展的差异性较大,论文深入到分地区层面,发现四大经济区和三大经济圈具有不同程度的金融产业集聚。

    Then , because of diversity of economic development , this paper goes deep into district level , and found verifying degree of financial aggregation in four economic zones and three economic circles .

  30. 主要内容有:本文运用区位熵法对2004年至2008年中国30个省的金融产业集聚程度进行了计算,并对它们进行空间统计分析。

    The main elements are : This article firstly utilize Entropy index to calculate the degree of financial clusters of 30 provinces in China , and then describe the statistical analysis of them .