
  • 网络program budget;program budgeting;Program Budgeting System
  1. 再论中国公共预算改革的路径选择&基于PPBE和规划预算的考察

    Further Analysis on Path of the Reform of Chinese Government Budget & The Investigation based on PPBE and Program Budget

  2. 规划预算是投入预算走向绩效预算的桥梁。

    Program budget is a bridge for investment budget to performance budget .

  3. 大会还通过了2010-2011年规划预算。

    The Health Assembly also passed the Programme Budget for2010-2011 .

  4. 学生可以习得烹饪技巧、设计菜单、规划预算,以及选择配酒。

    Students learn cookery technique , menu planning and costing , and wine selection .

  5. 你们将在本周初讨论2006-2007年规划预算方案。

    You will be discussing our proposed programme budget for2006 – 7 early this week .

  6. 卫生大会还讨论了世卫组织的规划预算、行政和管理事项。

    The Health Assembly also discussed the programme budget , administration and management matters of WHO .

  7. 大家已经看到2008和2009年规划预算方案和中期战略性计划草案。

    You have before you the proposed programme budget for2008 and2009 and the draft medium-term strategic plan .

  8. 卫生大会任命总干事,监督本组织的财政政策,以及审查和批准规划预算方案。

    The Health Assembly appoints the Director-General , supervises the financial policies of the Organization , and reviews and approves the Proposed programme budget .

  9. 除了中期战略性计划草案和规划预算方案外,摆在本届执委会面前的项目只涉及特定的一些世卫组织活动。

    Apart from the draft medium-term strategic plan and the proposed programme budget , the items before this Board cover only a selection of WHO activities .

  10. 2012-2013年规划预算方案中期望达到的目标可能将需要根据全球经济形势的现实情况进行调整。

    The aspirations set out in the proposed programme budget for2012 – 2013 may need to be adjusted in line with the reality of the global economic situation .

  11. 举例来说,如果规划预算为2亿美元,我们可以知道这里有着迫切的需要,而执行官对这一结果非常重视。

    If the program budget is $ 200 million in US dollars , for example , we know there is a serious need , and the executives expect serious results .

  12. 这对本组织在联合国的大范围内进行定位以及为2008-2009年规划预算和中期战略性计划进行准备将是极为重要的。

    This will be extremely important in terms of positioning the Organization within the wider context of the UN ; preparing for the Programme Budget for2008-2009 and the Medium-term Strategic Plan .

  13. 委员会还将审查世界卫生组织2006-2007年规划预算方案,以及关于十年工作总规划的纲要草案,这是世卫组织第一份这样的纲要。

    Board members will also be reviewing WHO 's proposed programme budget for2006-2007 , and a draft outline of a ten-year General Programme of Work , the first of its kind for WHO .

  14. 方案规划、预算编制、监测和评价(规则)

    Programme planning , budgeting , monitoring and evaluation ( rules )

  15. 主管方案规划、预算和帐务助理秘书长兼主计长

    Assistant Secretary-General for Programme Planning , Budget and Accounts , Controller

  16. 方案规划、预算和财务厅长兼主计长;

    Director of programme planning , budget and finance and controller ;

  17. 存款利润较高,就增大了补贴规划的预算费用。

    Higher deposit rates increase the budget costs of the subsidy program .

  18. 方案规划、预算编制和评价工作队

    Working Party on Programme Planning , Budgeting and Evaluation

  19. 方案规划、预算和财务厅

    Office for Programme Planning , Budget and Finance

  20. 方案规划和预算编制周期

    Programme planning and budgeting cycle

  21. 总统府秘书长部级办公厅主管方案规划、预算、监测和评价厅助理秘书长办公室

    Office of the Assistant Secretary-General for the Office of Programme Planning , Budgeting , Monitoring and Evaluation

  22. 项目前期工作:已立项,已规划和预算。

    The work for pre-project : the setting up , the plan and the budget have been done .

  23. 在确定目标的基础上,企业可以通过建立预算控制系统、将目标规划引入预算编制、管理过程保证预算目标的实现,保证资源使用对企业目标的趋向。

    Companies can establish budget control system , introduce goal programming to assure the realization of budget goal .

  24. 负责项目开销,规划年度预算,及费用的控制;

    Responsible for preparing annual plans including capital expenditures for the site , planning , budgeting and control of maintenance expenses ;

  25. 我们的解决方案在增加用户对使用性能经验的同时,考虑项目总体规划和预算。

    Our solution is to increase user experience in the use of performance while considering the overall project planning and budget .

  26. 由联合国主计长领导的方案规划、预算和账务厅是主要的控制机制。

    The UN Office of Programme Planning , Budget and Accounts , headed by the UN Controller , is the main control mechanism .

  27. IT架构规划及预算管理,管理IT支持团队,企业信息化管理,应用系统项目管理。

    Responsible for IT infrastructure designing and budget establishing , IT support team managing , corporate OA system and applied system project managing .

  28. 它使您能够觉察和分析趋势、模式和反常情况,为您规划、预算和预测资源提供帮助。

    It enables you to spot and analyze trends , patterns , and anomalies so you can plan , budget , and forecast resources .

  29. 方案规划、预算内方案部分、执行情况监测和评价方法的条例和细则;

    Rules and Regulations Governing Programme planning , the programme aspects of the budget , the monitoring of implementation and the methods of evaluation ;

  30. 这种集成功能可确保企业采用连贯统一的最新信息制定所有规划、预算、预测和管理报表。

    This integration ensures that all plans , budgets , forecasts , and management reports are built using the most consistent and current information .