
  • 网络CBRC
  1. 中国银行业监督管理委员会(chinabankingregulatorycommission)深圳银监局局长于学军最近在一次对监管者而言异常坦率的讲话中表示,汇率机制使得中国央行颇为“被动”。

    Yu Xuejun , head of the China Banking Regulatory Commission Office in Shenzhen , next to Hong Kong , said this week , in an unusually frank speech for a regulator , that the currency system had made the PBOC " passive " .

  2. 第二步,系统重建新的监管流程:探讨了银监局监管流程再造的总体要求、具体目标、原则和路径选择;以战略联盟进行金融再造

    Secondly , it tries to systematically reengineer the regulatory process . To Reengineer the Finance by Means of Strategic Alliance

  3. 对中资汽车金融公司,由银监局负责颁发《金融许可证》。

    In the event of a Chinese-investment auto financing company , the Financial License shall be issued by the banking regulatory bureau .

  4. 各政策性银行,国有商业银行、股份制商业银行,各银监局。

    This Notice shall be applicable to all policy banks , state-owned commercial banks , joint-stock commercial banks and the CBRC provincial offices .

  5. 延期申请经银监局审核同意后报银监会核准。

    After examined and verified by the banking regulatory bureau , the application for extension shall be submitted to CBRC for verification and approval .

  6. 房地产过热问题众所周知,然而,成都银监局对商业地产价格的立场更加坚定。

    Warnings on an overheated real estate sector are hardly new , but in Chengdu , bank regulators are taking a more assertive stance on the prices of commercial properties .

  7. 四川银监局的官员要求对成都商业地产的押品价值数据进行审核。

    China Banking Regulatory Commission officials in Sichuan Province have asked to review data on the value of collateral for the commercial property sector in the provincial capital of Chengdu .

  8. 对申请资料齐全并符合规定形式的,银监局应当受理并书面通知申请人。

    Where the application documents are complete and all in specified forms , the banking regulatory bureau shall accept and handle the application and give the applicant a written notice concerning that .

  9. 因此,请各银监局认真执行,并将执行过程中发现的问题和建议及时报告银监会。

    Therefore , all local CBRC offices shall earnestly implement the Internal Guidelines , and report the problems found in the implementation process and any suggestions to the CBRC in a timely manner .

  10. 借助央行与银监局直接的博弈分析,本文认为应从组织保障、信息保障和外部保障三方面加强监管协同工作。

    By analyzing the disputes of the Central Bank and China Banking Regulatory Commission , the author proposes that we should strengthen the supervision and cooperation from three aspects which is organization guaranteeing , information security and external insurance .

  11. 浙江省在破解中小企业融资难题方面走在全国前列,但是根据浙江省银监局调查,有近六成的中小企业贷款申请仍被银行否决,小企业的发展仍面临资金缺口严重的制约。

    Zhejiang is among the first few provinces committed in solving finance difficulties of Small and Medium Enterprises in the nation , but according to the investigation of China Banking Regulatory Bureau , Zhejiang Branch , that nearly 60 % of SME loan applications have been rejected by banks .

  12. 本月法新社(afp)报道称,中国银监会上海监管局局长阎庆民在最近一次会议上批评外资银行忽视本地业务风险。

    The AFP news agency this month reported that Yan Qingmin , head of the Shanghai Branch of the China Banking Regulatory Commission , had criticised foreign banks at a recent meeting for ignoring risk in their local operations .

  13. 引狼入室以狼为师&中国银监会北京银监局局长赖小民论中资商业银行引进境外战略投资者我国海外投资的战略选择

    Strategic Choice of China 's Overseas Investment

  14. 早在2013年,银监会就对成都房地产业问题有所担心,当时四川银监局公布了一项报告,称当地银行违反规定,在没有说明资金用途的情况下贷款给开发商。

    Concerns on the health of the property sector in Chengdu were raised by the CBRC as early as 2013 , with the Sichuan branch publishing a report which stated banks broke rules by lending to developers without specifying what the money should be used for , among other violations .

  15. 即立法赋予银监会的非现场监管权力,同时赋予民间金融自律行业协会组织为主的,地方银监局监管为辅的现场监管权利,最后加以各地司法机关的补充协助系统性监管体系。

    That is not on the enabling legislation of the banking regulatory authority , also give civil finance self-discipline industry association based organization , place the CBRC , supplemented by the right regulatory oversight , and finally to the judicial organs around the added to assist systemic regulatory system .