
  • 网络CAE;the chinese academy of engineering
  1. 中国工程院咨询项目对减排SO2进行了技术和经济评价。

    The technology and economic evaluation for reducing SO2 as a consultative project by Chinese Academy of Engineering are completed .

  2. 黄启立是中国工程院的一员。

    Huang Qili is with the Chinese Academy of Engineering .

  3. 沈国方来自中国工程院。

    Shen Guofang is with the Chinese Academy of Engineering .

  4. 现在,中国工程院共有66位外籍院士。

    The academy now has 66 foreign academicians .

  5. 中国工程院办公楼

    Office building of the China Engineering Academy

  6. 中国工程院院士张伯礼长期致力于中医药现代化研究。

    Zhang Boli with the Chinese Academy of Engineering has the study of traditional Chinese medicine .

  7. 黄其励博士教授级高级工程师,中国工程院院士。

    Doctor Huang Qili is a senior engineer , academician from the Chinese Academy of Engineering .

  8. 1994年,她成为中国工程院首名院士之一。

    In1994 , she became a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in its first cohort .

  9. 拓展建设节约型城市的新思路,合理开发利用城市地下空间&访中国工程院院士钱七虎先生

    To Broaden the New Philosophy of Constructing Economical City and to Develop Rationally the Urban underground Space

  10. 给潜艇一颗健康心脏&访中国工程院院士马伟明

    Give submarines a healthy heart

  11. 从钳工到院士&记中国工程院院士张运

    From Fitter to Academician

  12. 中国工程院宣布,这位62岁的微软联合创始人是18位新的外籍成员之一。

    The Microsoft co-founder , 62 , is one of 18 new foreign members , the academy said .

  13. 中国工程院的徐建国表示,应该改变疫情方面的分析。

    Xu Jianguo with the Chinese Academy of Engineering says there should be a change in analyzing outbreaks .

  14. 例如,设立国家自然科学基金委与中国工程院的建议,都是与中科院院士群体的建言献策密切相关的。

    For example , CAS reports helped establish the National Natural Science Foundation and the Chinese Academy of Engineering .

  15. 周炯盘,男,中国工程院院院士、北京邮电大学教授、博士生导师;

    Jiongpan Zhou , male , is the academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering , the professor and supervisor of Ph.

  16. 呼吸内科专家兼中国工程院院士钟南山对石远凯的担忧表示认同。

    Zhong Nanshan , a respiratory expert and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering , echoed Shi ` s concern .

  17. 中国工程院院士潘家铮也出席了此次记者会。他指责西方媒体大搞妖魔化、夸大了三峡大坝的问题。

    Also at the news conference was a senior engineer who accused foreign reports of demonizing China and exaggerating problems at the dam .

  18. 中国工程院院士,研究员,博士生导师,国家有突出贡献专家。

    Academician of China Engineering Academy , Researcher , PhD Tutor , national expert with outstanding contribution , famous rock and soil engineering expert .

  19. 日前,美国亿万富翁比尔·盖茨被选入中国工程院,这是中国在工程领域的最高荣誉。

    US billionaire Bill Gates has been elected to the Chinese Academy of Engineering , China 's highest honor in the field of engineering .

  20. 为了检测该行动计划的中期效果,国家环境保护总局授权中国工程院进行评估。

    To assess the midterm performance of the action plan , the Ministry of Environmental Protection authorized the engineering academy to conduct the assessment .

  21. 中国工程院院士,天津医科大学教授,天津市中西医结合急腹症研究所所长。

    Member the Chinese Academy of Engineering ; Professor , Director , Institute of Acute Abdomen in Integrative Medicine , Tianjin Medical University , China .

  22. 中国工程院院士,中国医学科学院药用植物研究所研究员,世界卫生组织传统医学合作中心主任。

    Member the Chinese Academy of Engineering ; Professor , Honorary Director , Institute of Medicinal Plant Development , Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences , China .

  23. “没有哪个国家有我国这样如此大规模的、频繁的科技评价运动,”中国工程院院士黄尚廉如此批评我国的科技评价制度。

    " No other country gives so many science prizes , so frequently ," said Huang Shanglian , a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering .

  24. 中国工程院副院长谢克昌今天上午发表了关于“未来能源和低碳科技”的讲话。

    Xie Kechang , vice president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering , delivered a speech on " Future Energy and Low-carbon Science and Technology " this morning .

  25. 1983年回国,现任北京市建筑设计研究院总建筑师、中国工程院院士。

    He returned to China in1983 and the present position is the chief architect of Beijing Architecture Design and Research Institute , Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering .

  26. 2010年,发改委委托中国工程院启动了我国物联网发展战略规划的研究,其中智能物流作为开展研究的十大行业之一,成为被关注的焦点。

    In 2010 , National Development and Reform Commission submitted Chinese Academy of Engineering to start the research on the development strategic plan of Chinese internet of things .

  27. 毕生致力于肠功能障碍的研究&记著名普通外科专家、中国工程院院士黎介寿教授

    Devoting his whole life to the study on intestine dysfunction & Introduction to Prof. Li Jieshou , an outstanding expert in general surgery and academician of China Engineering Academy

  28. 中国工程院院士,哈尔滨工业大学机器人研究所、机器人技术及系统国家重点实验室教授。

    Cai Hegao is an Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Professor of Robotics Institute and State Key Laboratory for Robotics and System of Harbin Institute of Technology .

  29. 不过,中国工程院院士、农科院科学家刘更另认为,除了那些大型科研项目外,应该提高日常的科研经费,并改进科研评价体系。

    Liu Gengling , a senior scientist at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences , says that the basic funding for regular research should be increased and the evaluation systems improved .

  30. 浙江大学位于浙江省省会杭州。这次丑闻牵涉到该学校的贺海波副教授和该校药学院院长、中国工程院院士李连达。

    A recent scandal involving Zhejiang University in Hangzhou , where associate professor He Haibo and dean of pharmaceutical science Li Lianda lost their jobs over He 's alleged copying of data .