
  1. 4建立了比较完善的8项地质灾害防治工作制度;5每年县财政都拨出专款用于防灾预警体系的正常运转。

    Special funds are ready for normal work of hazard-prevention system .

  2. 拨出专款帮助搬迁户动迁电泳迁移率变动分析

    Appropriate a special fund to help relocate households or units having to move electrophoretic mobility shift assay

  3. 中央政府还拨出专款资助困难学生,1994年至1996年拨款达4.4亿多元。

    The central government has allocated special funds to aid students with financial difficulties . From 1994 to 1996 , the allocation reached more than 440 million yuan .

  4. 今后我国学费政策的可能趋势是控制学费上涨的幅度,同时政府拨出专款加强和完善助学制度。

    The fee policies in the near future in our country is to establish more perfect system of student aids , as well as to control the dramatic fee rise .

  5. 北京市还从政府层面拨出专款,以降低登记报名等费用。比如像冰球这样的冰雪运动项目往往是中等收入家庭无法负担得起的。

    The government will also fund the sports to lower costs for registration and competitions , as ice and snow sports such as hockey are often unaffordable for families with average income .

  6. 另一方面,随着三峡库区蓄水的日益临近,库区的地质灾害问题,如滑坡、崩塌日益突出,国家甚至拨出40亿专款来治理库区的地质灾害问题。

    Moreover , with the forthcoming sluicing of the reservoir of Three Gorges , such geological hazards in the reservoir area as landslide and rockfall are becoming more and more . Even Chinese government has transferred special funds of four billion yuan for solving this problem .