
diàn kuǎn
  • to make advances;advance in cash;money advanced for sb. to be paid back later;advance money for sb. and expect to be paid back later;money advanced for sb.to be paid back later
垫款 [diàn kuǎn]
  • [money advanced for sb.to be paid back later] 暂时替别人先付的款子

垫款[diàn kuǎn]
  1. CMS和ABIS双方共同讨论制订数据交换协议,根据业务需要商定各自关心的接口数据流,实现贷款、展期、垫款等信息提取、发送、查询功能的数据交换。

    CMS and the ABIS discuss to complete the data exchange protocol , Based on business need to agree on their respective concerns interface data flow , Bring the loan , extension , advances such as information extraction , send , query functionality for data exchange . 4 .

  2. 贷款、垫款及备付金申报表

    " Return on loans , advances and provisions "

  3. 在现金垫款贷款的利率变化。

    Cash in advance loan interest rate changes .

  4. 但垫款贷款是提供给任何人

    Payday loans are available to anyone who

  5. 垫款与贷款对存款的比率

    Ratio of advances and loans to deposits

  6. 按进度付款和实收垫款;

    Progress payments and advances received ;

  7. 之后的两年里,对英国居民的信用垫款总额增加了2.5倍。

    Over the next two years , total credit advances to UK residents multiplied 2.5 times .

  8. 不是有一种更容易获得途径,它与预借现金垫款贷款。

    Not when there is a much easier way to get it with cash advance payday loans .

  9. 从资本投资基金支付的款项,包括主要拨予营运基金及政府所拥有公司的垫款及股本投资。

    Payments from the capital investment fund include advances and equity investments mainly to trading funds and government-owned corporations .

  10. 没有疑义现金垫款贷款比从银行的一笔标准贷款将运载一种高利率。

    No doubt in cash advances from bank loans than a standard loan would carry a higher interest rate .

  11. 共同海损费用垫款的保险费,也应作为共同海损。

    The cost of insuring money advanced to pay for general average disbursements shall also be allowed in general average .

  12. 因此,现在你知道你怎样才能避免你的眼前的财务危机所利用快速垫款贷款服务。

    So now , you know how you can avoid your immediate financial crisis by availing fast payday loan services .

  13. 当遇到不可预见费,没有传真垫款贷款,是一种快速的财路同一天。

    When faced with unforeseen expenses , no fax payday loan is a quick way of getting money the same day .

  14. 只要你作出了一定数额的钱,每月的,你可以有资格获得垫款。

    As long as you are making a certain amount of money monthly , you can qualify for a payday loan .

  15. 为你,这意味着你应该尝试和逗留明确的昂贵形式的债务,如现金垫款。

    For you , it means you should try and stay clear of the expensive forms of debt such as cash advances .

  16. 指根据第二项条款贷款方有责任向或为借款方的账户作出垫款。

    " Commitment " means the Lender 's commitment to make Advances to or for the Borrower 's account pursuant to Article II .

  17. 同样地,资本投资基金的垫款及股本投资亦不包括在内,因为这些款项并不代表政府实际所用资源。

    Similarly , advances and equity investments from the capital investment fund are excluded as they do not reflect the actual consumption of resources by the government .

  18. 由于代兑垫款迟迟没有归还,影响了中国银行对于资金的运用。

    But this acting affected Bank of China 's fund utilization gravely because of the money advanced for cashing Banque Industrielle De Chine 's notes returned too late .

  19. 银行号存款、堂号存款、客号存款为货栈资本的重要来源,而对客垫款则为其资本运用的最主要部分。

    Bank deposits , shop deposits , merchant personal deposits were important sources of its capital , while guest advance was the most major part of its use .

  20. 该方案适用于满足核心客户大型项目上游施工企业参与项目投标、解决项目建设初期和中期因垫款形成的资金需求。

    The program is adaptable for large-scale projects to meet key clients involved in the project construction enterprises upstream bid to resolve the early and mid-term project funding needs because of advances formed .

  21. 装瓶公司们垫款购买机器,支付包装、市政用水以及卡车和轮胎的费用,可口可乐的糖浆也由此迅速渗透到全国各地的商业大动脉。

    Bottlers fronted the capital to buy the machinery , packaging , and municipal water , as well as the trucks and tires that spread Coke 's syrup through the nation 's commercial arteries .

  22. 为公司开破与董事之间的往来账户,按照董事会认为合适的条件及条款给公司垫款,该等垫款可收取利息或不收取利息。

    To open a current account with themselves for the Company and to advance any money to the Company with or without interest and upon such terms and conditions as they shall think fit .