
diàn tou
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垫头[diàn tou]
  1. 他用两个垫枕垫头

    He used a couple of bolsters to elevate his head .

  2. 金融稳定委员会强调,出于审慎,市场参与者应当继续设定高于官方要求的垫头。

    The FSB stressed that market participants should continue to set higher haircuts than the official requirements where prudent .

  3. 睡觉的人垫在头下边的垫子。

    A cushion to support the head of a sleeping person .

  4. 到此为止,你已经换了不少姿势:翘着二郎腿、手搁在腿上、手放在椅子的扶手上&甚至还把手交叉垫在头后面。

    By now you 're sat with your legs crossed , with your hands in your lap , with your hands on the arm rests & even with your hands crossed behind your head .

  5. ⑶以曳引轮、钢丝绳、减振垫与绳头弹簧四个可变因素为研究对象进行了实验研究,为解决电梯振动问题提供了理论和实践基础。

    ⑶ To the traction wheels , wire rope , rope spring damping pad and the four variables for the study to conduct experimental research , in order to solve the vibration problem of the lift provides a theoretical and practical foundation .

  6. 可拆卸的柔软耳垫和灵活的头戴设计保证耳机稳固的佩戴并能在长时间的使用中保持舒适。

    The removable , soft ear cushions and flexible headband ensure the headphones sit securely and remain comfortable even during prolonged periods of use .

  7. 后垫(用于垫高模头组件的厚度,如果深度已足够,则不需)

    Shim or sub-bolster ( used to create the needed thickness for the die assembly , and is not required if there is already enough depth )