
  • 网络Transaction Marketing;trade marketing
  1. 关系营销是交易营销的革命吗

    Can the Relationship Marketing Theory Be the Revolution of the Transaction Marketing Theory

  2. 尤其是营销观念,基本上还沿用传统的交易营销理论。

    Especially the marketing concepts still use the traditional transaction marketing theory .

  3. 随着市场营销理论研究开始从传统交易营销转向关系导向营销研究,客户关系管理(CustomerRelationshipManagement,CRM)在我国企业中已经得到越来越多的应用。

    Along with the shifting of marketing research theory from the traditional transaction-oriented to relationship marketing , Customer Relationship Management ( customer relationship management . CRM ) has got more and more applications in Chinese enterprises .

  4. 交易营销是更大的概念即关系营销的一部分。

    Transaction marketing is part of a larger idea called relationship marketing .

  5. 营销理论在房地产销售中的整合应用从交易营销到战略营销:营销理论范式的比较与创新

    The Intergrating Application of Marketing Theory in Real Estate Sales

  6. 第三节分析了关系营销与传统的交易营销的区别。

    Section three analyzes the differences between relationship marketing and the traditional transaction marketing .

  7. 应根据自身的特点运用适宜的交易营销观念或关系营销观念来指导其实施营销活动。

    Taking appropriate trade marketing concept or relationship marketing concept to direct its marketing activities , according to its own characteristics .

  8. 为此,越来越多的企业从以产品为中心转变到以客户为中心,从交易营销转变到关系营销。

    More and more enterprises transform the center from the product to the customer , transforms marketing from the transaction to the relational .

  9. 在交易营销向关系营销转变过程中,关系取代交易成为企业现代营销最重要的目标。

    Relationship instead of traction has become the most important goal of modern market during the transformation from transaction market to relationship market .

  10. 本文简要介绍了关系营销的定义,关系营销与交易营销的区别,关系营销的特征,关系营销中的各种关系,关系营销的经济学意义,关系营销成功的必要条件。

    This article introduces the following six aspects of relation marketing : the definition ; the differences between relation and transaction marketing ; the characteristics ;

  11. 伴随着我国电信运营市场的逐渐走向成熟,关系营销必将取代交易营销而成为电信服务业重要的市场营销策略。

    Accompanying the gradual mature of our national telecom operation market , connection sales must replace trade sales to be the important marketing strategy in the telecom service industry .

  12. 关系营销是一种与传统的交易营销截然不同的营销模式,关系营销理论代表了现代营销理论的变革方向,已经成为现代营销课本中不可或缺的一部分。

    Relationship marketing is different from traditional marketing model , relationship marketing theory represented modern marketing theory change direction , has become an indispensable modern marketing part of textbooks .

  13. 在这里,传统的交易营销模式显露出很大的局限性,而关系营销思想和理论为服务营销提供了新的视角。

    According to the view great limitation appears in the traditional transaction market pattern , however , the concept and theory of relation market advances the new view for service market .

  14. 但这些研究却并未与传统交易营销研究中处于核心地位的渠道绩效问题进行充分的对接,而且这些研究之间也缺乏有机的联系。

    More and more relevant researches have been making in these days . But these researches have not been linked to the channel performance sufficiently , which is the core of traditional marketing researches .

  15. 顾客关系价值是关系营销理论的重要研究内容,消费品市场的顾客关系价值影响因素研究多数以交易营销范式从顾客满意、品牌忠诚等层面展开。

    Customer relationship value is the important concept in relationship marketing theory , whose factors was got around customer satisfaction , brand loyalty and so on in consume market by paradigm of transaction marketing .

  16. 信息技术的发展,市场环境和顾客观念的变化导致营销观念、方式、渠道的深刻变革,营销管理从传统的交易营销转变为关系营销。

    Development of information technology , the changes of market conditions and customer concept lead to profound changes in marketing concept , methods , and channels , marketing management from the traditional transaction marketing change into relationship marketing .

  17. 关系营销理论作为不同于交易营销的新型营销理论,其核心在于研究如何建立、维系和提升企业与顾客及其利益相关者之间的关系。

    Relationship Marketing as a new type of marketing is different from the theory of transaction marketing , the core is that the study of how to establish , maintain and improve the relationship between enterprise and the customers .

  18. 但根据库恩的理论框架来分析,这样的提法并不确切,关系营销理论的确是交易营销理论的新阶段,但并不能对交易营销理论构成革命。

    According the framework of Thomas S.Kuhn , we find the viewpoint above cannot be proved properly . Relationship marketing is the new development of transaction marketing theory , but it cannot be the revolution of transaction marketing theory .

  19. 随着对关系营销理论研究的日益深入,有些学者从关系营销和交易营销理论的差异出发,提出了“关系营销是营销理论的革命”的论题。

    With the development of study in it , some scholars consider " relationship marketing is the revolution of traditional transaction marketing theory " based the difference of the relationship marketing and transaction marketing theory . How can we judge whether one theory is the revolution of another one ?

  20. 昆明国际花卉拍卖交易中心营销模式初探

    Marketing Model of the Kunming International Flower Auction Trading Center

  21. 除了进行短期交易,营销者还需要与目标顾客,分销商,经销商,供应商建立良好的长期关系。

    Beyond creating short_term transactions , marketers need to build long_term relationships with valued customers , a distributor , dealers , and suppliers .

  22. 主要结合中国工业品市场的实际,对工业品采购、交易与营销模式进行全面分析。

    Comprehensive demonstration analysis on the purchasing and trade mode of the industrial products is done based on the actual condition of Chinese industrial product market .

  23. 美国一个参议院委员会正在调查一种名为“交易后营销”的技术,这种技术让客户在不知情的情况下,签字同意导致信用卡多次付费的服务。

    A technique known as " post-transaction marketing " in which customers unwittingly sign up for offers that result in recurring credit card charges is being investigated by a US Senate committee .

  24. 逐步建成全行的“业务咨询中心”、“信息交流中心”、“交易与营销中心”及“客户关系管理中心”。

    Gradually , the center has become to be " business inquiry center "," information communication center "," dealing and marketing center " and " customer relationship management center " of the whole bank .

  25. 本文首先综述了西方营销渠道关系理论的研究内容,然后在交易型营销渠道与关系型营销渠道比较的基础上提出了一个构建关系型营销渠道的渠道知识共生网络。

    This passage first summarizes relational theories of marketing channel in the West , and then puts forward a channel knowledge coexistence network for establishing relational channels on the basis of comparing exchange channels with relational channels .

  26. 在此基础上,通过分析了供应链、交易成本、营销渠道之间的关系,分析了营销渠道组合对供应链的重要作用,考虑交易成本的约束,提出了基于AHP与目标规划的营销渠道组合方法。

    Based on these studies , it studies the relationship among the supply chain , transaction cost and marketing channel , analyses the important effect of the marketing channel to the supply chain , and put forwards studying methods of the marketing channel based on AHP and objective programming .

  27. 全球石油巨头装作是统一的全球业务,但实际上,它们是综合性企业集团,将一些基本上互不相干业务线混为一体,这些业务涉及勘探、生产、精炼、交易和市场营销。

    The international oil majors pretend they are uniform global operations , but in truth they are conglomerates that mix largely disconnected business streams handling exploration , production , refining , trading and marketing .

  28. 而且强大的后台支持平台也是中国银行各网点从交易核算型转向营销服务型的关键所在。

    And then the strong background support platform is the key of bank of China changes from accounting trade type to marketing service type .

  29. 分销渠道管理理论是以经济学中流通理论、商品流通理论、交易成本经济学和营销理论为基础和来源的。

    The marketing channel manages the circulation theories in the economics , the merchandise circulation theories , the trade cost economics and the marketing theories for foundation and source .

  30. 唯一可行之道就是利用电子商务这一先进的信息技术降低企业的交易成本、优化营销体系、提高服务效率,达到提高客户满意度和忠诚度,增强企业生存和竞争能力的目的。

    The one and only answer is developing Electronic Commerce System to lowering the business cost , optimizing the distribution system , increasing the service efficiency , enhancing the customer 's approval with loyalty and strengthening the enterprise 's ability of survival and competing .