
  • 网络tax credit;tax deductible;tax deductable;tax-deductible
  1. 您的捐款可以抵税。

    All your donation is tax deductible .

  2. 米米·加德纳·盖茨于2010年创办了敦煌基金会(DunhuangFoundation),该组织与敦煌研究院协力支持石窟保护工作。与盖茨一同完成不加限制的参观需要每人捐赠2500美元,捐款可以抵税。

    The Dunhuang Foundation , established in 2010 by Mimi Gardner Gates , a group that supports the preservation of the caves in conjunction with the Dunhuang Academy , requests a $ 2500 per person , tax deductible donation for the full access tour with Ms. Gates .

  3. 首先,MBO相关法律和体制不完善,导致诸如目标公司无法获得收购借款的利息抵税利益等问题。

    Firstly , the laws and systems relevant to MBO are faultiness .

  4. 他表示,为执行这些措施,美国国税局(InternalRevenueService)将新增近800个职位。这些措施将增加税收收入,帮助支付美国企业研发抵税的永久化。

    He said the measures , which would be enforced by the creation of nearly 800 new jobs at the Internal Revenue Service , would raise revenues to help pay for the permanent extension of the Research and Development tax credit for US corporations .

  5. 债务资本成本就是利率成本再扣除抵税的影响。

    The formula to calculate capital cost of debt is quite easy .

  6. 遥遥领先的最重要激励方式是利息抵税。

    The most important incentive by far is the tax deductibility of interest .

  7. 给慈善机构的赠品可用来抵税。

    Donations to charities can be offset against tax .

  8. 妥当设计“就业抵税”方案,基本上可以平息上述两种批评意见。

    Both critiques can be largely satisfied by proper design of a tax credit for new jobs .

  9. 而且在做账时,摩根大通以为这笔费用可以抵税。

    And when it did , it assumed that it would be able to get a tax benefit .

  10. 只有全职员工人数较基数有所增加的企业,才能获得抵税。

    To obtain the tax credit , a business would have to show full-time employment increased from that base .

  11. 全国有数千个这样的商店参加了这个向加拿大消费者宣传新抵税政策的活动。

    Thousands of stores across Canada have already signed up to promote this innovative new tax credit to Canadian consumers .

  12. 当然,为了获得抵税,有招聘计划的公司可能提前招聘。

    Of course , employers who planned to hire workers may do so earlier in order to obtain the tax credit .

  13. 在这种情况下,抵税政策将导致招聘活动加快,而不是真正创造就业。

    To this extent , the tax credit will accelerate the hiring of new workers , rather than actually create jobs .

  14. 如果收购导致工作职位净减少,合并后公司不应享受抵税。

    This tax credit should not be available to the combined entity if the acquisition resulted in a net reduction in jobs .

  15. 企业债券作为一种具有抵税、财务杠杆和防止企业控制权分散等优势的融资模式,国家和企业对企业债券融资对企业发展重要性的认识越来越深刻。

    Corporate bonds is an financing mode having the advantage of commuting tax , financial leverage and preventing the decentralizing of equity financing .

  16. 让我们保守假设:新抵税政策令新就业工人的平均失业期缩短了13周。

    Let us assume conservatively that a new tax credit cuts only 13 weeks off the average unemployment period of newly hired workers .

  17. 预算案假设未来若干经济会强劲发展,并限制富人抵税的金额以及对大公司减免税务的优惠。

    It assumes robust economic growth in coming years , and limits tax deductions for the wealthy as well as corporate tax breaks .

  18. 虽然投资者对这种债券要求的利率高于较高级的债务,但可转换债券的抵税地位使其比普通股成本更低。

    Although investors will demand higher interest rates than for more senior debt , the bonds ' tax-deductible status makes them cheaper than common equity .

  19. 例如,许多经济学家怀疑,向中产阶级家庭提供每人500美元抵税额度的1450亿美元项目能否产生效果。

    Many economists , for example , are sceptical about whether the $ 145bn item to distribute $ 500 refundable tax credits to middle class households will be efficient .

  20. 该组织在6月份公布的一份报告中表示,有9个国家仍没有明令禁止公司将贿赂费用列为可抵税的经营成本。

    In a report published in June , it said nine countries still did not expressly prohibit companies from accounting for bribes as a tax - deductible business cost .

  21. 总理还走访了渥太华地区的一家五金商店,这家商店参加了在全国范围内向民众宣传如何申请《家居装修抵税》的活动。

    The Prime Minister visited an Ottawa-area hardware store that is participating in a nationwide campaign to inform Canadians about how to apply for the Home Renovation Tax Credit .

  22. 在计划于今日发表的一篇演讲中,预计奥巴马将呼吁实施新的投资抵税政策,包括无限期延长研发方面的减税待遇。

    In a speech planned for today the president is expected to call for new investment tax credits , including the permanent extension of tax reliefs for research and development .

  23. 通用汽车不愿透露伏特在中国的售价,但在美国,价格为4.1万美元(再扣除7500美元的抵税额度)。

    Detroit will not say how much Volt will cost in China , but in the US , the price is $ 41,000 ( less a $ 7,500 tax credit ) .

  24. 不过,因违反纽约州教育法而被处罚的100万美元罚金——和解协议的一部分——可能无法抵税。

    However , a $ 1 million penalty for violating state education laws in New York , which is part of the settlement package , may not qualify for a deduction .

  25. 负杠杆原理:当投资房产抵税部分金额超过收入部分,投资人可以用于抵减其他应付税的收入。

    Negative Gearing : When the tax deductions from an investment property exceed the income the property generates , the investor has a tax loss to offset against their other taxable income .

  26. 通过设定在过去的基数,可避免企业拖延招聘活动,或者为获得抵税先解雇员工后再回聘。

    By setting the baseline in the past , Congress would avoid companies delaying the hiring of new workers or firing workers in order to rehire them to obtain the tax credit .

  27. 简而言之,虽然就业抵税计划势必会产生一些非必要的政府开支,但通过合理设计,就可以有效制约企业钻空子的机会。

    In short , while any tax credit for new jobs is bound to involve some unnecessary government expenditure , a proper design can substantially restrict the ability of employers to game the system .

  28. 不过,如果增加以下条件,减税成本就会大为降低:享受抵税的企业所招聘的新员工中,必须有一半是目前正领取失业补助的人。

    But Congress could cut the cost of the tax credit dramatically by adding one condition that half of the new workers hired by any company under the tax credit be currently drawing unemployment benefits .

  29. 2009年9月30日后成立的公司不应享受抵税,因为难以区分真正新成立的公司和那些通过分拆或其它聪明的运作手法创立的公司。

    The tax credit should not be available to companies established after September 30 2009 . It is simply too hard to differentiate between truly new companies and those created through spin-offs or other clever manoeuvres .

  30. 新措施将包括,把面向企业的研发支出抵税措施永久化、加大对能源和医疗研究的投入、以及努力恢复美国数理教学质量。

    New measures would include making an R & D tax credit permanent for businesses , boosting funding for energy and healthcare research , and efforts to restore the quality of us teaching in maths and Sciences .