
zǐ cǎo
  • Lithospermum;puccoon;radix lithospermi;Alkanna tinctoria;stoneweed
紫草 [zǐ cǎo]
  • [redroot gromwell] 一种紫草属多年生草本植物,根粗大,紫色,叶互生,披针形,金缘,花白色,果实有四分果,粒状,根供染料及药用

  • 如今之紫草,未花时采。(紫草,多年生草本植物,有宿根,可作药用。)--宋. 沈括《梦溪笔谈》

紫草[zǐ cǎo]
  1. 紫草油用于新生儿脓疱疮及擦烂红斑的临床观察

    Treatment of Neonatal Impetigo and Erosive Erythema with Puccoon Oil

  2. 方法:采用100℃沸水加棉纱垫(24层)法,造成大鼠背部皮肤烫伤模型,与阴性对照组(麻油组)和阳性对照组(紫草油组)进行比较。

    Methods : Adapting 100 ℃ water with 24 & storey cotton yarn cushion to make a big mouse skill burn model and then compare with the feminine comparing team ( castor Oil team ) and the masculine comparing team ( puccoon oil team ) .

  3. 紫草籽油的超临界CO2萃取及其脂肪酸含量分析

    Supercritical-CO_2 fluid extraction and fatty acid contents analysis of lithospermum seeds oil

  4. 紫草籽抗氧化物质(SOD和黄酮类化合物)的研究

    Research of antioxidants ( SOD and fLavonoids ) from Zicao seeds

  5. pH值、激素对新疆紫草悬浮培养细胞生长及紫草宁衍生物合成的影响

    Effects of pH value and hormones on cell growth and shikonin derivative formation in suspension cultures of Arnebia euchroma cells

  6. 紫草汤对家兔Ⅲ型超敏反应血清IL-2水平有降低趋势。

    Lithospermum Tang ⅲ type hypersensitivity rabbit serum IL-2 levels decreasing . 4 .

  7. 利用实时荧光定量PCR定性研究了稀土元素铈对新疆紫草细胞生物合成调控的分子机制。

    The molecular mechanism of regulation of Cerium on the shikonin biosynthesis had been researched by real time quantitative PCR qualitatively .

  8. 紫草素诱导人白血病细胞K562的凋亡

    Shikonin induces apoptosis of human leukemia K562 cells

  9. 脱落酸(ABA)调控滇紫草细胞的次生代谢

    Regulation of abscisic acid ( aba ) on secondary metabolism in cultured Onosma paniculatum cells

  10. CTAB法提取中草药材滇紫草细胞的总RNA

    Extraction of total RNA from Onosma paniculatum , a Chinese medical plant , by CTAB method

  11. 目的:筛选紫草抗人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)的有效部份。

    Objective : To screen anti-human papillomavirus ( HPV ) effective fraction from Lithospermum erythrorhizon .

  12. 紫草酸镁B抑制缺血/再灌注心肌细胞c-junN-末端激酶3mRNA的表达

    Inhibition of magnesium lithospermate B on the c-Jun N-terminal kinase 3 mRNA expression in cardiomyocytes encountered ischemia / reperfusion injury

  13. 紫草素诱导HeLa细胞凋亡经过caspase激活的机制

    Shikonin induce HeLa cell apoptosis via a caspase-dependent mechanism

  14. 目的:研究紫草素对DNA拓扑异构酶I催化活性和K562白血病细胞凋亡的影响。

    AIM : To study the effects of shikonin on the catalytic activity of DNA topoisomerase I and apoptosis of K562 leukemia cells .

  15. 结果表明,pH值、热、光对紫草色素的性质影响不大,但强碱、强日光及某些金属离子对色素有一定的影响。

    The result showed that the heating , light and pH did not affect stability of alkannin , but alkali , strong sunlight and some metallics affected its stability .

  16. 结论新疆紫草素能够有效抑制胃癌细胞的增殖、黏附,并诱导凋亡。Iso的相序。

    CONCLUSION The iso-alkannin and its derivatives could effectively inhibit the proliferation and adhesion of the gastric cancer cells and induced apoptosis .

  17. 方法:采用了固体分散技术制备了紫草浸膏固体分散物,并进行了X射线衍射实验及稳定性实验。

    Methods : Solid dispersion of extract of Radix Arnebiae seu Lithospermi were prepared with solid dispersion technology , X ray diffraction and stability experiments were also carried out .

  18. 紫草油对创面组织修复及BfgfmRNA表达的影响

    Effect of Arnebia Root Oil in Promoting the Tissue Recovery of Surface of Wound and Basic Fibroblast Growth factor ( bFGF ) mRNA Expression

  19. 利用超临界CO2萃取技术,对紫草籽进行了萃取操作,得到紫草籽油,并利用毛细管气相色谱法,对脂肪酸含量进行了分析,为亚麻酸的进一步分离纯化提供了基础数据。

    The lithospermum seeds oil was extracted by supercritical CO 2 and the total fatty acids of the oil were analyzed by capillary column gas chromatography .

  20. 紫草素对绒癌JAR/MTX细胞的耐药逆转及MRP、LRP表达的影响

    The Effect of Shikonin on Reversing Drug-resistance of Choriocarcinoma JAR / MTX Cells and the Expression of MRP and LRP

  21. 本研究观察了紫草素(Shikonin)对小鼠肝癌(Hepatoma22,H22)和Lewis肺癌(Lewislungcarcinoma,LLC)的放射增敏作用。

    Mice Hepatoma 22 ( H_ ( 22 )) and Lewis Lung Carcinoma ( LLC ) were used for demonstrating the radiosensitizing effect of shikonin in this study .

  22. 方法将120例浅Ⅱ度烧伤感染创面病人随机分为A、B、C3组各40例。A组采用紫花烧伤膏、紫草油加庆大霉素联合配方换药;

    Method One hundred and twenty cases of wound infection of shallow ⅱ° burn were randomly divided into groups A , B and C , with 40 patients in each group .

  23. 紫草汤对Ⅲ型超敏反应家兔循环免疫复合物(CIC)含量、IL-2水平有抑制的趋势。

    Lithospermum Tang inhibit ⅲ type hypersensitivity in rabbits Decoction on circulating immune complexes ( CIC ) levels , IL-2 levels inhibit trend . 3 .

  24. 为探明病毒侵染对烟草细胞膜的损伤作用,采用圆二色波谱仪(CD)分析了被TMV侵染的烟草细胞膜蛋白结构的变化,以及右旋紫草素对感病烟草细胞膜的作用。

    The changes of secondary conformations of tobacco cell membrane protein after TMV-infection was investigated by CD Spectra Technique and the changes in membrane molecular conformations was checked .

  25. 方法紫草萘醌醇提取物制备成微乳液(LE);加入人肝癌细胞系、人胚肾细胞系和小鼠成纤维细胞系的体外培养,MTT法检测细胞增殖;

    Methods LE micro emulsion lotion was prepared and added into human hepatoma cells , human embryo kidney cells and mice fibroblast cultured in vitro to detect cellular proliferation by MTT .

  26. 紫草素诱导人绒毛膜癌JEG-3细胞凋亡机制的研究

    Mechanisms of Shikonin-induced Apoptosis in JEG-3 Cells

  27. 紫草是一种重要的中草药材,其培养细胞在M9培养基中可以大量生产主要的药物成分紫草宁。

    The shikonin and its derivatives is produced industrially by suspension cultured Lithospermum erythrorhizon cells in M9 medium .

  28. 结果证实,在一定范围内,自制增溶剂WP能显著提高紫草素的溶解性能以及羊毛的表观染色深度和色泽鲜艳度。

    It was found that self-made solubilizing agent WP could improve the solubility of shikonin and the apparent dyeing depth and the brightness on wool fabrics .

  29. 治疗过程监测病人HCG值1000mIU/ml,B超监测异位妊娠包块缩小时给予紫草合剂中药药渣局部热敷。

    The treatment process monitoring patient HCG values 1000mIU / ml , B ultrasonic monitoring ectopic pregnancy reduced mass to give the local heat of the the Lithospermum mixture of Chinese medicine residue .

  30. 方法应用MTT比色法检测新疆紫草素对细胞的增殖、黏附抑制作用,用流式细胞术(FCM)、Annexin-V-FITC联合法及透射电镜检测新疆紫草素对胃癌细胞的凋亡诱导效应。

    The effect of inducing apoptosis of the alkannin to the cells were observed by the flow cytometry ( FCM ), Annexin-V-FITC staining and transmission electron microscope .