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zhuī sù
  • prosecution
  • prosecute
追诉 [zhuī sù]
  • [power to prosecute] 为及时对罪犯追究刑事责任,在法定期限内依法对其提起公诉

  1. 因为不当的追诉就意味着对犯罪的放纵或对无辜者的伤害。

    Wrong prosecution means indulging crime or hurting the Innocent person .

  2. 刑事诉讼法也对本罪的追诉程序进行了规定。

    Law of criminal procedure also provides the procedure of prosecution .

  3. 我们仍在追诉JTA的公交车。

    We are still pursuing JTA bus .

  4. 追诉时效延长制度探讨

    The research into the system of extending the limitation of prosecution

  5. 被害人追诉权救济制度研究

    On the Relief System of the Victim 's Right to Prosecute

  6. 论刑事程序对被追诉者的权利保障

    On the Protection of the Defendants ' Rights in the Criminal Procedure

  7. 犯罪已过追诉时效期限的;

    If the limitation period for criminal prosecution has expired ;

  8. 论追诉时效超期适用程序

    On The Procedure of Expending Application of Limitation of Prosecution

  9. 不同模式下国家追诉权的行使也有所不同。

    There is different exertion of national prosection right in different modes .

  10. 关于税务行政强制措施的可诉性问题,本章主要从追诉时效上和税务行政强制执行的比较来说明。

    The second chapter is about tax administrative compulsion enforcement .

  11. 违反法律规定限制或者剥夺被追诉者辩护权,严重扭曲控辩双方的对抗关系。

    Limit or deprive of defendant 's rights of defending .

  12. 第四个部分是单位犯罪的追诉时效研究。包括了确立单位犯罪追诉时效制度的必要性和关于单位犯罪程序法上的立法完善两个论点。

    Chapter four is concerning the limitation of prosecution for unit crime .

  13. 关于犯罪追诉时效几个问题的研究

    Research on Issues of Prescription of Prosecution of Crime

  14. 国家追诉与法律监督关系新论

    On the Relationship between National Prosecution and Legal Supervision

  15. 长久以来,国家一直独占对犯罪的追诉权。

    Over the years , countries have the exclusive power to prosecute crimes .

  16. 非财产利益贿赂的犯罪化和追诉标准

    The Criminalization and Prosecution Standard of Non-property Interest Bribery

  17. 而律师辩护也已经成为受刑事追诉者辩护权中必不可少的组成部分。

    And lawyer defense is part of the prosecuted ' right to lawyer .

  18. 我国追诉时效制度的若干检讨

    The Review of the Chinese Regulations of the Limitation Period for Criminal Prosecution

  19. 她宁愿倾听他的冷酷的绝情话语,却不愿听到他的新的追诉。

    She would rather listen to his brutal rejection than to new pleadings .

  20. 目前,我国正在推进公诉一体化的制度建设。公诉一体化有利于高效地追诉犯罪;

    China is promoting the construction of Integration of Public Prosecution system at present .

  21. 其中,被追诉人与国家追诉机关之间的利益冲突尤为突出。

    Wherein , the accused and the state agency conflicts of interest between outstandingly .

  22. 刑事追诉时效制度研究

    Study on the System of Prescription of Prosecution

  23. 刑事免责与贿赂罪的追诉

    On Prosecution to Criminal Immunity and Bribery Crime

  24. 刑事诉讼中的重复追诉问题

    Issue of the Repeated Prosecution in Criminal Proceedings

  25. 除此之外,也对新罪名的刑罚设置以及追诉模式方面进行了大胆构想。

    In addition , penalties set of new charges and prosecution mode have conceived .

  26. 论被追诉者的知情权

    On the Right to Know of the Accused

  27. 陪审员询问了数十年前罪行的追诉时效。

    Jurors asked about statutes of limitation some of the crimes go back decades .

  28. 程序性辩护是刑事诉讼中被追诉人从程序上进行防御的一种手段。

    Procedural defense is a defensive manner from procedure of defendant in the criminal action .

  29. 追诉期限从犯罪之日起计算。

    The period for prosecution is counted as commencing on the date of the crime .

  30. 犯罪嫌疑人作为被追诉人,应当享有辩护权。

    As an investigated individual , the criminal suspect should have the right to defense .