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  • pardon;remit
  • 免除和减轻刑罚:~书。~令。~免。~恕。大~。特~。十恶不~。罪在不~。


(赦免) remit (a punishment); pardon:

  • 大赦

    general pardon; amnesty;

  • 特赦

    special pardon


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 赦撅

    She Jue

  1. 轻易赦免罪过,实际是鼓励犯罪。

    Facility of pardon is an incentive to crime 。

  2. 皇后如后悔,朕现在就赦了他。

    If you have any regrets we can pardon him at once .

  3. 于是对那女人说,你的罪赦了。

    And he said to her , your sins are forgiven .

  4. 但上帝摊开他无赦的名单依然能传唤每一副面孔

    But God on his repealless list Can summon every face .

  5. 中国古代恩赦复仇的心理与民俗背景

    Connection between the Ancient Revengeful Mentality and the Folk-custom Setting

  6. 并且引诱我犯了不可饶赦的罪!

    And it tempted me into committing an unforgivable sin !

  7. 浅析唐代赦宥实施的仪式、程序及赦书

    An Analysis of the Rites , Procedure and Written Order of Pardon

  8. 子民个屁!谁敢反对,杀无赦!

    OOPS ! Kill all people who protest against me !

  9. 有多少罪行他们都以国家的名义赦为无罪!

    How many crimes have they justified in the name of the states !

  10. 论儒家阴阳思想下的汉代赦宥

    Amnesty system in Han Dynasty in the light of the Confucian yin-yang ideology

  11. 在得到假赦之后,他决心重。

    He decided to mend his way after parole .

  12. 太宗对待赦宥的态度也十分慎重,每次赦宥均有着特定的政治和社会背景,对巩固太宗的统治起到了一定的作用。

    Each remission was given in specific political and social background with specific purposes .

  13. 浅析唐太宗赦宥的政治功用和背景

    On the Background and Political Functions of Remission in the Reign of TANG Tai-zong

  14. 但那样犯下的过失是可蒙赦宥的。

    But the fault thus committed is venial ;

  15. 我们且在他内得到了救赎,获得了罪赦。

    In whom we have redemption through his blood , the remission of sins ;

  16. 他们唯一罪行也是不赦之罪。

    Their only one sin is unpardonable .

  17. 为著自己所犯的罪向神认罪求赦。

    Confess whatever sin they had committed .

  18. 他想杀死叔父,但却不能,谋杀是不赦之罪,

    He wants to kill his uncle , but he can 't Murder is wrong .

  19. 那个年轻的罪人得到宽赦。

    The young offender was spared .

  20. 盛世时赦少,乱世赦多也是历史所证明的。

    But , history prove less pardons in brilliant times , more pardons in troubled times .

  21. 首先你们有谁可以告诉我,世界上有多少不赦咒?

    But first , which of you can tell me how many unforgivable Curses there are ?

  22. 我以圣父,圣子及圣灵之名赦你无罪。

    I absolve you in the name of the father , son and the Holy ghost .

  23. 他的无礼是不可宽赦的。

    His rudeness is inexcusable .

  24. 赦宥仪式日渐规范与完善,甚至对参与仪式的各色人等都有具体规定;

    The ceremony consistent with it became standardized and consummate gradually , and even regulated the participants ;

  25. 姜太公归周的时间应在商纣赦文王以后。

    The time for Jiang to follow Zhou was after Zhou Emperor of the Shang Dynasty released Wen Emperor .

  26. 对自己同类的人没有慈爱,怎能为自己的罪过求赦?

    He hath no mercy on a man like himself , and doth he entreat for his own sins ?

  27. 照这话,约翰来了,在旷野施洗,传悔改的洗礼,使罪得赦。

    John did baptize in the wilderness , and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins .

  28. 因为这是我立约的血,为多人流出来,使罪得赦。

    This is my blood of the covenant , which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins .

  29. 耶稣见他们的信心,就对瘫子说,你的罪赦了。

    And when he saw their faith , he said unto him , Man , thy sins are forgiven thee .

  30. 祂知道自己就是那无瑕的羔羊,祂牺牲作燔祭会使神立约赦免罪人的应许得以应验。

    He knew he was the spotless lamb whose sacrificial death would fulfill God 's covenant promise to pardon guilty sinners .
