
shè zuì
  • absolve sb. from guilt;pardon sb;absolution;absolve sb.from guilt;pardon
赦罪 [shè zuì]
  • (1) [absolution;absolve sb.from guilt]∶在告罪礼仪中教士向告罪人宣布罪过的宽免

  • (2) [pardon]∶赦免罪行

赦罪[shè zuì]
  1. 他跪在国王面前请求赦罪。

    He knelt before the king and asked for pardon .

  2. 祂形容祂的赦罪如雪、如洗净的羊毛。

    He likens forgiveness to snow or the washing of wool .

  3. 你经历了神的恩典,神赦罪的恩典吗?

    Do you know god 's grace and forgiveness in your life ?

  4. 她因为得著了赦罪的喜乐,所以她内心充满了对我的爱;

    She loves me because she knows the joy of sins forgiven .

  5. 十架是我蒙赦罪的代价。

    The cross is the cost of my forgiveness .

  6. 赦罪,赦免,大赦,特赦我请乔恩原谅我来迟了。

    I begged John 's pardon for arriving late .

  7. 除了神以外,谁能赦罪呢?

    Who can forgive sins but God alone ?

  8. 每次提到罪,记著我们在基督里,就有赦罪之途。

    Each time sin is described , remember the remedy is there in Christ .

  9. 一信靠主就必得赦罪之恩。

    That moment from Jesus a pardon receives .

  10. 赦罪和成圣都是通过信心来改变。

    Both justification and sanctification are faith transactions .

  11. 你其实像她一样都是罪人,但她已获得赦罪,而你呢?

    You are a sinner just like she is , but she has been forgiven .

  12. 这个人为甚麽这样说呢。他说僭妄的话了。除了神以外、谁能赦罪呢。

    Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies ? Who can forgive sins but God only ?

  13. 我爱耶稣因他为我死,赦罪恩白白赐我;

    I love the Christ who died on Calvary , For He washed my sins away ;

  14. 主教阁下,我是个基督徒,从来没被拒绝过赦罪。

    Your Eminence , I am a Christian man , and have never yet been refused absolution .

  15. 但躺下之前,要把我们写给第三个厨子的赦罪书追回来。

    But before you lie down , call back the pardon we wrote for the third cook .

  16. 参孙最后的祷告,再一次证明神有无穷的赦罪之恩(28-30)。

    Samson 's final prayer is another illustration of God 's forgiving grace ( vv . 28-30 ) .

  17. 若是以耶稣为羞耻,因此失去赦罪恩典;

    Ashamed of Jesus ! yes , I may , When I 've no guilt to wash away ;

  18. 但是我们的创造主爱我们,他爱我们,就预备了一条赦罪的路。

    But our Creator loves us . He loves us and made a way for our sin to be forgiven .

  19. 我们才需要求神赦罪,但耶稣根本没有犯罪,所以不用祈求赦罪。

    That is one matter about which we often need to pray but Jesus Christ never needed to do so .

  20. 梵蒂冈有三个法庭:即最高法庭、上诉法庭和教廷赦罪院。

    There are three tribunals in Vatican which are the Supreme tribunal , the appeal tribunal and the apostolic penitentiary .

  21. 但另一方面,我也知道祂是个肯赦罪的上帝,因祂已经饶恕我们所有的罪过。

    But I also know Him as the sin-pardoning God in Christ Jesus , for He has forgiven me all trespasses .

  22. 并且人要奉他的名传悔改赦罪的道,从耶路撒冷起直传到万邦。

    And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations , beginning at Jerusalem .

  23. 众申言者也为他作见证说,凡信入他的人,必藉着他的名得蒙赦罪。

    To this One all the prophets testify that through His name everyone who believes into Him will receive forgiveness of sins .

  24. 可二7这个人为什么这样说?他说僭妄的话了。除了神一位以外,谁能赦罪?

    7 Why is this man speaking this way ? He is blaspheming ! Who can forgive sins except one , god ?

  25. 为此,我们感到安心,主有赦罪的权柄。

    It reassures us that our Lord has the power to forgive sin . I felt as guilty and miserable as Frankenstein .

  26. 如此,那些豁免人罪罚的牧者说,一个人是因教皇的赦罪而从一切惩罚中被赦免并得拯救,这样说是错误的。

    Thus those indulgence preachers are in error who say that a man is absolved from every penalty and saved by papal indulgences .

  27. 他既是血肉之人,竟然怀怒,而向天主求赦罪之恩,谁能赦免他的罪?

    He that is but flesh , nourisheth anger , and doth he ask forgiveness of God ? who shall obtain pardon for his sins ?

  28. 来九22按著律法,凡物差不多都是用血洁净的,没有流血,就没有赦罪。

    Heb . 9:22 And almost all things are purified by blood according to the law , and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness .

  29. 也是彼得在五旬节所传讲的「赦罪悔改,领受圣灵的祝福。」

    Peter preached , on the Day of Pentecost , the full Gospel of repentance and forgiveness of sins , and the gift of the Holy Spirit .

  30. 经学家和法利赛人就议论说,这说僭妄话的是谁?除了神一位以外,谁能赦罪?

    And the scribes and the Pharisees began to reason , saying , who is this who speaks blasphemies ? Who can forgive sins except God alone ?
