
  • 网络Developing countries debt
  1. 发展中国家债务状况及其前景分析

    The Current Situation and Perspective of External Debt in Developing Countries

  2. 谈发展中国家债务所反映出来的国际银行业的一些问题。

    Is talking about some of the problems presented by developing country debt for international banking .

  3. 所有这些都能在金融市场中的各方面得到体现,包括发展中国家债务、公司垃圾债券、商品和艺术品市场等。

    All this is reflected in financial markets for everything from developing-country debt to corporate junk , commodities and art .

  4. 发展中国家离债务危机还有多远?

    How far are developing countries from the debt crisis ?

  5. 正确认识发展中国家的债务可持续问题

    A Proper Understanding of Debt Sustainability of Developing Countries

  6. 债务与卫生援助计划互换:用发展中国家的债务换取卫生援助方案。

    Debt-for-health swaps : Exchanges of developing country debt for assistance for health programs .

  7. 我们需要找出一个一劳永逸的办法来解决发展中国家的债务问题。

    We need to find a once-and-for-all solution to the debt problem of develiping countries .

  8. 重新安排下个星期的会议;重订许多发展中国家的债务计划。

    Rescheduled the meeting for the following week ; rescheduled the debts of many developing nations .

  9. 发展中国家的债务问题

    Debt-related Problems of the Developing Countries

  10. 发展中国家的债务负担稳定在出口收入的3%左右。

    The debt burden of developing countries remained stable at about 3 per cent of export revenue .

  11. 联合国贸发会议工作中的另一个重要方面是发展中国家的债务问题和向这些国家转移资金问题。

    The debt problems of developing countries and the transfer of real resources to these countries is another major area of unctad 's work .

  12. 欧盟委员会主席乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩欢迎二十国集团的暂停偿债倡议,并将发展中国家的债务减免延长六个月。

    European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has expressed welcome for the G20 Debt Service Suspension initiative and its extension through June 2021 .

  13. 此外,随着发展中国家的债务危机、房地产贷款的恶化以及垃圾债券等高信用风险资产的出现,传统信用风险管理工具开始受到人们的质疑。

    In addition , with the appearance of bond risk and real estate loan risk and rubbish bond and something like this in developing countries , people begin to doubt the traditional credit risk management instruments .

  14. 另外,金融危机限制了信贷流动发展中国家的债务息差已明显扩大,意味着许多发展中国家将难以为他们现存的赤字融资,更不用说出台发达国家所酝酿的那种财政刺激方案。

    In addition , the financial crisis has restricted credit flows with spreads on debt to developing countries having widened significantly . This means many developing countries will struggle to finance their existing deficits , let alone fund the kind of fiscal rescue packages being contemplated by developed economies .

  15. 布雷迪债券:把发展中国家现有的债务转为新的债务时产生的一种债券。

    Brady bond : bond created when existing developing country debt is concerted into new debt .

  16. 发展援助回升,贸易体系继续有利于发展中国家,其债务负担仍保持低水平

    Development assistance rebounded , the trading system stayed favourable for developing countries and their debt burden remained low

  17. 平均而言,(这些国家的)债务存量和每年需偿还的债务额将下降近三分之二&降至发展中国家的总体债务水平之下。

    Debt stocks and annual debt payments will drop by almost two-thirds on average – to levels lower than developing countries as a whole .

  18. 许多发展中国家都负有巨额债务。

    Many developing countries have gargantuan debts .

  19. 麦肯锡认为,发展中国家的相当大部分债务扩张反映了金融市场的健康发展,但在发达经济体,高昂的债务可能阻碍增长、制造新的金融风险。

    McKinsey argues much of the expansion in developing countries has reflected the healthy development of financial markets , but in advanced economies high debt could constrain growth and create fresh financial vulnerabilities .