
kuàng shān
  • mine;diggings;bal;hacienda
矿山 [kuàng shān]
  • [mine] 开采矿石的地方,包括开拓矿床的矿井或巷道,连同属于它使用的矿场土地、建筑物和机器

矿山[kuàng shān]
  1. 矿山的关闭是这个镇衰落的唯一最重要的因素。

    The closure of the mine was the single most important factor in the town 's decline .

  2. 电子垃圾是一座宝贵的城市矿山。

    E-waste is a valuable urban mine .

  3. 露天开采的矿山作业已于1962年停止。

    Mining operations by open-cut methods ceased in1962 .

  4. 矿山建筑集成化CAD系统开发策略

    Strategy for development of an integrated CAD system for mine buildings

  5. 我国加入WTO后矿山机械的发展趋势

    The developing trend of mining mechanism after entering WTO

  6. GIS技术支持下的江西德兴地区矿山环境地球化学质量评价

    An assessment of mine environmental geochemistry quality by GIS methods in Dexing , Jiangxi , China

  7. 矿山技术经济指标的DEA分析

    Analysis of the techno-economic indexes of a mine based on DEA method

  8. GIS的空间叠加、缓冲区分析等强大空间分析功能,为矿山尾矿库地址的选择提供了帮助。

    With its strong spatial analysis functions of space overlapping and buffer area analysis , GIS provides a great help in the site selection for mine tailings reservoir .

  9. 采用自行采集的氧化亚铁硫杆菌(Tf)应用于地浸矿山代替双氧水作氧化剂氧化吸附尾液中的Fe2+,研究了温度、pH值对其氧化Fe2+的影响。

    The effects of temperature and pH on oxidation of Fe 2 + were investigated by applying self-collected thiobacillus ferrooxidans ( Tf ) instead of hydrogen peroxide as oxidant to oxidize and absorb Fe 2 + in tailing water .

  10. 顶煤破坏系数随工作面推进距离和工作面长度的增加而变化。考虑矿山压力对顶煤的压裂作用,20m特厚中硬煤层综放工作面的长度应大于300m;

    Top coal failure coefficient varies with face advance distance and face length , the fully mechanized sublevel caving face length for 20m very thick and medium hard seam should be over 300m ;

  11. JY型运输绞车是中国矿业大学矿山机械研究所研发的一种矿用绞车。

    JY Transport winch is a new type of mine winch , and it was invented by Institute of Mining Machinery of China University of Mining and Technology .

  12. 文中简要介绍了矿山应用GIS的必要性,矿山地理信息系统(MGIS)的特点及功能,概述了目前MGIS在应用方面存在问题以及发展趋势。

    The paper introduces chiefly the necessity of the GIS application in mines , the characteristic and function of MGIS , and the outline of the applied aspects , currently existing problems and development trend of MGIS .

  13. 国外井下矿山设备管理现状与趋势

    The current situation and trends or foreign underground mining equipment management

  14. 黄金矿山主要经济参数关系分析

    Analyses of relations among the main economic parameters of gold mine

  15. 矿山企业库存投资预测方法的研究

    Study on the prediction methods of investing in inventory of mines

  16. 矿山工业废水综合利用与治理研究

    Study on Comprehensive Utilization and Treatment of Industrial Wastewater of Mine

  17. 矿山测量误差预计系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the Error Estimation System in Mine Survey

  18. 矿山机械故障诊断控制值的确定方法

    Determinate method of control value for fault diagnosis in mine machine

  19. 针对铀矿山废水的特殊性,还简介了该废水的治理技术。

    The treatment methods of uranium mine waste water are presented .

  20. 创新安全管理打造本质安全型矿山施工企业

    New management on security to create intrinsic safety mine operation enterprise

  21. 矿山井下惯性测量系统的仿真研究

    Study of the Emulation of Inertial Survey System in Mining Surveying

  22. 应用高效浓密机处理高浓度矿山酸性水的研究

    Treatment of High Concentration Mine Acid Wastewater by Using High-capacity Thickener

  23. 矿山尾矿等二次资源的综合利用与问题探讨

    Compositive Utilization Problems Discussion on Mining Gangue and Other Secondary Resources

  24. 矿山数字化信息系统及其应用研究

    Researching on the Digital Information Systems of Mine and Its Application

  25. 磁黄铁矿氧化机理及酸性矿山废水防治的研究进展

    A review on pyrrhotite oxidation mechanism and acid mine drainage prevention

  26. 矿山企业互有资源的产权分析

    Analysis on the property right of mutual resources of mine enterprise

  27. 矿山巷道三种机械局部通风方式的评价

    Assessment on three kinds of local mechanical ventilation in mine tunneling

  28. 矿山边坡安全度标准的研究为探明接种E。

    Research of Safety Standard of Pit Slope The level of E.

  29. 矿山机械设备选型的灰色分析方法

    Gray Theories and Analytical Method of Mining and Processing Equipment Chooses

  30. 化工地质及矿山工作之回顾与前瞻

    Geological and mining work of chemical sector looking back and forward