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  • Commonwealth Games
  1. 我参加了在克赖斯特彻奇举办的英联邦运动会,那是我的告别比赛。

    I competed in the Commonwealth Games in Christchurch , which was my swan song .

  2. 16岁时,弗里曼作为4×100m接力队的一员,在英联邦运动会上赢得了金牌。

    At 16 years of age Freeman won gold at the Commonwealth Games as part of the 4 × 100m relay team .

  3. 辛格的政府已深陷各种丑闻泥潭,包括英联邦运动会(commonwealthgames)、贿选以及一桩涉及军方高官的土地诈骗。

    His administration is already mired in scandals over the Commonwealth Games , cash for votes and a land scam involving military top brass .

  4. 过去一年,多名印度公司高管和政府官员因涉嫌电信业欺诈、承办英联邦运动会(commonwealthgames)以及非法铁矿石采矿入狱。

    Over the past year , senior executives and politicians have been put behind bars for suspected scams in the telecoms sector , the running of the Commonwealth Games , and illegal iron ore mining .

  5. 一名工人在清洗为英联邦运动会运动员村意味着一个房间,在新德里,印度2010年9月16日窗口-在后台Akshardham寺庙。

    A worker cleans the window of a room meant for athletes at the Commonwealth Games village , in New Delhi , India on Sept.16,2010-the Akshardham temple in the background .

  6. 这是博尔特第一次参加英联邦运动会。

    It 's Bolt 's first appearance at the commonwealth games .

  7. 英联邦运动会跳水赛加、澳选手各夺一金

    Canada , Australia Snatch One Gold Apiece at Commonwealth Games Diving Competition

  8. 约翰逊创英联邦运动会万米赛跑新纪录。

    Johnson set up a new Commonwealth Games in the 10000 meters .

  9. 但是近日,英联邦运动会却卷入了争议。

    But in recent days , the Commonwealth Games have become controversy .

  10. 印度正在筹备将于10月份举办的英联邦运动会,这次体育赛事将有71个国家参加。

    India is preparing to host the Commonwealth Games in October - a sporting event involving 71 nations .

  11. 新华社曼彻斯特7月25日电第十七届英联邦运动会今天在这里揭幕。

    Xinhua News Agency report of July 25th from Manchester - The 17th Commonwealth Games opened here today .

  12. 一位令人意想不到的参赛者将参加在格拉斯哥举行的英联邦运动会,他就是牙买加短跑运动员尤塞恩·博尔特。

    At the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow , an unexpected participant , Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt will compete .

  13. 在2002年,在贝克汉姆把火炬交给女皇,揭开英联邦运动会序幕的时候,她和贝克汉姆成为了合作伙伴。

    In2002 , she accompanied Beckham when he opened the Commonwealth Games by handing a baton to the Queen .

  14. 陛下刚刚完成了她对澳大利亚的第14次国事访问。其中包括出席了在墨尔本举行的英联邦运动会的开幕式。

    She has just undertaken her14th tour of Australia , including the official opening of the Commonwealth games in Melbourne .

  15. “由于愚蠢的媒体报道,对英联邦运动会有很多怀疑。”他说。

    " There was so much doubt about the Commonwealth Games because of the silly media reports ," he said .

  16. 通过2002年曼彻斯特的英联邦运动会,设计出了一套非常有创意的票务系统,同时可以实现也对残奥会的成功宣传。

    A creative approach to ticketing will learn from the successful promotion of Paralympic events at the2002 Commonwealth Games in Manchester .

  17. 英联邦运动会联合会的负责人已经要求印度政府对德里运动村立即进行改善措施。

    The Commonwealth Games Federation head has demanded the Indian government take immediate steps to improve conditions at the athletes'village in Delhi .

  18. 瑙鲁总统马库斯斯蒂芬在进入政界前,曾在英联邦运动会上获得过举重项目的7枚金牌和5枚银牌。

    Nauru 's President , Marcus Stephen , won seven gold and five silver Commonwealth Games medals before he went into politics .

  19. 2002年在曼彻斯特举行的英联邦运动会,被公认为在竞技水平和组织工作方面提升到了一个新的高度。

    The2002 Commonwealth Games , held in Manchester , are widely considered to have set new standards in both athletic excellence and organisational expertise .

  20. 现在已有计划出台改良版本的太阳能人力车,还计划在明年新德里举行的英联邦运动会上付诸使用。

    There are plans for improved versions of the Soleckshaw , and to use them when New Delhi hosts the Commonwealth Games next year .

  21. 组委会的立场英联邦运动会组委会否认了所有指控,他们发誓将举办异常成功的运动会。

    Organizing committee stance The Organizing Committee of the Commonwealth Games has denied all charges of irregularities , and has vowed to a successful event .

  22. 然而,就在开始筹备2010年英联邦运动会之际,新德里正在就主办城市是否应该改变上述状况的问题进行争论。

    As preparations for the 2010 Commonwealth Games get under way , however , New Delhi is debating whether the host city should amend the situation .

  23. 在2006年墨尔本英联邦运动会上为印度赢得了一块金牌的印度拳击选手,说他对他所受到的接待感到失望。

    Boxer Akhil Kumar , who won gold for India in the2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne , Australia , said he was disappointed with his accommodation .

  24. 尤塞恩·博尔特一直饱受脚部伤势的困扰,不过他将参加英联邦运动会的接力赛,这是他2014年参加的第一场竞技比赛。

    Usain Bolt has been suffering from a foot injury , but will take part in the commonwealth games relay , his first competitive race in 2014 .

  25. 英联邦运动会是世界上最大的体育赛事之一,每四年在英联邦城市举办一次。

    The Commonwealth Games in one of the largest sporting events in the world and is held every four years in a city somewhere in the British Commonwealth .

  26. 一名安全官员被认为是在一个守卫塔滚滚从灭蚊在英联邦运动会运动员村新德里,印度,星期四,2010年9月30日熏蒸烟雾之中。

    A security officer is seen in a guard tower amidst billowing smoke from anti-mosquito fumigation at the Commonwealth Games athletes'village New Delhi , India , Thursday , Sept.30,2010 .

  27. 在不断赢得少年组的比赛,她又代表英国参加英联邦运动会,欧洲杯和世界杯的成人组比赛。

    She has won many competitions at the junior level and has represented England at the senior level at the Commonwealth Games , the European Championships and the World Championships .

  28. 运动是将人们和国家聚在一起的好方法,我们看到有70多个国家参与今年在格拉斯哥举行的英联邦运动会。

    Sport has a wonderful way of bringing together people and nations , as we saw this year in Glasgow when over 70 countries took part in the Commonwealth Games .

  29. (即英联邦运动会;因美国人、俄国人和中国人不能参加,我们拿牌的机会可以大一点)我们可怎么参与呢?

    ( the Commonwealth Games , to which the Americans , Russians and Chinese arenot invited , mainly to increase our chance of winning medals ), how arewe supposed to take part ?

  30. 澳大利亚的美利执行珍妮她在单项决赛的英联邦运动会期间在英迪拉甘地体育中心在新德里,印度,星期四,2010年10月14日剪彩程序。

    Australia 's Janine Murray performs her ribbon routine in the individual apparatus final during the Commonwealth Games at the Indira Gandhi Sports Center in New Delhi , India , Thursday , Oct.14,2010 .