
shì nèi yùn dònɡ
  • indoor sports
  1. 和喜欢室内运动的朋友聚下。

    Get together with friends who like to participate in indoor sports .

  2. 我喜欢体操和其他的一些室内运动。

    I like gymnastics and the other indoor sports .

  3. 最风行的室内运动是困觉。

    The most popular indoor sport this year is sleep .

  4. 独立式第X型室内运动场右图所示为一种典型的独立悬架结构。

    Free-standing Mark X indoor games hall The right figure shows a typical independent suspension .

  5. 室内运动,象棋类拉,健美体操啦。

    A : Indoors activities , such as chess and gymnastics .

  6. 带有阴影消除的室内运动人体的提取与跟踪

    Extraction and Track of Indoor Moving Human with Shadow Elimination

  7. 你说的没错,那室内运动呢?

    You 're right , but what about indoor games ?

  8. 你喜欢户外运动还是室内运动呢?

    Do you like outside games or indoor game ?

  9. 反正我考虑的都是室内运动。

    I was planning on strictly indoor activities anyway .

  10. 健身房一个用来进行室内运动的房间或建筑。

    A room or building equipped for indoor sports .

  11. 这些室内运动将使你的胖腿变成你想要的腿形。

    These indoor workouts will help transform thunder thighs into legs you love .

  12. 圣彼得大学室内运动中心

    St Peter 's College , Indoor Sports Centre

  13. 如果天气不好,我也会从事室内运动。

    If the weather is bad , I 'll play indoor sports , too .

  14. 某些室内运动我也喜欢。

    And indoor sports at certain place too .

  15. 当下雨的时候,老师会要求我们做一些室内运动。

    The teacher will ask us to do some indoor sports when it rains .

  16. 乒乓球是一项很好的室内运动。

    Ping-pang is a good indoor sport .

  17. 乒乓球是室内运动。

    Table-tennis is an indoor game .

  18. 羽毛球是一种室内运动。

    Badminton is an indoor game .

  19. 基本上,我喜欢户外运动不过室内运动也不错

    Basically , I like outdoor sports . But indoor sports have their place , too .

  20. 并且新建的体育中心就在这些场地旁边,所有的室内运动场所都在新体育中心里。

    Students can do some indoor games in the NEW SPORTS COMPLEX which is near those courts .

  21. 室内运动,象棋类啦,健美体操啦。下棋和网球是他最喜爱的娱乐活动。

    Indoors activities , such as chess and gymnastics . Chess and tennis are his favorite diversions .

  22. 描述了一种带有阴影消除的对室内运动人体进行提取与跟踪的方法。

    This paper describes a method of extraction and track of indoor moving human with shadow elimination .

  23. 他为他的学生们发明了一项室内运动以便他们甚至在恶劣的天气也能玩。

    He invented an indoor game for his students so that they could play it even in bad weather .

  24. 我也喜欢体操&还有其他的室内运动。我喜欢看柔道和拳击。

    B I like it too ? And the other indoor sports . I like watching judo and boxing .

  25. 政制事务局局长孙明扬在黄泥涌市政大厦室内运动场投票站投票及会晤新闻界。

    Secretary for constitutional affairs , Mr Michael suen , cast vote and spoke to the press at Wong Nai Chung complex indoor games hall .

  26. 在从教时,奈史密斯被要求创建出一种室内运动,以便学校的运动员冬季运用。

    When he was working in Springfield , Naismith was asked to create an indoor game so that the school 's athletes could play during the winter season .

  27. 室内运动中心本身是一座坚固而有气势的建筑,紧密贴合市政府的设计标书,力求为社区居民提供一处强身健体的重点场所。

    The Indoor sports centre expresses itself as a strong muscular building , closely following Council 's brief to provide a centre for community health fitness and strength .

  28. 年内落成的康体场地有两个,分别是石硖尾室内运动场及园圃街花园。

    In the year , two major new recreation and sports venues were completed : the Shek Kip Mei indoor games hall and the Yuen Po Street garden .

  29. 学校修建了三个大型多功能室内运动场地,并且在周围有专业的环形跑道。俯瞰下去,面积足足达到了4800平方米!同时学校还修建了攀岩墙和有氧健身房。

    Three full sized multi-purpose gym courts surrounded by a four lane track , complete cardiovascular area overlooking a4800 square foot weight room , also a climbing wall and an aerobics room .

  30. 假如你的兴趣是游泳或任何室内运动,可以去基督教青年会或基督教女青年会。

    If you are interested in swimming or any indoor sports , go to the Young Men 's Christian Association ( YMCA ) or the Young Women 's Christian Association ( YWCA ) .