
shì nèi yuè
  • chamber music
  1. 喜欢交响音乐会或者室内乐音乐会的人会有看不起歌剧的倾向。

    People who prefer symphony concerts or chamber music tend to look down their noses at opera .

  2. 德沃夏克·安托宁(DvorakAntonin),一个在交响曲、室内乐、清唱剧、歌剧领域都倍受关注的捷克民族乐派的代表人物。

    Antoninus ( Dvorak Antonin ), a symphony , chamber music , oratorios , operas closely watched areas of the Czech national school representatives .

  3. 此外,他还经常参加来自万宝路的音乐家巡演,并当选为林肯中心室内乐协会的室内乐II项目(ChamberMusicIIprogram)成员。

    He frequently takes part in Musicians From Marlboro tours and was selected by the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center to be a member of its Chamber Music II program .

  4. 这部作品是受新西兰弦乐四重奏团委约创作的,于2007年1月在新西兰亚当姆斯国际室内乐音乐节中首演,并出版成CD。

    The composing of this piece was commissioned by New Zealand String Quartet . It debuted during the New Zealand Adams International Indoor Music Festival and was published to CD .

  5. 立法会可能没有尽可能多的室内乐文娜如一些其他汽车在它是类,但大多数人在买LC因为它是世界级的可靠性和在道路威力。

    The LC may not have as much interior Luxe as some of the other cars in it 's class , but most people buy the LC for it 's world class dependability and off road prowess .

  6. 在钢琴演奏与艺术指导作曲理论,双排键(包括MIDI)的研究,钢琴室内乐等一系列课程的设置中。

    The curricula of piano performance , art coach , melodizing theory , double lines key of a piano ( including MIDI ) and chamber piano music were studied in this paper .

  7. 一间常举行室内乐演奏会和诗歌朗诵会的客厅。

    A drawing-room where chamber concerts and poetry recitals were held .

  8. 弦乐四重奏是一种优雅的室内乐。

    The string quartet is a kind of delicate chamber music .

  9. 莫扎特的室内乐,在多功能厅。

    Chamber Music by Mozart , at the multi-function room .

  10. 音乐会音乐方面有室内乐、交响乐。

    The music of concert includes the chamber music and the symphony .

  11. 于京君的室内乐配器《图画展览会》之漫步分析

    Analysis of Promenade in Chamber Music Pictures at an Exhibition by Julian Yu

  12. 他们俩都热衷于室内乐。

    Both of them are nuts about chamber music .

  13. 论欧洲室内乐演奏的若干基本问题

    Basic Aspects of European Chamber Music Performance

  14. 广东星海音乐厅室内乐厅的声学设计

    Acoustic design of the chamber music hall of Xing Hai Concert Hall of Guangdong province

  15. 绪论概括了勃拉姆斯室内乐风格的主要特征。

    The Introduction summarizes the unique character and style of Brahms ' chamber music writing .

  16. 在马尔他,朗朗将与维也纳爱乐乐团一同上演一场室内乐演出。

    In Malta Lang Lang plays a chamber concert with members of the Vienna Philharmonic .

  17. 上帝与人间的对话&有感于民族室内乐《七》内容与形式的碰撞

    Collision of Content and Form : A Review on Seven , the National Chamber Music

  18. 约翰内斯·勃拉姆斯是浪漫主义时期最重要最有个性的室内乐作曲家之一。

    Johannes Brahms is one of the most important and original composers in the Romantic period .

  19. 他创作了数以百计的作品,包括爵士乐、管弦乐、独奏曲、室内乐。

    He created hundreds of musical works including jazz , orchestral music , solo and chamber music .

  20. 于是西方音乐史上才流传下如此多的室内乐、圆舞曲。

    So the history of Western music , handed down only so much chamber music , Waltz .

  21. 世界级水平的室内乐演奏。

    World-class chamber music performance .

  22. 为小乐队演奏谱写的乐曲(如弦乐四重奏);室内乐。

    Chamber music ; music written for a small group of players ( eg a string quartet )

  23. “室内乐”在不同的时代和条件下有其不同的意义。

    The meaning of chamber music is different from time to time , from condition to condition .

  24. 音乐会形式多样,有暗含故事情节串联的室内乐音乐会,也有爵士肖邦的专场;

    There will be concerts in various forms , from chamber music with a story to special jazz Chopin ;

  25. 小型器乐曲与室内乐,这个类别包括中外各类乐器的独奏曲和重奏曲。

    Small-scale Instrumental Music & Chamber Music , this category includes Chinese and foreign solo and group instrumental music .

  26. 表明中国作曲家在室内乐创作方面所达到的专业成就已为国际乐坛所重视。

    All this showed that Chinese chamber music had made professional achievements and was regarded as of international standard .

  27. 除新作品组与室内乐组以外,其它组别的选手必须背谱演奏;

    Apart from new works group and chamber music group , players of other groups should play by memory .

  28. 与郑明勋、沙汉姆、迈尔合作梅西安的世界末日四重奏;还与皮埃尔、杜梅合作了勃拉姆斯、莫扎特和舒曼的室内乐。

    Messiaen 's Quartet for the End of Time and Brahms , Mozart and Schumann chamber music with Pires and Dumay .

  29. 手风琴室内乐是手风琴演奏重要形式之一,其最早出现在19世纪末的中欧地区。

    Important accordion chamber music is a form of accordion playing , which first appeared in the 19th century Central Europe .

  30. 主要的创作作品有管弦乐、室内乐、独奏作品、电脑音乐、行事音乐和映像音乐等。

    His compositions include orchestral works , chamber music , solo works , computer music , acting music , image music , etc.