
shì xìnɡ qī qián shōu suō
  • premature ventricular beat;ventricular premature beat;premature ventricular contraction
  1. 组织多普勒成像对特发性室性期前收缩患者心功能变化的定量研究

    Quantitative Study on Changes of Cardiac Function in Patients with Idiopathic Premature Ventricular Beat Using Tissue Doppler Imaging

  2. 结果胃镜术中90.55%的病人出现心率增快,出现的心律失常以窦性心动过速、室性期前收缩及房性期前收缩多见,STT改变以T波低平及ST段压低为主。

    Results The heart rate of 90.55 % of the patients increased during the procedure , which included sinus tachycardia , ventricular premature beat or atrial premature beat . The main changes of ST-T segment were T wave flattening or inversion or ST segment depression .

  3. 不典型Brugada综合征V1~V3室性期前收缩ST段明显抬高的临床意义

    Clinical significance of ST segment elevation on V1 ~ V3 during ventricular premature beats with atypical Brugada syndrome

  4. 长QT(U)间期综合征伴RonT(U)型室性期前收缩。

    The RonT ( U ) ventricular extrasystole with long QT ( U ) syndrom .

  5. 方法:对120例频发室性期前收缩患者的QRS波群形态进行分析定位。

    Methods : The data of 120 patients with frequency VPB were analyzed according fixing in AECD .

  6. 利用数字信号处理和波形识别技术,对心电图的QRS波、P波、T波的时段进行了计算机的自动检测并对室性期前收缩等15种异常心电进行自动诊断。

    The duration of QRS wave , P wave and T wave of ECG can be computerized and auto - detected with digital signal process and wave recognition technology .

  7. 计算得到玻拍酞明胶扩容系数为0.73士0.18。AHHD过程中ECG监测发现1例偶发室性期前收缩。

    The calculated expansion factor of Gelofusine is 0.73 ± 0.18 . Ventricular premature beat was detected in one case through constant ECG monitoring .

  8. 目的探讨室性期前收缩V1 ̄V3导联ST段明显抬高对Brugada综合征的诊断及心源性晕厥的预警意义。

    Objective To evaluate significance of ST segment elevation on V1 ~ V3 during ventricular premature beats ( PVCS ) in diagnosing Brugada syndrome and foreshadowing cardiac syncope .

  9. 通过采用MIT心电数据库的数据进行测试,QRS波的正确检出率在99%以上,而室性期前收缩、房性期前收缩的正确检出率在90%以上。

    Based on test results using data of MIT / BIH Arrhythmia Database , the veracity of QRS detection is 99 % . The veracity of detection of APC and PVC is also above 90 % .

  10. 目的了解射频消融术对室性期前收缩患者的健康相关生命质量(HRQOL)的影响。

    Objective To investigate the health-related quality of life ( HRQOL ) of patients with premature ventricular extrasystole ( PVE ) after radiofrequency catheter ablation ( RFCA ) .

  11. 目的:观察射频消融治疗右心室流出道室性期前收缩(VPB)的疗效。

    Objective : To observe the effect of radiofrequency catheter ablation on frequent ventricular ectopic beats originating from right ventricular outflow tract ( RVOT ) .

  12. 8例分别为频发室性期前收缩、房性期前收缩、窦性心动过缓、窦性心动过速、Ⅰ度房室传导阻滞、Q-T间期延长。

    The other 8 cases were recurrent attacks of ventricular premature beat , atrial premature beat , sinus bradycardia , sinus tachycardia , first degree atrioventricular block , lengthening of Q-T interval .

  13. 提示室性期前收缩伴原发性ST-T改变是心肌缺血受损加重所致,对早期诊断、治疗及预后判断均有一定的临床价值。

    It was suggested primary changes in ventricular extrasystole ST-T was caused by myocardial ischemia injury and its deterioration . Observations of primary changes in ventricular extrasystole ST-T and their development are of clinical value in early diagnosis , treatment and prognosis .

  14. 12导联同步动态心电图在室性期前收缩定位中的意义

    Significance of 12 leads electrocardiogram in fixing of ventricular premature beat

  15. 室性期前收缩心电图定位及形态的临床评价

    Clinical Evaluation of Children Ventricular Premature Beat Electrocardiogram Location and Morph

  16. 目的评价胺碘酮治疗室性期前收缩的临床疗效。

    Objective Appraisal amine iodoxyl treatment room premature beat clinical curative effect .

  17. 运动试验对评价室性期前收缩儿童的运动风险有重要作用。

    Exercise . Exercise test is important to the patients with ventricular premature .

  18. 有1例患者术后出现了频发室性期前收缩。

    Patients presented frequent premature ventricular beats , and disappeared after injecting ledocaine .

  19. 室性期前收缩的射频消融治疗的效果

    Effect of radio frequency ablation on ventricular extrasystole Q & A on Sex

  20. 室性期前收缩患者的血液流变学变化及其与中医证型关系的研究

    Correlation Between Blood Rheology and Chinese Medical Syndrome in Patients with Ventricular Premature Beat

  21. 缓冲神经在刺激兔下丘脑诱发室性期前收缩中的作用

    Action of buffer nerves on the ventricular extrasystoles induced by hypothalamic stimulation in rabbits

  22. 经导管射频消融治疗流出道起源室性期前收缩临床观察

    Clinical observation of ventricular ectopic beats originated from outflow tract treated with radiofrequency catheter ablation

  23. 心静平胶囊治疗冠心病室性期前收缩的临床研究

    Manila Flat Capsule Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease Before Sexual Period Contraction of Clinical Research

  24. 口服胺碘酮治疗难治性室性期前收缩68例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Treatment of 68 Cases of Refractory Ventricular Premature Systole by Oral Amiodarone

  25. 提示以上标准可作为儿童病理性室性期前收缩的重要辅助诊断指标。

    So these data could be an important complement index for diagnosis of pathologic PVBs in children .

  26. 目的评价口服胺碘酮治疗难治性室性期前收缩的疗效和安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of amiodarone on refractory ventricular premature systole and its safe .

  27. 目的:评价莫雷西嗪合用倍他乐克治疗良性室性期前收缩(室早)的疗效和安全性。

    AIM : To evaluate efficacy and safety of Moricizine combinated Batalac in benign ventricular ectopic beats .

  28. 室性期前收缩频率在阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停的冠心病者中的临床意义

    Clinical significance of ventricular premature contraction in patients with coronary artery disease combined with obstructive sleep apnea

  29. 家兔蓝斑复合核区对刺激下丘脑诱发室性期前收缩的影响

    Influence of the activity of locus coeruleus complex on the ventricular extrasystoles induced by hypothalamic stimulation in the rabbit

  30. 方法38例室性期前收缩患者,给予索他洛尔80~200mg/d,治疗4周。

    Methods 38 cases of ventricular premature contraction were given sotalol , 80-200 mg / d for 4 weeks .