
xīn fánɡ pū dònɡ
  • atrial flutter;AFl
  1. 可见Sa是心房扑动的心房音。

    The mechanism of atrial flutter atrial sounds was discussed .

  2. 探索不用Halo电极射频消融治疗典型心房扑动的方法

    The approach to radiofrequency ablation of typical atrial flutter without HALO electrode catheter

  3. 心电图P波形态变化在典型心房扑动射频消融中意义的再评价

    Reevaluation of the P wave morphology in detection of typical atrid flutter during ablation

  4. 体表心电图P波极性改变对典型心房扑动射频消融结果的评估价值

    Evaluation of the radiofrequency ablation of typical atrial flutter by change in the surface electrocardiogram P - wave polarity

  5. 一位男性凤心病患者发生了心房扑动,心电图证示房扑,F波率为300次/min,呈2:1房室传导。

    A 52-year-old male patient with rheumatic heart disease developed atrial flutter with ECG revealing atrial flutter and an atrial rate of 300 / min , 2:1 to 6:1 atrioventricular conduction .

  6. 心房扑动时,听到心房音并录下图形的报告是很少的,至今在文献中大约仅有20例。可见Sa是心房扑动的心房音。

    Audible atrial sounds ( Sa ) and their graphic recording in atrial flutter are rarely reported . Up to now about 20 such cases have been documented in the literature .

  7. 目的:探讨峡部双向阻滞在射频导管消融(RFCA)典型心房扑动(AF)中的临床意义。

    Objective : To study the clinical significance of isthmus bi directional block after radiofrequency catheter ablation ( RFCA ) of typical atrial flutter ( AF ) .

  8. 应用Carto系统标测和消融先天性心脏病术后切口性房性心动过速及心房扑动

    Ablation of postoperative " incisional " reentrant atrial tachycardia and flutter in children using the CARTO system

  9. 3例术前有典型心房扑动(AFL)发作,行右心房峡部消融实现双向阻滞。

    And all of 3 cases of typical atrial flutter ( AFL ) underwent isthmus ablation of right atrium and revealed bi-directional block .

  10. 目的探讨不用Halo电极消融典型心房扑动(AF)的方法和右心房峡部传导时间间期的意义。

    Objective : To describe the approach to radiofrequency ablation of typical Atrial flutter ( AFL ) without Halo electrode catheter and the significance of the time conducting through the inferior cava-tricuspid isthmus .

  11. 采用解剖标志法沿三尖瓣环(TA)至冠状静脉窦(CS)和CS至下腔静脉(IVC)双连线射频消融治疗5例型心房扑动(简称房扑)。

    By use of anatomy sign method which depends on the double lineations from tricuspid annulus ( TA ) to coronary sinus ( CS ) and CS to inferior vena cava ( IVC ), type ⅰ atrial flutter ( AFL ) was ablated .

  12. 目的分析逆钟向低位环折返不典型心房扑动的特点,评价CARTO标测系统对其鉴别诊断的意义。

    Objective To analysis the characteristics of counterclockwise lower loop reentry ( LLR ) atypical atrial flutter ( AFL ), and evaluate the value of 3D mapping system in the differential diagnosis of AFL .

  13. 沙丁胺醇-西替利嗪-左旋氧氟沙星联用引起心房扑动

    Atrial flutter following concomitant use of salbutamol , cetirizine and levofloxacin

  14. 典型心房扑动导管射频消融终点评价

    Evaluation the radiofrequency catheter ablation in patients with typical atrial flutter

  15. 后位峡部线性消融法治疗典型心房扑动

    Posterior isthmus liner radiofrequency catheter ablation of typical atrial flutter

  16. 普通型心房扑动的新现象

    New Electrophysiologic Phenomena in Patients With Common type Atrial Flutter

  17. 射频导管消融术治疗老年人心房扑动的临床研究

    Clinical Evaluation of Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation Treating Atrial Flutter in Elderly Patients

  18. 房性心动过速、心房扑动均转为窦性心律。

    Both atrial tachycardia and atrial flutter turned to be sinus rhythm .

  19. 阵发性心房扑动-心房颤动电生理检查和射频消融治疗

    Electrophysiological properties and the effect of ablation on paroxysmal atrial flutter-fibrillation patients

  20. 高度房间传导阻滞进展至心房扑动:1例前瞻性随访病例

    Progression of advanced interatrial block to atrial flutter : A prospectively-followed case

  21. 小儿心房扑动和心房颤动的特点

    Characteristics of Atrial Flutter and Atrial Fibrillation in Children

  22. 右房峡部传导特性与心房扑动诱发的关系

    The Relationship Between Unidirectional Block in Right Atrium Isthmus and Induced Atrial Flutter

  23. 阵发性不纯性心房扑动诱发7.5s全心停搏1例

    A case of 7.5 s whole heart arrest triggered by paroxysmal atrial flutter

  24. 兔的心房扑动模型

    An ideal model of atrial flutter in the rabbit

  25. 心房扑动射频线性消融时局部电图改变的临床价值

    The Clinical Value of Local Electrogram in Ablation Electrodes

  26. 典型心房扑动射频消融术后心房颤动的发生率及其危险因素

    Atrial Fibrillation and Its Determinants after Radiofrequency Ablation of Chronic Common Atrial Flutter

  27. 不纯心房扑动发生机制的心内电生理探讨

    Intracardiac electrophysiological study of mechanism of impure atrial flutter

  28. 右房射频消融术治疗心房扑动

    Radiofrequency Ablation of Atrial Flutter in Right Atrium

  29. 三尖瓣环传导时间在确定典型心房扑动消融终点中的价值

    Determination of ablative end-point for typical atrial flutter by tricuspid valve annulus conductional time

  30. 射频导管消融典型心房扑动和手术疤痕折返性房性心动过速共存一例

    Radiofrequency catheter ablation for one case with typical atrial flutter and incisional atrial tachycardia