
xīn qíng shū chàng
  • Feel good;enjoy ease of mind;east-windy;be free from anxiety;be happy as the day is long;be of good cheer
心情舒畅 [xīn qíng shū chàng]
  • [east-windy;enjoy ease of mind] 无忧无虑的,无所恐惧的

心情舒畅[xīn qíng shū chàng]
  1. 他心情舒畅,对前途很有信心。

    His mind was at ease and he felt confident in the future .

  2. 我只要能看见你们心情舒畅,也就十分高兴了。

    I 'm certainly pleased to see you looking more cheerful .

  3. 你的话语使我心情舒畅。

    What you have said makes me feel completely at ease .

  4. 范妮多少天来从没这样心情舒畅过。

    Fanny had not felt so comfortable for days and days .

  5. 根据近藤先生的说法,微笑可以立即使你心情舒畅。

    According to kondo , smiling immediately makes you feel better .

  6. 如果你感到烦恼,做些可以让自己心情舒畅的事。

    If you 're frustrated , do something nice for yourself .

  7. 我跑完长跑后疲乏极了。他的双腿很疲乏,但心情舒畅。

    His legs were weary , but his mind was at ease .

  8. 馆员只有心情舒畅,自身潜能才能充分发挥。

    Only when libraries are happy , can their potentials are exerted .

  9. 然而一种人心情舒畅,而另一种人却满腹惆怅。

    one becomes happy , while the other becomes miserable .

  10. 这样会使你的心情舒畅,眼界更开阔。

    This will make your ease of mind , a broader vision .

  11. 啊,园中漫步可以是我们心情舒畅,身体健康。

    Oh , walking in the park can make us happy and healthy .

  12. 谢谢你,赫伯特!我心情舒畅地说。

    ' Thank you , Herbert !' I said , feeling much better .

  13. 第二天早上阳光明媚,我们也就觉得心情舒畅些了。

    The next morning was sunny , and we were much more cheerful .

  14. 和她谈过话后,他心情舒畅。

    After talking to her , he is in a good state of mind .

  15. 汤姆?索亚心情舒畅地回了家。舒肝和胃汤治疗胆汁反流性胃炎86例

    Treating 86 Cases of Bile Reflux Gastritis in Smooth Liver and Stomach Regulating Decoction

  16. 他总那么和善有趣,会使我心情舒畅的。

    He is always kind and jolly , and will put me to rights .

  17. 第二天一早,玛格丽特心情舒畅,马宏升回到家中让她很高兴。

    The next morning Margaret was relaxing , happy to have Sean back home .

  18. 今天,你有打算生活愉快,心情舒畅吗?

    Are you going to live happily today ?

  19. 我站起来,抖抖毛,因为睡足了觉而心情舒畅。

    I stand up , fluff the hair , mood because of enough sleep .

  20. 那里总是阳光明媚,空气也很清新,令人心情舒畅。

    There was always sunshine and fresh air , which made us so comfortable .

  21. 泡在浴缸中使我心情舒畅。

    Soaking in the bath relaxes me .

  22. 表示心情舒畅精神愉快的是哪个成语?

    Which idiom describes a carefree spirit ?

  23. 所以,只要吃一点巧克力就可以使你心情舒畅,感觉良好。

    So a little chocolate will actually improve your mood and make you feel better .

  24. 心情舒畅将能充分补偿你可能遭受到的任何损失。

    The ease of mind will more than compensate for any loss you may incur .

  25. 无论发生什么,我那乐观的朋友总是保持心情舒畅。

    EXAMPLE : My optimistic friend is always chim no matter what happens to him .

  26. 我们的心情舒畅的时候!

    When our heart goes boom !

  27. 永远四季如春,春光洋溢,令人心情舒畅愉悦。

    Never like spring all year round , spring filled , it 's feeling good pleasure .

  28. 我的心情舒畅。

    My mind 's at ease .

  29. 鸟儿在枝头欢快地歌唱着,唱得人心情舒畅;

    The birds singing merrily in the branches , and ease of mind of people sing ;

  30. 运用心理平衡原则创造医务人员心情舒畅的良好氛围。

    The mental balance principle is used to create a better environment for the stuffs to work .