
  • 网络Behavior Science Management;behavior scientific management;Management as a Behavioral Science;Behavioural Science for Management
  1. 行为科学管理理论对企业和政府管理做出了杰出贡献。

    The behavioral science management theory managed to the enterprise and the government has made the brilliant contribution .

  2. 企业文化是在现代化大生产和市场经济发展基础上形成和发展起来的一种管理思想和理论,它是在经验主义管理、科学管理和行为科学管理的基础上逐步产生的、最新的管理理论。

    Corporate culture is shaped and developed on the bases of modern batch-production and market economy . It comes up as a new kind of management theories after the theories of experience management , science management and behavior management .

  3. 国际企业文化理论兴起于20世纪80年代初,它克服了以往古典管理理论、行为科学管理理论、管理丛林理论的不足,导致了西方企业界一场意义深刻的革命。

    The theory of foreign enterprise culture originated in the early 1980s . It overcame the limitations of classical management theory , behaviour science management theory , management jungle theory and led to a profound revolution in western enterprises .

  4. 管理生态学是在西方管理学的发展经过了古典管理理论、行为科学管理理论、管理丛林管理理论之后,目前管理学界和管理哲学界正在研究的一个新课题。

    Management ecology , is a new subject for the management circles and management philosophy circles after management theory went through the following theories : " Classic Management Theory " " Behavior-Science Management Theory " and " Jungle Management Theory " .

  5. OA的知识领域覆盖了行为科学、管理科学、社会学、系统工程学等学科,并且体现了多学科之间的相互交叉、相互渗透性。

    The knowledge field of OA covers the actionable science , management science , sociology , systems engineering and so on , and reflects the cross-cutting and mutual penetration between subjects .

  6. 行为科学与管理会计研究

    A Study on Behavioral Science and Management Accounting

  7. 如何对游客环境行为进行科学管理,是森林公园管理者面临的一道难题。

    How to conduct scientific management to tourists ' environmental behavior is a difficult problem faced by Forest Park managers .

  8. 行为科学作为管理科学的基础之一,它的发展,为科技教育和经济社会发展带来了新的推动。

    As one part of the basis of management science , action science promotes science , technology and economic society development .

  9. 而基于行为科学的管理学中的激励理论则通过对一般人性的分析,提出应该设计使公司经营管理者达到心理满足的激励机制。

    The incentive theory of based on behavior science management through an analysis of general human nature , points out that it should design the incentive mechanism that enable the company 's administrator reach the psychology meets to put forward .

  10. 基于行为科学、管理心理学中有关工作满意感的研究理论与成果,运用问卷调查法、访谈法对我国120名赛艇运动员的训练满意感现状及影响训练满意感的主要因素进行了研究。

    Based on research theory and achievements of behavioral science and managing psychology concerning about satisfaction on accomplishment , and using the method of questionnaire investigation and interview , this paper made study on condition and key factors affecting our rowing athletes training satisfaction .

  11. 弱化政府行为,实现科学管理;

    Weakening governmental activities , realizing scientific management ;

  12. 浅谈行为科学在成本管理中的应用

    On Application of Behaviour Science to Cost Supervision

  13. 借鉴行为科学做好企业管理工作

    Using behavior science make enterprise management perfect

  14. 市场营销学是一门建立在经济科学,行为科学和现代管理理论基础之上的应用学科。

    Marketing is a application discipline which is on the basic of economic , behavior and modern management theory .

  15. 市场营销学是一门建立在经济科学、行为科学、现代管理理论基础之上的应用科学,是专门研究如何赚钱的学问。

    The science of marketing is an applied science built on economic science , behavioral science and modem management theory .

  16. 浅谈行为科学与现代学校管理艺术

    Tentatively on the Science of Behavior vs. Modern School Management

  17. 研究交通行为是科学规划与管理交通系统的基础。

    Modeling travel behavior constitutes the basis of planning and managing transportation systems .

  18. 基于行为科学的组织安全管理方案模型

    Behavior Based Model for Organizational Safety Management

  19. 应用行为科学理论强化医院管理工作

    Apply Behavioral Theories and Strengthen Hospital Administration

  20. 浅谈行为科学在特区企业管理中运用的可行性

    An Initial Study of the Feasibility for Applying Behaviorist Science to the Management of SEZ Enterprise

  21. 本文采用文献综述法,对高校交叉学科建设的相关理论进行了梳理,并基于组织理论中的权变理论、组织生命周期理论以及行为科学理论、系统管理理论、管理过程理论构建了团队建设研究框架。

    Use contingency theory , organizational life cycle theory , behavioral science theory , systems management theory , the theory of the management process to build the framework of team-building research from the perspective of organization theory .

  22. 城市道路交通状态的完整获取、准确/实时评价和预测是准确把握城市道路交通系统行为、科学制定交通管理决策和充分发挥交通设施潜能的基础。

    The complete acquisition , accurate / real-time evaluation and prediction of urban road traffic state , is the foundation to grasp accurate behaviours of urban road traffic system , make scientific decisions of traffic management , and make full use of traffic facilities .

  23. 本文第一章详细分析了收益最大化理论、委托代理理论、战略管理理论、行为科学理论、系统管理理论、权变管理理论与业绩评价的关系。

    This paper includes five sections . Firstly , The relations between corporate performance evaluation system and relevant theories such as income maximizing theory , agency theory , strategy management theory , behavioral science theory , system management theory , power changing managing theory and accomplishment evaluation have been discussed .

  24. 在教育行政研究中引入组织行为学的概念框架和认识方法可以推动教育行政研究的科学化和具体化,使教育行政研究与更一般的行为科学和管理科学进行对接。

    The conceptual framework and research methodology of organizational behavior - istics is helpful in providing insights for educational administration study .