
  1. WTO与我市纺织服装行业人才战略

    WTO and Strategy on the Talent in Textile Clothing Industry of Our City

  2. 本文以卫生行业人才评价为背景,主要研究如何在J2EE平台上实现专业人才评价的全过程应用。

    The paper covers a complete application process of professional talent evaluation on J2EE platform for a health professional evaluation project in which iteration and increment are utilized .

  3. 应用模型对实际算例的求解结果表明:Markov-chain预测模型及算法,叙述简洁、运算方便,为高等院校教师人才流动,乃至其他行业人才流动的预测提供了一种新的、有效的思路和方法。

    Operation result indicates that the Markov-chain forecasting model and the algorithm is succinct and convenient , which offers a new idea for forecasting the trend of talents flowage in organizations .

  4. 建设银行xx分行是中国建设银行一个特殊的分支机构,主要原因在于xx地区是一个少数名族地区,地广人稀,人口总体素质比较差,各行业人才相对匮乏,人才的引进也很困难。

    Construction bank xx branch is China construction bank a special branch , the main reason lies in xx region is a the minority areas , sparsely populated , population overall quality is poorer , each profession fewer talented people , talent introduce is very difficult also .

  5. 河南煤炭行业人才发展问题研究

    Study on the Human Resources Development in the Henan Coal Industry

  6. 问题与对策:关于煤炭行业人才队伍建设的思考

    Reflections on the Buildup of Talented Personnel in Coal Industry

  7. 论新疆煤炭行业人才培养的重要性与紧迫性

    On the Personnel Training 's Importance and Urgency in Coal Industry in Xinjiang

  8. 从造纸业的发展趋势看行业人才问题

    To look at problems in profession talents from the developmental tendency of paper industry

  9. 神话1行业人才发掘者积极寻找能够发展的歌手和音乐家。

    Myth 1 Industry talent scouts actively look for singers and musicians to develop .

  10. 江苏省装饰行业人才需求分析

    Demands in Decoration Talents in Jiangsu Province

  11. 对珠宝首饰行业人才的需求状况进行了分析。

    The talent requirement is analyzed .

  12. 随着工业化和信息化时代的到来,软件行业人才流失日趋频繁。

    With the coming of information and industrialization age , software industry experienced a serious brain-drain .

  13. 拓展教学思路培养复合型服装行业人才

    Opening out the thoughts of teaching and training the compound qualified personnel for the clothes industry

  14. 解决煤炭行业人才短缺问题之我见

    Tackling the Problem of Personnel Shortage

  15. 这使得中国房地产行业人才结构和人才组成也逐渐发生了巨大变化。

    This transform makes the Chinese real estate industry personnel structure and personnel composition has changed dramatically .

  16. 宁波市行业人才集聚度与贡献率关系实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between the Aggregation Degree and Contribution Rate for Industry Professionals in Ningbo

  17. 煤炭行业人才需求状况及对策研究报告

    The State of the Demands for Specialized Personnel in Coal Industry and Measures to be Taken : A Research Report

  18. 以浙江省宁波市统计资料为依据,实证了行业人才集聚度与贡献率之间的关系。

    This article investigates the relationship between industrial talent aggregation degree and contribution rate based on statistical data of Ningbo city .

  19. 未来哪些行业人才需求量最大,哪些职业最有“钱途”?

    Money Magazine offers an encouraging look at the future with a list of industries that are expecting the most job growth .

  20. 究其原因,最主要的是由于湖南省煤炭行业人才严重缺乏和从业人员整体文化素质偏低。

    The most important reason is the serious lack of qualified personnel and the low cultural quality level of the overall employees .

  21. 为适应新形势、新任务对证券期货行业人才工作提出的更高要求。

    In order to adapt to the new situation and new tasks to securities and futures industry put forward higher requirements of personnel .

  22. 船舶结构强度是衡量船舶安全与否的重要指标之一,也是一代代船舶行业人才不断研究的重要课题。

    Ship structure strength is one of the most important indexes of ship security , and it is a important task which studied by generations people .

  23. 内容摘要:旅游业已经成为21世纪中国的朝阳产业,旅游业的蓬勃发展促使行业人才的需求大量增加。

    Tourist trade already becomes Chinese sunrise industry of 21 centuries , the tourist trade flourish develops to urge industry talented person need great quantity to increase by .

  24. 通过对建筑装饰行业人才需求及技术人才培养的市场规模和市场发展趋势的分析得出项目市场可行的结论。

    Architectural decoration industry demand for qualified personnel and technical personnel training , market size and market trend analysis to draw the possible conclusion of the project market .

  25. 第四章分别从学校、学生和教学企业方面分析了教学企业对行业人才培养的作用。

    In chapter four , author describes the role of teaching enterprises on trained personnel in particular trades on the level of schools , students and teaching enterprises .

  26. 接下来的10年,低成本工作加速流向国外,融入了信息技术(it)和研究等行业人才的全球化。

    What began as the exodus of low-cost work accelerated over the next 10 years into the globalisation of talent in sectors such as information technology and research .

  27. 这一在按劳取酬的基础之上制定的佣金管理机制,加快了各行业人才进入保险业的步伐。

    The commission management mechanism which formulates above the compensation according to amount of work foundation , sped up various professional talented persons to enter the insurance industry steps .

  28. 两个月之后,华晨宝马宣布向沈阳市教育局捐款25万元,用于沈阳市汽车行业人才培养及软硬件设施建设。

    Two months later , BMW Brilliance announced to make another donation of rmb250000 to Shenyang Education Bureau for the training of personnel working in Shenyang Auto Industry and construction of facilities .

  29. 军事技术的进步对军事人才的素质提出更高的要求,而随着市场经济体制的确立,国内各行业人才竞争的激烈态势已经不可阻挡。

    The development of military technology demands higher quality to military personnel . As the establishment of the market economy system , the intense competition of talents in domestic has been unstoppable momentum .

  30. “三化”指经常化、制度化、规范化的上海交通行业人才资源开发的工作机制、政策体系、配置制度和信息服务体系。

    By the year 2005 , its operation mechanism , policy-making system , resource allocation system and information service system are supposed to achieve a situation in which they are regularized , systemized , and standardized .