
  • 网络administrative level;administrative ranking;administrative ranks;executive level
  1. 作为战略要地的寿昌军,文武并用,因行政级别的上升,地方官员的重视,官学屡次增修,规模不断扩大。

    Shouchang Jun as a strategic location , civil and military , the rise of the administrative level , the attention of local officials , government schools , repeatedly upgrading and expanding .

  2. 调查内容包括一般状况、机构性质、行政级别、经营管理模式、机构人员数量、技术人员数量及人才结构、采血量等。

    The survey covers the total condition , quality of organization , administrative level , management mode , quantity of staff , quantity of medical technicians , talent structure and amount of blood collection .

  3. 这两个饼图比较的是ABC公司2000年1月至2007年1月七年间男女员工在行政级别上的比例状况。

    The two pie charts compare the proportion of male and female employees working in executive positions in ABC Company over a span of7 years from Jan.2000 to Jan.2007 .

  4. 行政级别影响员工的职业倦怠。

    Administration rank had effect on employees ' job burnout .

  5. 取消企业行政级别。

    2 , canceling corporation ad ministerial level .

  6. 不同工龄的基层党政干部在社会取向、成就取向和人际取向上存在显著的差异;(7)不同行政级别的基层党政干部在钱权取向和人际取向上存在显著差异;

    The grassroots level leaders ' society orientation and relationship orientation have significant differences in age .

  7. 目前最具影响力的分类标准就是高校隶属部门的行政级别。

    At present , the official and most authoritative classification standard is attached to the departmental administrative grade .

  8. 我手下的所有员工,最高使命是把银行经营得更好,而不是提高他们在政府中的行政级别。

    All my managers are expected to make the bank better , not to improve their administrative positions in the government .

  9. 结果不同经济水平与不同行政级别的地区,妊娠合并心脏病的发生率有显著差异。

    Results : The prevalence of pregnancy with heart disease was significant difference between different level and economic level s area .

  10. 企业家的社会价值在于使其从行政级别中剥离出来,确立其特殊阶层的社会地位;

    The social value of the entrepreneurs lies in the establishment of their special status which is isolated from their executive ranks ;

  11. 对于管理能力不强的公司,尤其是行政级别管理能力不强的公司,大多数风险资本家是不会投资的

    " Most venture capitalists will not invest in a company lacking strong management , particularly at the chief executive officer level "

  12. 五种激励类型在性别、年龄、工作年限、行政级别和地区等变量上表现出一定的差异;

    The five types of motivation are different in such variables as sex , age , working years , administrative rank and area .

  13. 市场经济力量(如城市的自我融资能力)和以再分配的方式获取资源(行政级别的影响)都对城市的发展起作用。

    Both the market forces ( such as the ability of self-financing ) and gaining resources by redistribution ( impacts of hierarchy ) work .

  14. 研究结果表明,体制内单位职工尤其是行政级别较高的单位职工获得了更多的住房利益;

    The findings reveal that hose employees who work in state-owned enterprises especially those who have higher administrative ranks have obtained more housing benefits ;

  15. 社会网络中强关系增加了职业获得的成功机会;在求职中提供帮助的关键人具有一定行政级别,求职就越容易成功。

    Strong ties strength the success opportunity . And higher level the key person who affords some help to , the easier to succeed in job-hunting .

  16. 文章分析了当前我国企业管理方面存在的主要问题,探讨了社会主义市场经济条件下我国国有企业管理的新框架:1.取消国有企业的行政级别,实施政企分离;2选聘专业管理者进行管理;

    This paper analyzes the main problems of enterprise management in China at present , discusses the new framework of enterprise management under socialist market economic conditions .

  17. 乌克兰政府已启动协调机制,应对迅速变化的局势,包括协调各行政级别的应对计划。

    The Government of the Ukraine has activated coordination mechanisms to respond to the rapidly evolving situation , including the harmonization of response plans across all administrative levels .

  18. 地方政府门户网站是指中央政府门户网站以外的其他所有行政级别的政府门户网站。

    According to the administrative levels , the Local Government Portal is divided , including all the other government portals of administrative levels , expect the central government portal .

  19. 通过合理的股权设置,使有着行政级别的国企领导人变成了真正的企业家,建立了卓有成效的激励控制机制;

    Set up through the rational stock right , make the leader of state-owned enterprise with the administrative rank become a real entrepreneur , have set up fruitful encouragement controlling mechanism ;

  20. 推广政府购买服务,引入竞争机制。逐步取消公办事业单位的行政级别,建立各类事业单位统一登记管理制度。

    Competition must be introduced and strengthened in the government 's purchase of services . Gradually abrogate the administrative rank of publicly funded organizations and set up a registration mechanism for such organizations .

  21. 将鉴定机构从侦查部门中分离出来,并将其行政级别提升至与侦查部门相同,以有效抵制侦查部门可能施加的不良影响。

    To separate the authentication institution from investigation organs and to raise its administrative level as same as investigation organs , will be effectively resist the adverse effects that may be imposed by investigation organs .

  22. 但是,纵观晚近数十年贪污受贿犯罪发案状况可以发现:一方面该罪发案数、涉案金额和涉案人行政级别屡破纪录;

    But , we can find from the case arising status in the lately decades , that is , one side , the case arising rates , related money amounts and the civil levels constantly broke the record .

  23. 对成都市收费公路进行充分调查的基础上,从行政级别和技术级别分类出发,对成都市收费还贷公路的现状和特点进行了分析,就其存在的问题进行了探讨。

    Based on an overall investigation of Chengdu toll highways , present situation and characteristics of return-loan toll highways were comprehensively analyzed from the point of view of administrative rank and technological rank , and its existing problems were discussed .

  24. 行政诉讼级别管辖制度之完善&基于行政诉讼目的的角度

    Perfect the System of Level Administrative Litigation Jurisdiction & Based on the aim of administrative litigation jurisdiction

  25. 在很多没有联邦政策但是可能有次级行政区级别政策的国家,同样存在这种情况。

    This may also be true in many countries that do not have a federal policy but may have policies the sub-jurisdictional level .

  26. 按照行政诉讼法级别管辖的规定,我国绝大多数的行政案件都由基层人民法院管辖。

    According to China 's administrative litigation level of jurisdiction , the grass-roots people 's courts jurisdict the vast majority of Administrative cases .

  27. 众议院可能于今天对有关退伍军人的一个法案进行投票,该法案授予退伍军人事务部长更大的权力,可以解雇或者降低高级行政官员的级别。

    The House could vote today on a bill that would give the Veterans Affairs Secretary more power to fire or demote senior executives .

  28. 而历史期海南岛区域文化的发展进度则与反映中央王朝重视程度的行政建置的级别、深入岛内实质管理的辖区大小等要素紧密相关。

    In historic period , there were high relations between the development of culture in Hainan Island and the rank of administrative regionalization as well as the acreage of real management .

  29. 对大型医用设备实行规划管理,并按卫生行政部门不同级别及大型医用设备不同品目,分别实行分级分类管理。

    To the large-scale medical equipment implements programming management , and judge differently according to different ranks of administrative department of hygiene and large - scale medical equipment , manage the classification separately .

  30. 白宫办公厅是,最高级别的政府机关,而办公厅主任是,美国总统行政办公室,级别最高的官员。

    The Office of the White House Chief of Staff is the highest office , and the Chief of Staff is the highest ranking member of the executive office of the president of the United States .