
shì nèi zhuānɡ huánɡ
  • interior decoration
  1. 本公司承接室内装潢设计业务,设计完美一流。

    Our company undertakes first class designing for interior decoration .

  2. 本课结束,你将能够表达关于室内装潢的观点。

    By the end of this lesson , you will be able to express your opinions regarding interior decoration .

  3. 从今天TheModern优雅的室内装潢和华丽的丹麦式餐具中,可以明显看出迈耶对细节的鉴赏能力,这是他在十几岁时就开始培养起来的。

    The eye for detail Meyer developed as a teenager is evident today in The Modern 's elegant decor and classy Danish cutlery .

  4. 文中研究并实现了基于虚拟现实和Java技术相结合的室内装潢模型。

    This text studied and implemented the upholstery model based on the technology of virtual reality and Java .

  5. 玛丽莎•余(MarissaYu)是休斯敦建筑工程公司PageSoutherlandPage的室内装潢主管,她在一个嘈杂的办公室里办公,近乎全开放式的办公环境中有120个同事环绕在她的周围。

    Marissa Yu works in a busy office , surrounded by 120 co-workers in a mostly open space .

  6. 当Lynette读着经济版的时候,Gabrielle计划着秋季收购。Bree考虑着室内装潢的点子。

    and while Lynette read the business section , and Gabrielle studied the fall collections , and Bree searched for decorating ideas

  7. [结论]室内装潢涂料的毒性:溶剂型涂料大于水性涂料,且毒性大小与涂料中的TVOC含量有关。

    [ Conclusion ] Toxicity of the organic solvent coating is higher than that of the aqueous coating , and was related to the TVOC values .

  8. 室内装潢师斯蒂芬·西尔斯和詹姆斯·胡尼福特(JamesHuniford)在20世纪90年代中期首次引起轰动,当时卡尔·拉格菲尔德称他们的乡间住宅是“美国最漂亮的房子”。西尔斯几年前和胡尼福特分道扬镳。

    The decorators Stephen Sills and James Huniford first made a splash in the mid-1990s , when Karl Lagerfeld declared their country home " the chicest house in America . " Sills , who parted ways with Huniford a few years ago ,

  9. 通过44种室内装潢涂料急性吸入毒性和总挥发性有机物(TVOC)含量的测试,验证上述测试及评价方法的科学性和可行性。

    The acute inhalation toxicity and total Volatile Organic Compounds ( TVOC ) were identified for44 species in6 categories of indoor coating , verifying the method of the measurement and assessment .

  10. 公司图片JCH是澳大利亚和美国的合资企业,生产的成品,包括室内装潢躺椅,沙发,盖袋。

    JCH is an Australia and America based joint venture , the manufacturer of finished upholstery including recliners , sofa and cover kits .

  11. 44种室内装潢涂料急性吸入毒性及检测方法

    Method for Examining Acute Inhalation Toxicity of 44 Species of Indoor Coating

  12. 用于地毯和室内装潢的柔软的混合纤维。

    A thick velvety synthetic fabric used for carpets and soft upholstery .

  13. 你知道它是谁设计的又是谁做室内装潢吗?

    You know who designed it , who the interior decorator was ?

  14. 虚拟现实技术在室内装潢中应用的研究

    Study of Application in Upholstery Method Based on Technology of Virtual Reality

  15. 或者,一位室内装潢师会去如何改善一辆汽车。

    Or how a interior designer would improve a car .

  16. 我们被这所公寓的精致的室内装潢设计吸引。

    We are fascinated by the delicate interior design of the apartment .

  17. 洛可可式室内装潢那种精致的灰色和银色。

    The subtle greys and silvers of the Rococo interior .

  18. 室内装潢、装饰污染的危害及其预防控制

    Prevention and Control on hazard of indoor air pollution

  19. 以斯和她的室内装潢师购物去了。

    Esther went out shopping with her interior decorator .

  20. 用于衣服和室内装潢的有绫纹的纤维。

    A ribbed fabric used in clothing and upholstery .

  21. 绘制室内装潢施工详图及材料与色彩资料。

    Make a detailed constructional drawing of interior decoration , material and colors .

  22. 用于窗帘和室内装潢的厚实的编织而成的纺织品。

    A heavy textile with a woven design ; used for curtains and upholstery .

  23. 我们必须找一家室内装潢公司来整修厨房。

    We will need to find an interior decorating company to redo the kitchen .

  24. 用室内装潢用清洁剂清除任何表面的污渍。

    Remove any surface stains with upholstery cleaner .

  25. 她有一个室内装潢公司,专门为宾夕法尼亚州海军的军舰制作旗帜。

    She had an upholstery business which made flags for navy ships in Pennsylvania .

  26. 一个很窄的近似于机织的带子;可用于室内装潢或作椅带。

    A narrow closely woven tape ; used in upholstery or for seat belts .

  27. 那么她是室内装潢师吗?

    She 's an interior decorator , then ?

  28. 由马毛或骆驼毛制成的衣服纤维;用于室内装潢或衣服变硬。

    Cloth woven from horsehair or camelhair ; used for upholstery or stiffening in garments .

  29. 如果顶部有麻点,对室内装潢将带来很大的不利影响。

    If the top segment , the interior decorating will have a great negative impact .

  30. 你是一位求职者,不是吹毛求疵的室内装潢设计师。

    You 're here as a job candidate , not as a super-critical interior decorator .