- stellar spectrum

According to the algorithm of attribute reduction , auto-classification system about stellar spectrum data is designed and implemented through using Visual FoxPro 6.0 , which automatically extract rules from stellar spectrum .
Wavelength of spectral lines in a stellar spectrum is always shifted caused by Doppler effects . By measuring the values of shifts , radial velocity of a star could be calculated .
This paper introduces an efficient method of automated classification of stellar spectra based on the principal component analysis ( PCA ) .
Automatic Classification of Stellar Spectra Using SOFM Method
In the end , the RSFPA algorithm is validated by using star spectrum data as experiment data .
The preliminary experimental results based on SDSS star spectrum data show that the system is workable for outlier mining of celestial body spectrum data , and a new kind of effective way of finding unknown and peculiar celestial body spectrum data .
Using a library of spectra of 144 stars observed in the range 8000-8670 A , we have made a population synthesis of mean and individual spectra of 57 giant E / SO galaxies ( MB < - 21 ) .
Third , on the basis of above , the mining system of classification rules for star spectra data based on constrained concept lattice are designed and realized by using VC + + 6.0 and Oracle 9i as development tools .
This paper uses spectral data of ELODIE spectrum library , which are preprocessed to normalize the continuous spectrum and eliminate the singular data . Then three main atmospheric parameters are extracted from the preprocessed spectral data .
The transition coefficients and source function for stellar spectral line
Interrelation analysis of star optical spectra based on association rule
Stellar Spectral Recognition Based on Wavelet De-Noising and SVM
A PCA Based Efficient Stellar Spectra Classification Method
An Automated Stellar Spectra Classification System Based on Non-Parameter Regression and Nearest Neighbor Method
The preliminary experimental results show the system is workable for stellar spectra data classification .
The historical retrospect of physical mechanisms of spectral lines broadening in stars is presented .
In practice the identification of lines in a star 's spectrum is not so easy .
So it is necessary to seek new theories to explain the spectral lines broadening of stars .
In chap. 19 we saw that red shifts in stellar spectra result from motions away from the earth .
In order to analyze the effect of color temperature in star sensor , the model of stellar spectrum was presented in this paper .
If you see , in the spectrum of a planet host star , if you see strange chemical elements , it can be a signal from a civilization which is there and they want to signal about it .
Spectra contain important informations about celestial bodies . Extraction of the atmospheric physical parameters of stars through the stellar spectra is a basic work in astronomy . The study of stellar spectra of the celestial bodies plays an important role .
Stellar spectra are characterized by obvious absorption lines or absorption bands , while those with emission lines are usually special stars such as Cataclysmic Variable stars ( CVs ), HerbigAe / Be etc. The further study of this kind of spectra is meaningful .
The document issued by the notary public declares Duran to be the " owner of the Sun , a star of spectral typeG2 , located in the centre of the solar system , located at an average distance from Earth of about 149600000 kilometres . "
If the stellar spectrum is known , the albedo of the dust can be obtained .
Finally , the experiments with celestial body spectra as the formal context validate the proposed algorithm .
Stellar spectra vary considerably .
And if you were looking at the spectrum of some other star , the colors would be the same .
The analysis of starlight with the spectrograph has provided information on the distances , temperatures , sizes , and notions of the stars .
From the spectra of galaxies , we can get their distance , composition , distribution and motion etc. From the stellar spectra , their distribution , motion , luminosity , temperature and its chemical composition etc. can be obtained .