
  • 网络stellar mass
  1. 对于给定形态的星系,在给定光度(或恒星质量)处其大小的分布较好的遵从一对数正态函数,因此可由其中值R和弥散σ(lnR)两个参数加以定量描述。

    For each type of galaxy , the size distribution at given luminosity ( or stellar mass ) is well described by a log-normal function , characterized by its median R and dispersion InR .

  2. 此外还确认了团星系的金属丰度与恒星质量之间的相关性,并推断星系团Abell2255是在单个星系形成后,经过引力相互作用而形成的,这一结果支持了等级成团理论。

    The correlation between metallicity and stellar mass of cluster galaxies is also confirmed . It is concluded that galaxy cluster Abell 2255 is formed by the gravitational interaction after the individual galaxies are formed , which supports the hierarchical model of cluster formation .

  3. 星体经过物质抛射后,核能耗尽的恒星质量超过3M⊙,则此星体将继续坍缩成黑洞。

    After the process of matter ejection stellar body will continue collapsing into black hole if the mass of the nuclear-energy-exhausted star is more than 3 MQ .

  4. 这个新发现的天体叫做HLX-1,是首个显示为中等质量的黑洞,介于恒星质量的黑洞和超大质量的黑洞之间。

    The newly discovered object , called HLX-1 , is the first to show an intermediate weight between stellar-mass and supermassive black holes .

  5. 这些小黑洞因为仅仅拥有几个太阳的质量而被称为“恒星质量黑洞”。

    Containing several times the mass of our sun , these are called stellar-mass black holes .

  6. 小质量黑洞也被称为恒星质量的黑洞,是巨型恒星爆炸后的残骸。

    Small black holes also known as stellar-mass black holes form as the relics of giant exploding stars .

  7. 通常如果恒星质量不大,大多数气体燃烧消耗,部分气体则会逃逸。

    Usually if the star is small in mass , most of the gases will be consumed while some of it escapes .

  8. 恒星的质量上限(3)有一定的精确度。

    The Upper Mass Limit of Stars ( 3 ) Satisfactory accuracy is obtainable .

  9. 对给定恒星初始质量情况,较高的金属丰度有利于铅元素的核合成。

    At a given mass , the higher metallicity favors the nucleosynthesis of Pb .

  10. 我们只是需要更多的数据来确定恒星的质量减少率。

    We simply need more data to determine the mass loss rate of stars .

  11. 要弄懂普通恒星的质量为什么要受到限制并不难。

    It is not hard to see why normal stars should be limited in mass .

  12. 关于区域恒星的质量上限

    The Upper Mass Limit of Stars

  13. 此外,应用多普勒频移的方法,可以发现恒星的质量。

    Furthermore , applying the Doppler shift method , one can find the mass of a star .

  14. 这两个星云的前身可能都是恒星,质量是太阳的3-5倍。

    Both nebulae are probably descended from progenitor stars around three to five times the mass of the Sun ;

  15. 不同星系之间气体的质量远比各星系内部恒星的质量要大。

    The mass of the gas between the galaxies is far greater than the mass of the stars within them .

  16. 耀星是红矮星早期演化的一个必经阶段,这个阶段的持续时间取决于恒星的质量。

    The stage of flare stars , which duration depends on the mass of the stars , is a natural stage of the early evolution for red dwarf stars .

  17. 我们选取的合理的参数,如金属产率,恒星初始质量函数等使得我们能预言星系颜色分布的双峰结构。

    Also the reasonable model parameters , such as the metal yield and the stellar initial mass function , make it possible to re-produce the observed bimodal distribution of the color-magnitude diagram .

  18. 你们现在知道,在双星系统中两颗,恒星的质量之和,你也知道。

    You know now what the sum of the mass of the two stars is in the binary system , m1r1 = m2r2 but you also know that m1 r1 is m2 r2 .

  19. 根据计算,此类恒星的质量可能是太阳质量的数百或数千倍,这些形成于宇宙大爆炸后2亿年的恒星猛烈燃烧,迅速消失。

    Such stars could have been hundreds or thousands of times as massive as the sun , according to calculations , burning brightly and dying quickly , only 200 million years after the universe began .

  20. 人们在某些双星系中发现了致密天体,分析表明这些天体的质量远远超出了广义相对论中任何一颗死亡恒星的质量极限,因而把它们确定为黑洞。

    People found compact objects in some binary systems , and identified them as black holes , because careful analysis showed that their masses are far beyond any limit accepted for dead stars in general relativity .

  21. 一个气体云自星际物质中坍缩,密度达到很高时,即形成了一个恒星。质量超过临界值时,增加着的引力将造成恒星的无限坍缩。

    A star is formed when a cloud of gas collapses from the interstellar medium toward high density . The addition of matter over this critical value would lead to the collapse of the star without limit because of the ever-increasing gravitational forces .

  22. 爆炸也许把恒星的一半质量掷到空间。

    The explosion flings out perhaps half the star 's mass into space .

  23. 这类星体只有小行星级别的体积,但有恒星级别的质量,极小的轨道,以及快得令人难以置信的自转速度。

    These asteroid-sized objects pack sunlike masses , extremely small orbits , and incredibly fast spins .

  24. 本文从理想流体、均匀密度模型解爱因斯坦场方程得到恒星的临界质量。

    In this paper , the critical mass of stars is obtained by solving Einstein 's field equations by means of the model of perfect fluid medium with uniform density .

  25. 核心坍塌是否能产生GRB的关键因素,似乎在于原来恒星临终时的质量与转动速率。

    The deciding factors for whether a core collapse produces a GRB appear to be the mass and rotation rate of the progenitor star at the time of its death .

  26. 恒星的寿命与质量大小密切相关。

    The star life and the quality size are closely related .

  27. 随着恒星绕在,质量中心转动,你能看到所有这些线,一致得移动。

    Then as the star moves around the center of mass , you see that all these lines drift in unison .

  28. 星族Ⅰ的太阳型恒星大气锂的丰度随恒星质量的减小和年龄的增大而迅速降低。

    The observations show that the lithium abundance of the solar-type stars decreases sharply with decreasing of their mass and increasing of their age .

  29. 他们研究了一颗近10万年前发生超新星的恒星,这颗恒星在消亡前质量很大。

    They studied a once-massive star that went supernova about 100000 years ago .

  30. 这颗重量级恒星颠覆了天文学家的恒星形成理论,他们认为恒星的质量存在一个最大上限。

    This heavyweight is challenging astronomers'theories of star formation , smashing through the upper limit they thought existed on star mass .