
rè bān
  • hot spot
  1. 基于PSpice的热斑现象解决方案

    Solutions of Hot Spot Problem Based on PSpice Simulation

  2. 亦因此带来更高的制动效能和防止金属热斑产生。

    Also this improves braking capacity and prevent metal hot spot .

  3. 基于Pspice的光伏组件热斑现象仿真

    A research of hot spot on PV module with Pspice

  4. 实现中心点火的基本条件是在内爆中心形成面密度0.3g/cm2,温度10keV的点火热斑。

    The basic condition required for achieving central ignition is producing a hot spot with 10 keV temperature and 0.3 g / cm ~ 2 surface density .

  5. 这些热斑就是启动的引擎。

    The heat spots are the engines starting to activate .

  6. 双极性功率晶体管稳定热斑出现过程的研究

    Study of the process of producing stable hot spots in bipolar power transistors

  7. 无导叶对转涡轮进口热斑迁移特性分析

    Numerical investigation of 3-D unsteady hot streak migration in a vaneless counter-rotating turbine

  8. 河外射电双源中相对论激波和热斑的计算分析

    Computation and analysis for relativistic shock waves and hot-spot in extragalactic double radio sources

  9. 用气膜冷却来防止热斑引起的涡轮叶片过热

    Using film cooling to keep the turbine blades from overheat induced by hot streaks

  10. 热斑的存在对涡轮级中的压力分布影响很小,但是严重影响温度场的分布。

    The location of the hot streak has a significant effect on the surface temperature distribution .

  11. 在它球状气体体积的中心看来会有一个热斑。

    A globular volume of gas will seem to have a hot shot at its center .

  12. 同时进口热斑相对导叶的位置对叶片表面温度的分布也有很大影响。

    However the presence of hot streak has little effect on the pressure distribution on the blade surface .

  13. 遮阴现象降低光伏发电系统发电效率,并且导致光伏模块产生热斑效应而缩短寿命。

    Shade reduces the efficiency of photovoltaic system and shortens the lifetime of photovoltaic modules because of hot spot .

  14. 进口热斑径向作用位置对无导叶对转涡轮低压级温度场的影响压缩器进口叶片组件

    Effects of radial location of inlet hot streak on temperature distribution in low pressure stage of a vaneless counter-rotating turbine

  15. 可自动测量热斑的温度分布及寻找热斑的最高温度区域;

    The system can automatically measure temperature distribution of thermal spots and looks for the maximum temperature region of a thermal spot .

  16. 中心热斑点火目标的实现最关键的步骤就是实现对流体力学不稳定性的控制。

    It should be clear that the goal of central hot spot ignition depends most critically on how to control the instability .

  17. 通过对不同电池片进行遮挡实验,分析得出逆电流大的电池更易产生热斑。

    Through the experiment of shaded different PV cells , we have concluded that the higher reverse current is , the easier hot-spot happens .

  18. 研究了热斑效应的成因,并结合本项目中可能会出现得热斑进行了综合分析。

    Research of the causes of the hot spot effect is done and the hot spot effect that may happen in the project is comprehensive analysis .

  19. 采用以氦气比拟热斑的实验方法和三维非定常数值计算研究了两级涡轮入口处的热斑对二级静叶通道的影响。

    Experiment with helium gas analogizing hot streak and a3D unsteady numerical investigation were conducted about the effect of hot streak on the2nd Vane in Two Stage Turbine .

  20. 肯定会有更多对这个发现的调查,因为大金字塔上半部分发现了更多热斑。

    There is sure to be more investigation of this discovery , as more heat spots have also been found along the upper half of the Great Pyramid .

  21. 在粗糙土壤地面上,当太阳辐射方向与观测方向十分接近时,观测到了热斑效应;

    Particularly , the " hot spot effect " has been observed on the rough soil surface when the view direction is very close to the sunlit direction .

  22. 一定程度的输出功率差异不仅使总输出功率减少,而且会在电池板上产生热斑效应,损害电池寿命。

    This difference may be so appreciable that not only reduce the total output power but also produce " hot spot " effect in PV cells and damage its life .

  23. 为此,我们设想了一种靶型,估计了有关的主要特征量,包括各种效率,靶丸环境温度、燃料的压缩和热斑点火等。

    For this purpose , the authors suggest a configuration of target and estimate some important characteristics , including efficiencies , environmental temperature of capsule , fuel compression and hot spot ignition etc.

  24. 计算印证了热斑会导致涡轮一级动叶压力面严重过热的结论,并显示在二级导叶上会出现与一级动叶类似的压力面过热现象。

    The simulations verify the facts of the blade pressure surface overheating induced by the hot streaks , and there is similarly effect on the increase of the guide vane pressure surface temperature .

  25. 冷热流体间的滑移速度、二次流效应和浮力效应是影响热斑迁移特性的主要因素;

    The numerical results also show that the migration characteristics of the hot streaks are predominated by the relative slip velocity between hot fluid and cold fluid , secondary flow effect and buoyancy effect .

  26. 光伏阵列中存在的故障主要是热斑现象,热斑现象不仅会影响光伏发电系统的功率输出,而且会造成安全和可靠性问题。

    Hot Spot is a main problem of PV arrays . It may not only reduce the power output of photovoltaic power generation system , but also bring about problems about security and reliability .

  27. 有人说这些热斑下有密室小通道,也有人认为热量是遗留的失落古代科技制造的。

    Some say there are small passageways beneath these heat points , which could lead to hidden chambers . Others believe that the heat is being generated by leftover ancient technology that has long been forgotten .

  28. 当涡轮进口有热斑时,热斑中的气流总温要高于周围气流温度,在通过涡轮级时,热斑中的高温气流会向转子压力面上迁移,导致转子压力面上产生热点。

    When the distribution of inlet flow temperature becomes non uniform , the inlet hotter gas in the hot streak will migrate to the pressure surface of the rotor blade and causes the hot spot on it .

  29. 创新性地提出接闪杆非对称、非等高的布置方法并根据季节及天气变化使用升降式接闪杆规避热斑效应。

    A innovative method is proposed , that is Lightning rod is asymmetric , non-high fixed up ; and according to the season and weather changes , the extendable lightning rod is used to avoid " hot spot effect " .

  30. 窑的操作人员对显示的数据加以综合判断,便可以得知窑皮是否均匀,结圈情况、窑皮或者窑衬脱落位置、热斑的范围等诸多重要信息。

    The operator of kiln will judge the showed data in order to learn many important information such as if the kiln skin is uniform , made scab , dropout position of kiln skin or liner and hot spot scope etc.