
miǎo chā jù
  • parsec;astron
秒差距[miǎo chā jù]
  1. 所以在点X和8秒差距间你一共飞行3次。

    So you 'll jump the distance between X and 8-parsecs 3 times in all .

  2. 因此,点X最近可设在3秒差距处。

    So it looks like the earliest we can place point X is at the 3-parsec mark .

  3. 你有2箱燃料放在点X,8个秒差距缓存处需留1箱燃料,

    You 'd have 2 tanks of fuel at point X , and need 1 left at the 8 parsec cache point ,

  4. 不论点X设在哪里,你会去那里两次:一次是在8秒差距缓存燃料,第二次是取走后不再回来。

    Wherever point X is , you 'll jump forward from it twice : once to deposit some fuel at the 8-parsec cache point , and a second time for good .

  5. 他说基本上星团的半径大约有2个百万秒差距。

    He said basically that clusters have radius of roughly 2 megaparsecs .

  6. 这种紧空间的目前尺度估计约为600兆秒差距的量级。

    The present size of such compact space is estimated as the order of600 Mpc .

  7. 再跳一次到达3秒差距处时,此时共有30单位燃料。

    and one more jump puts you at the 3-parsec cache with 30 total units of fuel .

  8. 但8个秒差距的位置离起点太远,无法用作缓存点;

    The 8-parsec point is too far from the start to use as a cache right away ;

  9. 因此,必须在起点和8个秒差距间找一个缓存点。

    So that means you 'll need to find a cache somewhere between the start and 8 .

  10. 飞行15秒差距耗尽了所有燃料,但你已准备与先驱空间站对接。

    A 15-parsec jump leaves you running on fumes , but ready to dock with the precursor space station .

  11. 而空间站离你有23个秒差距,而且沿途空无一物。

    But the space station is 23 parsecs away , and there 's only empty space between there and here .

  12. 你的飞船使用了超光速跳跃引擎,每行驶一个秒差距的距离,就消耗1个单位的燃料,

    Your ship 's faster-than-light jump drive consumes 1 unit of fuel for every parsec of distance it takes you ,

  13. 要完成23个秒差距的距离,那么在8个秒差距的位置,你必须有一整箱燃料。

    To reach 23 parsecs , you 'll have to leave the 8-parsec mark with a full tank of fuel .

  14. 只要沿途合理布置燃料缓存,你就有可能完成23个秒差距。

    With some strategic fuel caching along the way , you might be able to make it all 23 parsecs .

  15. 在起点位置,你有3箱燃料,在8个秒差距位置,你只需要1箱燃料。

    At the start you have exactly 3 tanks ' worth of fuel . At 8 parsecs you need exactly 1 .

  16. 15(单位燃料)除以3(趟)等于5,即两个缓存点的距离为5个秒差距。

    Since 15 units divided by 3 trips is 5 , we can place these two cache points 5 parsecs apart .

  17. 接下来,你跳到8秒差距处,扔下5单位燃料,再跳回3秒差距处。

    Next , you jump to the 8-parsec mark , drop off 5 units of fuel , and jump back to the 3-parsec mark .

  18. 跳到3秒差距处,放下9单位燃料,接着,跳3个秒差距回原点,燃料箱正好空了。

    You jump 3 parsecs , drop 9 units off at the cache point , and then jump the 3 units home , arriving with an empty tank .

  19. 再来你必须说服整个世界,你的确侦测到像这样的物质,在太阳系外行星的宿主恒星大气中,在离这里100秒差距的地方。

    And then you have to convince the whole world that you have actually detected something like this in the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet host star somewhere in100 parsec away from here .

  20. 不过,如果没有与星体或星际气体之间的相互牵引,超大质量黑洞不能靠近到能迅速走向碰撞的地步,而这种现象被称为“最后的秒差距”问题(秒差距是天文学距离单位,1秒差距等于3.26光年)。

    But without gravitational interactions with stars or interstellar gas , supermassive black holes can 't get close enough to each other to go into a rapid death spiral , a situation known as the " final parsec " problem . ( A parsec is the astronomical standard of distance , 3.26 light-years . )

  21. 这表明进入executeQuery方法的条目与从executeQuery方法退出的条目之间存在14秒的差距。

    This shows a14-second gap between the entry into the executeQuery method and the exit from the executeQuery method .

  22. 因此他以百分之一秒的差距击败了卡维奇。

    He commented on the mere one-100th of one second difference from Cavic .

  23. 巴瑞塞诺用同一圈内用0.056秒的差距,再次夺回杆位。

    But Samin took back the pole with a time of0.056 second difference in the same lap .