
tiān jí
  • celestial pole;horizon;the ends of the earth
天极 [tiān jí]
  • (1) [celestial pole]∶天球上的两点之一,在这两点周围的恒星都呈现周日运动。对于地球,地轴延长和天球相交的两点叫做天极。在北半球的叫北天极,在南半球的叫南天极

  • (2) [horizon;the ends of the earth]∶天边;天际

天极[tiān jí]
  1. 推荐有需求的网友购买,提及天极网还有进一步的价格优惠。

    The recommendation has the demand net friend purchase , mentions the celestial pole network also to have the further price preferential benefit .

  2. 这张数码合成照片的中心位置是北天极,作为天空中所有星迹圆弧的中心点,北天极很容易找到。

    Towards the middle of the above digitally stretched picture is the North Celestial Pole ( NCP ), easily identified as the point in the sky at the center of all the star trail arcs .

  3. 天极直接位于地球的地理极上面。

    Celestial poles are situated directly over the earth 's geographical poles .

  4. AP活力第1天极显著高于第20天(P<0.01),第2&5天显著高于第20天(P<0.05);

    The activities of AP in the first day were significantly higher than those on d 20 ( PO . 01 ), d 2 to d 5 were significantly higher than d 20 ( P < 0.05 ) .

  5. 相当于天极到中心的三倍那么远。

    As from the Center thrice to th ' utmost pole .

  6. 是南天极超南天极!

    It 's the South Pole . The deep South Pole !

  7. 就像是超南天极如果有的话。

    It 's like the deep South Pole if there was one .

  8. 今天对同伴或好友要耐心,因为这一天极容易出现与人的争论。

    Be patient in all your dealings with partners and close friends today .

  9. 在沙漠地带,绝大多数时间都是大晴天,下雨天极少。

    Dutchman 's breeches Sunny days predominate over rainy days in desert regions .

  10. 是超南天极?

    It 's the deep South Pole ?

  11. 天极无线已经成为中国具有影响的无线增值业务提供商之一。

    Chinabyte ( wireless ) is one of the influential wireless value-added business providers in China .

  12. 球蛋白含量在第5天和第8天均显著升高。(3)尿酸含量在第1组的第5天和第2组的第8天极显著升高。

    The uric acid content of 1st group on 5 d and 2nd group on 8 d rose significantly .

  13. 这一天极为特殊,1977年的这一天,首部“星球大战”上映。

    This is a very special date because it is the world premiere of the first Star Wars movie in 1977 .

  14. 这样,晷针的上端正好指向北天极,下端正好指向南天极。

    The upper end of the sundial points right to the North Pole , and the lower end to the South .

  15. 近似地,可以认为天极是自转轴的周日平均方向与天球的交点。

    Or approximately , it may be defined as the intersection of the diurnal mean direction of rotation axis with the celestial sphere .

  16. 浑天说还认为.天球北高南低,通过南北天极的轴旋转。

    According to the theory , the heaven was higher in the north and lower in thesouth , revoMng around a north-south axis .

  17. 文章第三部分根据网络营销学理论和服务型企业服务营销7要素分析了指导天极网校构架网络营销体系的网络整合营销策略;

    The third part analysed the practice of net integrated marketing strategy by the theory of on-line marketing and the 7 factors of service marketing .

  18. 整个铜球可以绕一根金属轴转动,转动一周代表一个昼夜。球面与金属轴相交于两点:北天极和南天极。

    The sphere is mounted by its poles ( corresponding to the celestial poles ) on a metal axis , and can rotate around it .

  19. 居住在北半球的人永远看不到接近南天极的星,而居住在南半球的人同样也看不到接近北天极的星。

    People in the northern hemisphere can never see stars near the south celestial pole , and people on the southern hemisphere can never see polaris .

  20. 赤经环与金属轴相交于两点,一点指向北天极,另一点指向南天极。

    The Chijing ring and the metal axis intersected at two points , with one pointing to the North Pole and the other to the South Pole .